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is this what we signed up for? pain?



The real link click pain is yet to come.


Two link click episodes omg yessss thank youuu

J Man

The pain episode 😢

jared zavala

remember crying watching this ep lol


I finished the first season the other day and boyyy yall are in for a ride

Names Chrono

Cutting the conversation at the end is crazy.


The girl who died in Ep. 1 wasn't dead in the present day until AFTER the job was finished. In other words, her death wasn't written in stone yet (if I'm understanding correctly), but reading and responding to that text message during the job CAUSED her future death. There is a possibility that she would have died either way, but her death would have played out differently. Or maybe she would have lived. Either way, the events would have played out differently if the text message had been ignored. In this episode, everyone who dies is already dead in the present day, so if their deaths were prevented, it would screw up the timeline.

Broccoli Monster

they had to save the camera, because it had photos they used to enter the past


Nooo not the cutoff lol finish the discussion 😅




The first episode is what got me hooked but this is the episode that made me love this show, goddamn I could not stop crying after this.


@Farquad -- I've watched this episode 3 times, and I was a sobbing mess every time. 😭


I hate that I can't stop crying every time I watch this episode!!!


Damn no outro


No matter how many times I watch this I cry almost the entire episode. Also the camera is canon, without it there would be no picture to enter. When we see the client walk into the office and ask them to develop the film, that was days before they took the job because when Lu shows Cheng the pic in episode 3 he asks isn't this the picture I developed a few days ago. So all the stuff at the end with him developing the pictures is just a flashback. I also don't think the client got Cheng's version of the memories because everything Cheng told the people he encountered were the words that the client gave them before they took the job. But of course there is anime time loop magic that could make my assumption wrong lol. I look at it more like the client did have that dream about winning the game and Cheng actually brought that dream to life with his actions. I love this show.


Yeah, I can't stop crying whenever I see this one. From the moment of the house's collapse all the way to the end of the ep

Hasnain Khan


Nicole Guerrero

This episode hit deep fr fr, had me bawling


It actually shows that Cheng actually did end up changing something


This was pain day. Just pain 😭 And it only gets more painful 😔

J Man

The soundtrack of this show is so good too. The sad melancholic songs really add to the melancholic end scenes


I'll be honest, if Lu Guang knew the earthquake had something to do with Cheng's parents, he shouldn't have taken the job in the first place. Remember Cheng gets no details before he jumps into the photo so the earthquake bit should have at least been disclosed before hand due to Cheng's own trauma. I do understand and agree with Lu's Point of view though.


Just to add, Cheng didn't call her aunty in the end, he called her mom. Meaning he adopted that persons thoughts, feelings, and memories. They were also being combined with his own. He wasn't able to leave the photo because he actually felt that his own mother was dying.


Great reaction as always!

Clrissa young

Lu white hair Cheng black hair is the only way I remember them


Lol great outro. I needed a laugh after them feels this episode


Yes... pain is fun🫠

Lofii Lee

From a guy who recently lost his mother, this was hard to watch.

Jonathan Sessoms

Men this hurt me but still good episode I like the theory’s but this show is a slow burn for a reason we are about to come up to the real peak episodes and mystery can’t wait for you guys reaction on that. Also in the comments if you guys have the power to go back in time would you change history or let it go it’s course cause to be honest we can say what we will or won’t do but if you really did have the power what would you change a break up or a traumatic event that you wish never happened just curious

Gordon Lou

with emma, the woman in the first episode, i think Lu Guang didn't know she had died until he saw the news nor did he know that Cheng Xiaoshi sent the message because he was sleeping.


lmao not the cutoff argument made me laugh after the tears

J Man

I'd just do what they are supposed to do in this show. Leave the past as it is, just maybe use the past to help the future. Like finding a missing pirate treasure or lost mob stash

J Man

Oh shoot! Good catch. I didn't notice that (probably because I was crying too much). I just looked back at episode 3 to confirm. What he did change though was load the camera up with more photos (notably the flash one that changed the timeline before the node to leave Lu Guang a bit in the dark. Which Lu Guang pointed out too). What he ended up doing was changing the outcome of the game, getting messages out, and turning one of the worst days of his life into one of the bittersweet best days because he got to have happy moments with those close to him, and immortalized in memories and photos.

Broccoli Monster

Then how they had photos to enter the past? I think he got the camera from father, went to their photo studio and after looking at his memories in the photos he decided to use their services.

Jonathan Sessoms

See bro I would to but coming off season 2 idk cause not gonna spoil it for ppl plus I should said no money answer cause we all would try to be rich if we had that power lol but respect your answer. Me well complicated I did some stuff and regret some things hell even wish I made better decisions in my life so I would go back for that but also idk if I would want to change that cause it made me more of a humble person in the end of the day experiences in life truly do mold you.


I agree, there are definitely plenty of things that altered his memories and experiences. I was just thinking about the messages from the timeline/loop perspective of when the client came into the office and asked for help he already had his messages planned out based on how events played out before Cheng went back and made changes. But everything he said he "dreamed" happened in the game is exactly what Cheng made happen in the game, and so it could seem that what he dreamed were actually new memories but if that's the case how would he know about it when providing them the messages before they even went into the picture. I probably rabbit-holed myself into confusion but I see things like that in shows with any kind of time travel where the whole which came first situations have me overthinking for days lol.

Ashanti Patmon

So you just gone cut them off like that

Caleb Gaming9099

White haired guy just tricked him into experiencing his moms death, I’m shocked that roshi was shocked that he punched Lu and Lu was actually trying to save the mom, he wouldn’t torture his friend like that just for a lesson


Booooo I want the whole argument


the outro lmaooo giving me duo reactions


im so sorry man i recently lost my grandpa. i hope things ur mom enjoyed bring u more joy<3

Delinda Arts



This got me in my feels. Guys cherish your parents, and the time you have with them. I lost my dad last year and I just have my mom. Idk what I’d do if I didn’t have her.

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

This scene is confusing people, Cheng Xiaos parents didn’t die in the earthquake. They were missing before that, and he was just worried that they would be caught in it because he’s a kid. He doesn’t know where they are or if they are dead

Marlen Mendez

Definitely cherish your loved ones because you never know what can happen. I just lost one of my best friends due to homicide so do not hesitate to reach out to those you love.