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Hair Salon lady was a big W



She gave him that work this episode🔥

Alexia (edited)

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2024-05-24 17:09:33 Let's gooo, I love this episode
2024-05-24 17:05:03 Let's gooo, I love this episode and the next one

Let's gooo, I love this episode and the next one


Bongseok and Huisoo are so cute together. I'm like Mihyun fr lol. Bongseok is one of the loveliest characters I've ever seen in a show. He doesn't even act cute, he just is. So wholesome. Can't wait for y'all to react to the upcoming episodes! It will only get better and better from here on out!


Ooooooooooooh excited for next episode!


Oh I need the next episodes 😫😫

Reckless Company

it only gets greater from here i cant wait for yall to watch the rest


Does the mom have powers cause they empathized on her ears when he walked towatds the house


Bongseok's mom? If so, I think it is pretty obvious that she does lol


the lady cut his hair because he spoke English to her so she thought he was a foreigner who couldn't understand korean. But you'll learn more about that in the coming episodes


just how the mom got good hearing, i think the boy had good eyesight, so i think the dad had the flight and the mom got super senses. thats just my guess tho.


Thats what i like about the fights with Frank. Frank power is insanely overpowered but none of his fights have been overly onesided towards Frank. Its always bro getting the shit beat out of him but his power winning out in the end.


Yes she does, she has heightened senses. Which causes all her senses to increase even more. That’s why we see her look up at the ceiling because she can hear bongseok and hui-soo conversations and that’s also why she said “what am i going to do with all this cabbage”, she was chopping that so she wouldn’t hear bongseok and hui-soo conversations but in the end did. Also we kind of see that bongseok is starting to inherit his mom’s power as well when he was looking for hui-soo. Btw her heightened senses power goes for all the senses not just her hearing.

Papa Souls

both their parents are single, work in the food industry and do everything for their kids. from how it appears both likely have a power/ability, maybe the kids help hook mom and pop up, seems like they deserve a win

Bria A. (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-24 20:28:48 I’m so hyped for y’all to get to the next handful of episodes, pretty much the next two weeks’ worth (all of the remaining ones are amazing but I love this little cluster)! PS: The hair stylist basically took pity on him because she thiught he was a tourist who didn’t really know Korean, so I give her a pass. I DO wish she would’ve at least locked the door that late, but I guess businesses generally stay unlocked until the owner is literally leaving out or something?
2024-05-24 20:28:48 I’m so hyped for y’all to get to the next handful of episodes, pretty much the next two weeks’ worth (all of the remaining ones are amazing but I love this little cluster)!
2024-05-24 20:24:37 I’m so hyped for y’all to get to the next handful of episodes, pretty much the next two weeks’ worth (all of the remaining ones are amazing but I love this little cluster)! PS: The hair stylist basically took pity on him because she thought he was a tourist who didn’t really know Korean, so I give her a pass. I DO wish she would’ve at least locked the door that late, but I guess businesses generally stay unlocked until the owner is literally leaving out or something?

I’m so hyped for y’all to get to the next handful of episodes, pretty much the next two weeks’ worth (all of the remaining ones are amazing but I love this little cluster)! PS: The hair stylist basically took pity on him because she thought he was a tourist who didn’t really know Korean, so I give her a pass. I DO wish she would’ve at least locked the door that late, but I guess businesses generally stay unlocked until the owner is literally leaving out or something?


Keep it moving!

Tramaine Thomas

Naw she was just athletics they don't all have super strength as a baseline


They DO NOT have super strength as a base LOL


if it's possible I would suggest you guys watch eps 8-9 and 10-11 back to back because those eps go together

Delinda Arts

The way Roshi’s eyes just light up whenever there’s a firearm on the screen is sick lmao🤣

J Man

UPS wolverine's op-ness is exactly why Magneto had to do what he did to Wolverine

Mu Nanyo

Yeah I missed the detail about his visual acuity the first time I thought it was just a director choice to show how far huisoo was, but she was far far. So it was def a visual enhancement.

J Man

What I like about this show too is all the practical effects. The fight and flying scenes are done with wire-fu. The practical makeup on all of Frank's cuts and holes are really well done

J Man

They also revealed in the first episode that all their senses are heightened. Like when he was dissecting the mom's food just through smell


Ooh I wonder how her power compares to/differs from the Mr. Fedex-these-hands guy

Hasnain Khan



The mom has heightened senses and so does Bongseok. They show him using them in the first episode but it gets overshadowed by the floating lol



J Man

Notably in the first few minutes of the show. When Bong seok found out exactly the ingredients to the Doenjang Jigge that his mom was cooking simply based off smell

J Man

Loved growing up in KTown for the haircuts. They always throw in the hair wash and scalp massage in. Aunties throwin in a lil somethin somethin for the customers too

J Man

Where Roshi is right is they don't have Super Strength as a baseline, but they have government secret training as a baseline, hence why they can all throw hands

J Man

Sheera kinda right in the "it's slower" thing gimmick? Why Wolverine is suffering in the last episode of ,s1, why he suffering in Logan

Elle E.

@21:55 😂😂 poor guy


My brain finally pieced together that this show from the parents perspective is RED the movie (retired and extremely dangerous) but with powers. I have no idea why it took me so long to realize that.


So if they ever have a kid, their kid would be Superman lol


If you knew nothing could hurt you, you wouldn't bother trying to defend yourself. Makes sense that he lets them get punches in.

Norman kay10

Sheera those hotel covers be tight as ever, you right there meant for people who can float out of bed.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

“I can do this all day.” - Huisoo probably 🤣

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

So when Roshi said his dad had flying powers I realized that Bongseok also has heightened senses from his mom. I thought they just did that one moment when they zoomed in when he was chasing Huisoo for no reason but now it makes sense how he saw her from that far.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Facts. It shows how strong everyone else is and he’s really only winning because it’s a contest of endurance at that point


nooooo not naju


*shows ability* roshi: whats her ability?

Alaysia Moore

I'm really liking this. I'm thinking the program the "first gen"/parents were a part must have all trained them in some kind of general martial arts/fighting skill. I was also thinking they all had super strength, but maybe it's just that they're more well trained than the average person. Naju calling Frank "second string" has me wondering if the parents gen was also the strongest/most successful group in some way? And maybe Frank comes from an attempt to recapture whatever the first group had, but just wasn't quite there. Also, I wonder if the kids are a indeed the result of some kind of breeding program, if that makes them even better than the "second string" since they come from two parents of the first gen? I'm also thinking not all of the students at the HS have powers, but those that do happen to attend that specific school. I can't really tell, but it seems based on Beongseok and Huisoo, the kids have little knowledge of others being similar to them until they happen to meet them. The class president though seems to be pretty aware seeing as how he and the PE teacher were kinda speaking about Huisoo as being his "match". I wonder if some of the first gen/parents are trying to ID the kids born with powers and trying to recreate something? Okay, let me stop and continue watching.


Or send him to space if the main character can control his ability


Based off when he was running in the rain it looks like the kids get some of noth their parents powers, His mom seems to be able to enhance different senses and he definitely enhanced his eyesight to see her, it was the same animation from when his mom was listening in. So he has flight / levitation from papa and enhanced senses (maybe) from mom. That means that Huisoo's dad probably has some power similar unless we havent seen her secondary portion

Drake Rage

9:42 Lady Sees through the fricken Wall. 9:59 Roshi: What is her ability? SIR??


How didn't Sheera realize his hairstyle changed💀