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flags on Paul



So many golden Roxy moments this episode

Arima Kana

I would tackle Roxy’s labyrinth and explore her cave with my tongue right away if she ask me to tackle one with her🥵


I’m so confused so did she actually forget Rudy or what?

Casually PS

Like paul paul or lupa paul


No, she just didn't recognize him. She hasn't actually seen him since he was a little boy, when she was teaching him.


Next is about to be bad. I don't like that the title is parents

Jamie See

In the light novels she didn't realize it was him but then realized who he was.


Bro is this really all you’ve got in life? 😂 Every comment I see you make is vile. It’s just… pathetic. Seek help.

Hasnain Khan


zILovePelmeni _

Next episode will be episode of the year


Paul trying to teach Rudy about having multiple women with his swords lol 😆 😂

Omar Bautista

For a sense of time they met when Rudy is 3 and left the village at 5. And if we follow the timeline Rudy is about 15/16 and so they have been apart for 10 years minimum. Yeah I don't blame Roxy for not predicting how a child will be in 10 years

William kimura

He just isn't thinking about Roxy like that 💀 Its beyond obvious he doesn't see her in that way right now.


No she just didn't realize it was Rudy since in the light novel he looks sorta like Paul but doesn't look like young Rudy

Fernando Perez

My dumbass was making fun of Rudy for being dense enough to not catch Roxy’s hints but then the sword analogy went completely over my head on the first watch LMAO

Fernando Perez

Yeah he seems to just idolize her a lot right now which makes sense since she kinda saved him as a kid. She’s a hero to him. Like I’m convinced the whole panty worship thing isn’t even sexual to him anymore lmao


Ohh okay I just thought she acting unusually timid around him but I guess it’s cuz she likes him.


“Son, I have two swords, you should get two swords too.”


These guys about to not like certain characters after the next 2 episodes


I would of told Paul get tf out my face nigga I’m not taken love advice from you fuck out of here LMAO you should be the last nigga giving someone love advice

Uriel Batuk

8:28 So is the same for Elinalise's curse. Did something horrible happen to her, or is it a real magical curse?


I think he was 5 when she left so maybe not quite 12 years, but yeah definitely can't blame her

Tyrese Marshall

All this talk of next episode in these comments and twitter just has me fucking paranoid. I might just have to read the source to quell my mind.


Naw Paul definitely trying to show out for Rudy they already hinted that previous episode


twitter about to have a field day when it happens


Paul is a dog 😭 Why would you tell your son that when he has a pregnant wife at home and is risking his life looking for his mother? The woman you cheated on before. Like, is this really the right time for that? Did he not learn his lesson!

StorySmith []

Isn’t there that redhead too? Why not pull a one piece a go with 3 swords


There is a good thing that comes from the curse, but you gotta search for it just to be crystal clear ;)

King of New York

Finally after 3 years IRL, 12 years in-universe and like 40 episodes we get the Roxy and Rudy reunion. Also Paul is a fiend 💀 Great character but it's looking too sus I don't think he's making it. I got a feeling Rudy's gonna harem it up with Sylphie and Roxy and even add Eris to the mix when they meet again.


Honestly m8 you can't compare our values to a fantasy setting, even in the show one religion preaches it but, other don't care. It's crazy how people can imagine massive battles, betrayal, gore and torture and that's fine to see. However having more wives and you are an animal. For me one is enough, but as long as it's consensual than it's not my business.


Relax. It was a joke. I wasn't comparing anything, but if you want to be technical, Paul is a dog. Even the female characters talk down on him for how lustful he is. He only had one wife in the beginning, which was Zenith, cheated on her, knocked the maid up, then convinced Zenith to go along with it eventually. Now he is trying to convince his son, who is currently loyal to his pregnant wife, to be unfaithful.

Caleb Gaming9099

Hearing Rudy say he’ll go hunting with a friend instead of raising his kid disappointed me in rudy. I’m glad yall noticed that Roxy brings back the kid in rudy. I hope there’s a chance Rudy was referring to the hunt with Roxy can wait until he gets back to his wife and kids


Sheera and lupa gonna be disappointed lmao wait until oh girl come back also


Rudy no good also lol nigga fuck his cousin and got depressed over his cousin


Second cousin get it right them niggas barley got the same blood

Jazmyne Mattucci

to be fair, after that shit that happened with Zenith and Lilia both getting pregnant, he DOES take Lilia as his second wife later on. So him givin that advice to Rudeus is not completely out of nowhere for him.

Mervyn Larrier

All relationships between fully consenting adults are fine in my book, but Rudeus has a pregnant wife at home. That should be his main focus right now. Roxxy's supposed to have 200 or so years. They got time

Manchester United

Rudy-Roxy dynamics is so similar to Yamada-Ichikawa dynamic , Rudy being Yamada 😂


Lmao Sheera looked so annoyed when Paul suggested to Rudy to just get another girl.

William kimura

I aint even read the LN, but you're implying is a bit too obvious to not call it a spoiler.


I think it's more since it is his son he knows he probably follow in his footsteps regardless so he wanted to prepare him at least

danial javady

Lol i love how sheera was displeased with the turn of events going on. At this point I'm just going to expect polygamous behavior from this.


Right. She basically broke the shackles he had in his previous life and got him to go out into the world. That's why he worships her as a goddess so much.


I love Rudy and Roxy together

Huemon Nottabear

Oh, I forgot all that season1 shit. This gonna be a thing

Dark Shogun

What lesson? He's still married with a mistress, two kids with his wife, and one kid with his mistress. He may have learned to be honest about affairs from the get go but not about having an affair in general.

DJ Muldrow

Glad you guys are enjoying this series still, you guys are always on point with the reactions and sometimes I go back and watch old reactions on this just to refresh myself.

Michael Afful

Ayy bro sylphie did say she'd be cool with another woman............... but im trusting my goat


Lol if the comments don't like the turn of events here... hooooweeeeeee

Huemon Nottabear

I'm thinking if he stayed home and just slept with one of the beast girls(like man-god suggested) he would've been happier than running out, missing out on his kids birth and being faced with fucking his savior. Paul's lesson was that he values the 2 women in his life. He may be a scum bag, but he's a scum bag that's learned a hard lesson.

Gabriel Souza

Having more than one wife or girlfriend is kinda normal for that time period, but yet, he's from our century, it should be weird for him.

Drake Rage

I've been trying to forget the Opening song all season, cause it had that scene of Paul facing the Sun and fist-bumping Rudy... like that seemed like a blatant death flag to me. I reallllllly hope we wrong about the Paul death flags T_T Also, I am loving how Lupa keeps catching whenever Paul tries to show off for his son, both last episode and this episode, 13:45 was absolutely hilarious, lol.

Jake Coulter

So is it even confirmed Zenith is here? It was speculated she was teleported to 6th inner sanctum from mass teleportation but also reported she was seen with a group from Geese. So she was either in the 6th inner sanctum for 6 years stuck, in which case she’s probably not alive, or she was actually seen with another group in which case she’s probably not in 6th sanctum. Probably missing something.

Oh Alone

Back then rich people have multiple wives poor people have nothing. Also women that era want to be rich person concubine than only poor guy wife

Jake Coulter

Yeah and gotta remember this world has different social standards. It seems having more than one wife is more accepted/normal in this world. In this world slaves were a pretty normal thing so having multiple wives seems not a big deal as well.


There is no “time period” it is a completely different fantasy world with different cultural traditions and norms than ours

King of New York

I'm anime only so I don't know anything for sure, but it's really looking that way to me from the story direction.


I swear to god, if Rudy really does go for the harem route, and it fucks with his relationship with Syphie, I'm gonna be so mad.


Didn’t Sylphie say a couple episodes ago that she was cool with Rudy having another woman? I mean shit he might as well have a harem if both are consenting adults. I think polygamy is degenerate behavior but this is an anime at the end of the day where the social standards are different from our society. Also from what I’ve seen from the anime so far it’s gotta be Roxy/Eris>>Sylphie>>Sara


guess what? the father's day is 6/16.sad paul.

FreshxEli Tv

Before y’all get mad at Rudy think of what’s happening literally a Canon Event! That Man God Has Prevented From happening For The Last 3 years He convinced Rudy to attend the Magic University rather then head to the city where “cough cough “ Roxy happened to be in when he barely missed her 🌚 pay attention to what’s going on with the details It looks very bad because Rudy is married now etc but what if Rudy’s part was Roxy the entire time think of this as Rudy’s future has been tampered with by Mangod what’s happening with Rudy and Roxy was supposed to happen 3 years ago The question you should ask is why did man god manipulate Rudy he Why did Man God Prevent this from happening & why did he mention having a kid with one of the beast girls instead 🌚🌚 everything that happens from now to on WAS ALWAYS MEANT TO HAPPEN this is Rudy’s actual life path that’s been prevented


Lupa: wait what 👁️ 👄 👁️

FreshxEli Tv

With Paul they forshadowed his behavior remember what El told Paul she he rushed in front of her last episode & Paul is Overconfident not because of her But because of Rudy he is doing very good fighting but paul isn’t THINKING like he usually would Sad paul in terms of battle is ideal for this in a sense


If I remember correctly the man god did tell Rudy she was here


There's a bunch of people from our time too that would love to have more than one woman, its just a fantasy

Devin B

Right now Rudy is still at the student-teacher phase with Roxy, which is why he hasn't picked up on her hints, but when he gets past that phase I can see him not having enough self control because of how much Roxy means to him.


It's funny seeing Rudy treating Roxy with the same reverence as Zanoba does with him.


just a reminder guys, the kingdom of Asura is a region/country that polygamy is fairly common. majority of the noble houses dabbles in polygamy, either it be multiple wives or wive + concubines. the greyrat branches are no different. if you take a look at the greyrats that we've been introduced too so far, all could be seem with multiple women around them. Luke walks around with multiple girls around campus, Sauros has his servents, his son Phillip, we don't see a lot of information about him, but we can assume the same. even Princess Arial in episode 0 can be seem gossiping with Luke about the varies nipples and areola's that they've seen. so we know perversion runs deep within this kingdom. Now, Paul is this hypocrite because he too follows this " genetic trait". we know that Paul travels with Ghislaine and Elinalise before they've met Zenith. base of the imformation that we've gotten from Elinalise and Ghislaine, we know he's had relation with both of them . I don't remember if this was ever stated in the novels, but after Zenith joins the party, Paul might have neglect the other 2 and after Zeniths pregancy, he simply broke the party of and left them. IMO this is the cause for Elinalise's animosity towards Paul. i've seen people say that her hatred towards him is because he left with their funds, but Elinalise has also dabbled in prostitution, soo it would make more sense that she was mad that he left them so that he can go and play the faithful husband. we know how karma got him, but it ended up working in their favor thanks to Rudy. so from his POV, his advice was valid. Sylphie grew up around polygamy. before and after Rudys was sent to Eris manor, she would always be around the greyrat family dynamic. after the TP incident, she got a much harsher look on polygamy, by being at the source of it, the capital city. Sylphie has once told Rudy that the things that he would request for their night time activities, would be nothing compare to what she has seen or heard in the capital. now, if we take what the mangods said to be true( which is has been till this point) it would mean that Syphie is 100% onboard with him taking a 2nd wive. she herself comfirms this. i've said this before, but pay attention to the wording of this show. Crunchyroll translates it as " I don't want a concubine. what i want isn't children's, it's the fruits of love with someone I cherish". now, who does he cherishes the most? The reason why he never even consider telling Roxy that he has a wife and a kid on the way is because, he placed her on such a high pedals tool, that the idea it self of him having a chance is out of this world. Roxy is literally his savor, his Goddess, without her none of this would have existed. Roxy saves Rudy from his past trauma, teaches him magic > Rudy saves Sylphie from the bullies, teaches her magic > Rudy wants to make funds for UNI so both of them can go, soo Paul gets him a job at Eris manor > Teaches Eris and Ghislaine and gets the famous staff. without Roxy all of this falls apart and everyone's dead. Roxy is love! Roxy is life! next week's episode title is "parents" on father's day. Crazy!

Devin B

At this point Rudy is confirmed to be fated to have more than one partner because the Man-God told him to hook up with one of the beast girls and now his dad is advocating polygamy to him

Pan Cakes


Jazmyne Mattucci

I actually am kinda intrigued and like how polygamy is treated in this. Glad to see more anime normalize it in a way.

William Zavala

The show already stated that Man God was not trustworthy. A lot of this stuff is never really brought up in the future it just serves as foreshadowing.

William Zavala

Even knowing the whole story its almost funny how much foreshadowing is done in this show. It's like usually its subtle but you can infer practically every twist or event even episodes prior to it happening. The show has even foreshadowed the entire purpose of the plot in the end too.

Clinton Vance

Yeah the floor portal to the sixth stratum is screaming boss battle to me.


Guys(sheera,roshi and lupa) it's been a while I know but, please remember that Roxy is the one who helped Rudy overcome his fear of going outside and she was his first crush/love.. so technically he was supposed to have married Roxy first if it wasn't for the man god.

Clinton Vance

When Lupa said “freak potion” it got me thinking about that one aphrodisiac potion…if Roxy got her hands on some, would she use it on Rudy 🤔 Cause I mean, she wanted to stop in the cave cause she “ran out of mana” but she really wanted to lean against and sleep on Rudy, be close to him. And then there’s the simpler labyrinth date she asked him on 👀 At first I was like, poor Roxy, she doesn’t know about Sylphie and the kid on the way. But then I wonder, if Roxy did know, would it change anything 👀

FreshxEli Tv

It’s not spoilers pay attention to details it’s all been shown the entire time how’s that spoilers Man god literally told Rudy to go to the university 3 years ago when Roxy just showed up now Rudy is doing what he was supposed to do 3 years ago now it’s “spoiler” clearly we aren’t watching the same show when it’s in our face man god wants Rudy away from Roxy I DONT EVEN READ THE DAMN MANGA


which also made me curious of why he wanted him to go for the beast girls only, I MEAN I DONT BLAME FOR THE IDEA but there had to been more of a bigger reason other than most readers and anime watchers are gathering. Please dont spoil I am just giving it a thought to think about.

Devin B

I'm anime only so you don't have to worry about any spoilers but I'm in the same thought of it something more. Just like how the Man-God told Rudy to by skewers for Kishirisu to eat and he ended up getting a demon eye, maybe him potentially having a baby with one of the beast girls would allow their tribe to reward him with something.


FANTASTIC explanation. I mean it. I've read all the LNs and this is a great breakdown of polygamy and how it ties into the story/Rudy's character

Richie Roberts

The sword they got for Elenalise has Wind magic imbued on it so it cuts sharper and that's why it was expensive.


We keep bringing up what man god said but if Rudy didn’t go Roxy wouldn’t exist right now


I don’t mind polygamy. I just hope the women don’t end up becoming caricatures like in plenty of other anime. If they tackle it (mostly) seriously, flaws and conflicts and all, then I’m here for it.


Lmao I appreciate Lupa's jokes, buts its funnier that Roshi and Sheera were so locked in to the show they legit never reacted back. Lol I'd be hurt after thinking I lost my magic

Abstract Dread

People are forget what man god actually said, Rudy was gonna regret this trip whether he came or not. Bad things were going to happen either way, being Roxy dying or what ever is about to happen. at the bottom of it all tho there's a major reason man god didn't want him coming which i won't spoil but it's probably the single most important thing revealed in the series which is why man god is so seemingly shady af. (MAJOR SPOILER AHEAD IF YOU RESEARCH WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. STAY CLEAR)


hate im tryin to finish Elden Ring b4 dis DLC drop and i get soo many flags from everything its insane LMAOOO n Roxy tryin to throw it back on Rudy in those caves no 🧢


Imagine Roxy sitting on your lap... 😳


I don't remember the episode, but Roxy literally described the situation that happened in this episode. She would be saved by her dream partner in a labyrinth.

Rebel Gamester

What's even weirder than the polygamous angle has to be the fact that Roxy was basically his kindergarten teacher. She left him when he was 5 and she was in her 40s (probably 20s in human years). This shit making me so uncomfortable to watch while knowing that


Didn’t they use Kirishika’s demon eye to confirm where she was?

Vincent S Deluca

I mean this is a fictional relationship with people from fictional dif races with dif life spans, Rudy was 10 and Roxy was 50, but her race pauses development for 150 years, lol. its weird to us cause we don't have this but in a world with differing lifespans like MT that wouldn't be uncommon or an issue. EVEN to us, nobody has an issue with Cliff and Elinalise who are 16ish and 200+ lol.

JJ Gilmore

I get that Rudy is married and having a kid on the way however, everyone needs to know that Roxy was the one that saved him from his trauma from going outside in the first episode also she taught him magic and a powerful magic that made her clap her horse 😂😂😂


Because they would be the easiest, since Beastppl have a mating season so they are essentially horny only for one month per year, all at the same time male & female


What about the part they said about her being his kindergarten teacher?

Rebel Gamester

It's less the age gap that bothers me and more the dynamic they have. He adores her for helping him when he was younger because she was basically his kindergarten teacher, which makes this super weird, to me at least

joshua rosario

Okay but how his mom got to the portal...that was thru the floor? she just gonna assume she also did all this lol

Thomas Yang

Trying not to spoil in case anyone hasn't seen episode 22, but she teleported there so no need to break through the floor. Like how Sylphie teleported into the sky or Lilia and Aisha into a lake.