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PJ Rivera

Gotta love random 8 year timeskips, shoutout to house of the dragon

Jamaal Ellison

Yep, that's right. It looks like we've got ourselves a good ol fashioned timeskip.

Hasnain Khan


Kevs rey

They gave Sally a Tyler Perry wig to show how distressed she is

Smash Bran'Discootch

I'm 15 minutes in and yall still think this is a fantasy o.o


i smile at the word imaginary


Bro Cereal and Wine is Crazy work

Ser Dweeb


John Cedar

I see Roshi with the Wanted reference, I love that movie 😂

Matthew Tompkins

The chicken pot pie scene just made me miss the old days. "Hey, Ike, ya shitbird! Wanna little piiiiie?"

Ser Dweeb

I can’t wait to see the YouTube edit for this. 😭😂 They should edit a clown nose on every time they allude to it being imaginary


The time skip is real and I couldn't stop laughing through out the reaction 😂

KS Neelesh

i think the scene with barry and sally dancing at the wedding was barry imagining the two of them happyily dancing at thier sons wedding. So i thought it was their son who was getting married becasue barry and sally in that wedding/desert scene looked older.

Aaron Gauntt

I honestly didn't like this episode at all the first time watching it. They've baited the audience so many times with fake timelines that there's no indication that this is an actual timeskip. I spent the whole episode mad thinking when are they gonna get back to the real story. I wanted to see Barry and Sally actively on the run.


Random 8 year time skip WTF

Smash Bran'Discootch

This WHOLE reaction is clown shoes. 🤡 The viewer is not supposed to think it isn't real lmfao.

John Cedar

I love how they actually look 8 years older, everyone is mostly aged up convincingly for this time skip. A lot of shows don't bother even with a larger time skip 😅


I love the “WTF is happening!!??” reaction 😂 I was dying the whole way through

Davon Thomas

Lupa's yell at the line drive clip broke the sound barrier

Anna Anthony

I mean I'll like the video, but I don't like this. I do not like this one bit.


Yo this show never ceases to surprise me


LOL this episode really scrambled your brains. I think you're looking too deep into it though. I'm pretty sure all the other fantasy scenarios throughout the series were just meant to throw you off for the plot twist this episode. I think you were just meant to question if this episode was real or not till the last minute. But yeah everything before was fake. this is real.

Paden Snell

nah, bro. the whole gimmick of the episode is the've done fake flash forwards multiple times in the same setting, setting the viewer up to think it isnt real, but then: It. Just. Keeps. Going... and gets more and more unsettling as the viewer slowly comes to the realization that it isnt just in barry's head.

Paden Snell

when i first watched this episode i kept checking the timeline. like, "Huh? this imaginary flash forward sure is taking up a lot of the episode..." after hitting the halfway point, i was legitimately pissed as the reality sank in. in retrospect it was an incredibly ballsy move from a writing standpoint and pays off in the end. but i dont think a tv show has ever thrown me through such a loop and got such a visceral reaction out of me.


Yo are they living in the Courage the Cowardly Dog house in the middle of nowhere?

Smash Bran'Discootch

That...isn't what it is at all. Maybe that was YOUR experience, but that isn't the average viewer's experience or the point of the episode. Sally literally said to Barry in the previous episode "Lets go". The viewer knows they're both on the run. Then you see their kid which is the indicator of how much time has passed. The entire point of Barry's kid not knowing about Call of Duty is to show you they're keeping to themselves. It has literally every indication that a time skip happened using context clues given in the show. You're just telling on yourself bro.

Aaron Gauntt

Haha I got so locked into the idea that it was fake that I barely paid attention and all the signs went right over my head until the end

Aaron Gauntt

I figured it out the same time they did but I was frustrated all before because I wanted to get back to the "real" timeline


Bravo, you really are the goat reactors, you outdid yourselves once again, blowing the competition away. No one has been so slow at figuring out this ep was real. impressive feat.

Paden Snell

nah, bro, you couldnt be more wrong. the show has intentionally conditioned you through multiple imaginary scenarios of him in vague featureless landscapes to assume its in barry head, until it slowly dawns on you as it refuses to cut back... it being in the future with barry's kid and call of duty 15 and whatever else doesnt mean shit, time having passed is an obvious given from the first frame we see barry; he's old and has a gut. doesnt have any bearing on whether the viewer is supposed to assume its in his head or not.

Kai Lee

Yeh ngl when I first watched this episode I legitamately felt like I was in a Genjutsu, shit had me baffled.

Paden Snell

similarity to past scenes couldnt make it more obviously intentional. find me a reaction vid where someone immediately assumes its real... sit down bro


I thought they were pulling a Snowfall and this whole ep was gonna be just an alternate timeline at first lol

Smash Bran'Discootch

You're judging based on REACTION videos? How desperate are you to convince people you aren't a moron when you're proving it over and over again. Read literally ANY interview about the show. Like, what you are saying is quantifiably wrong and easily disproven with a simple Google search. And yet you're so dumb that you keep rattling shit off with NO proof to back up your wrong, dumbass claims. How about you sit the fuck down? Or better yet, go touch some grass. Interact with real people. Or even better than that, read a damn book sometime. You might be able to actually understand the media you consume if you expand your knowledge set.

Kai Lee

14:43 why did Lupa sound like an alarm that shit has me DEAD 💀💀💀

John Cedar

I would argue that editing it so that you go a long, long time without cutting to anyone outside Barry/Sally's perspective is very purposeful in causing this confusion that they had there. I definitely think they were trying to fake some people out that would immediately assume this new setting is a dream sequence, especially since they are in a field that looks so similar to the setting of a lot of Barry's actual dream sequences. I knew this was real on my first watch, but on a rewatch with my mom, she was very confused. When we see Gene after all this time, it's unequivocal that this time skip has happened. The shot of the Warner Executive passing by the posters was to demonstrate that yes, this time has passed. Everything before could be construed as a fantasy if the viewer really ignored the signs, but that is real. That seemed way too purposeful to me to not be their intent. I don't think they expected to fool everyone or even most people, but I do think they wanted you to second guess things occasionally, as their entire situation, the way their house is so isolated, it's all very surreal. Barry is also acting so strange, even for Barry. It does feel manufactured and idealized in a fucked up way, because it is. Barry has created the best version he can of what he wants in his head of a normal and good life.

Jurassic Jordan

this shit hillarious it took yall so long lmaoooo


This is the most uncomfortable 30 minutes of television I've ever watched.


yeah i can't believe i just read an argument on patreon comments you're weird lmao clown reaction yet you're paying for it and tell other people to touch grass

Smash Bran'Discootch

The fact that you read a whole ass conversation between two strangers tells me everything I need to know about your pathetic ass. Are you butthurt over being dumb too? There wouldn't be any argument if you idiots would quit starting shit. I can understand why you would find being smart offensive, but you just have to learn to accept your place. Also, learn to use punctuation. What are you, five? Break. Up. Your. Nonsensical. Ramblings. Or. Sit. Down. When. Grownups. Are. Speaking.

Indifferent Denji

Bro I swear that wheni was a kid and was always acting up on the bus and distracting the driver my parents literally made me watch yt videos about school bus crashes like they made me watch that scene from man of steel

James Stephenson

My mom in my aunt did the same thing to me. When I used to do backflips. When I was younger they started playing a video of people cracking their skulls open in permanent brain damage and breaking their necks. I can't do backflips anymore but I can't blame them at this stage of my 21 years because if I want to do a backflip now I just have to get the courage back to do it


Ppl in the comments are being a lil annoying abt the time skip. Yes they understand that it’s real now but the show has been providing fake situations that have been semi-realistic: I don’t think it was that far fetched to have thought it was fake?

Marquist Simms


Elle E.

Dang that episode went by so fast!WTH


I got clapped too lmao


Niggas in the comments don’t be some of the stupidest humans on the planet challenge 🤦🏾‍♂️

Delinda Arts

i dont blame yall for thinkin this was all a dream bc i got clapped too until it cut to the movie lot lmao. This episode was a mind fuck.

rickie woodson

yes there vehicles now and my feet also exist............to quote my father "as long as you can walk you can go anywhere. never let not having a car stop you from going anywhere". i took that to heart and traveled the country and asia :)

rickie woodson

it doesnt help that they have shown this future timeline before of them living in the middle of no where and barry with his son talking to that dude and his son. we were set up to think its a dream sequence. so instead of us following them on the run, we skip to them being in hiding and now going to take out gene. would have made more sense to clear up loose ends before disappearing but ok i guess. HERE WE GO!


After a year Im still recovering from such a jarring time skip shit clapped my brain crazy


Exactly, the show is clearly setting you up to make you think its a dream sequence, idk what some of these folks are yapping about tbh lol. No reasonable person expects an 8 year timeskip out of nowhere


Lmfao the way y’all thought it was fake 😭


As someone who lives in the bum nowhere Midwest, it looks that empty in alot of places lol, my closest neighbor lives a mile away and I can see his house in the distance

Samke Dladla

I think they're living wherever Barry grew up. Hence we saw the flashbacks with Fuches in what looked like the same place. Also, Barry was definitely imagining the wedding. His childhood home seemed like his happy place hence he imagined his happy ending with Sally over there and that's where they ran off to when he left.

Ja'Chin Dilnessa

the joy leaving lupas smile as he watched her put on that RAT ass wig bro im weeeak


I wouldn't be talking shit with your track record. I remember you calling people dumb for the baking flour theory in TLOU just to eat shit the next reaction lmao

sotonye ogan

I would obv this was fake the minute i saw barry and sally have a son, the way sally was acting irked the whole time around him makes it confusing on why they would consent to bear a child in the first place if there was no love or happiness involved, i guess it was just for the sake of undercover then lol.


I love how you believe YOUR viewing experience is the average viewing experience 😭


I remember when I first saw this, the more I started to realize it was real, the more I kept saying “no way this is real”! They took a huge gamble with the time skip executed this way


@Smash So...I actually went to check out an interview or two as per your suggestion, seeing as I agreed with the other person and didn't understand how that /couldn't/ have been a very intentional move,,and I hate to break it to you, but "what you are saying is quantifiably wrong and easily disproven with a simple Google search", as put in your own words. https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/barry-cinematographer-time-jump-season-4-episode-5-1235605596/ ^^Link to the article, if you're intrested - but also here are the key points in particular. - "According to “Barry” cinematographer Carl Herse, the illusion (and perhaps hope?) that Clark, Emily and John may not exist is due in large part to “these incredibly flat landscapes that went off forever into the horizon, without any mountains or hills" -"When you make that jump, you’re questioning the reality of it, because Barry’s been dipping in and out of lucidity. Episode 5 is its own bizarre, Gothic story that has this almost supernatural threat hanging over the environment. These giant, vast landscapes look otherworldly." All that to say,,the irony of you belittling others and telling them to "touch grass" when it sounds a whole lot like you need to isn't lost on me...but I genuinely hope that whatever troubles in life that have you this worked up over a minor viewpoint dispute in some patreon comments works out for you soon dude.


They set it up to be thought of as fake. That was the whole point. It was misdirection so idk how anyone can be faulted for thinking it was fake.


Also when Bill Hader spoke on this, he said it was intentionally made to appear like a dream and to make the audience doubt whether it was really happening or not. Thats why he went so outlandish with Barry as a parent. Hes curating this cult leader like image of himself and him as a hero to his son so he could insulate them but also to try to convince himself that he is a good person deep down. Crazy episode


I was totally in the same lane of questioning the reality of it all when I was watching it for the first time lmao, and personally found yalls doubts incredibly understandable and funny to see play out in your reaction ahsbhdb Also because apparently this is a divisive topic?? Lemme just copy paste from my other comment for people who are questioning how intentional the portrayal in this episode was, lol ---- https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/barry-cinematographer-time-jump-season-4-episode-5-1235605596/ ^^Link to the article, if you're interested - but also here are the key points in particular. - "According to “Barry” cinematographer Carl Herse, the illusion (and perhaps hope?) that Clark, Emily and John may not exist is due in large part to “these incredibly flat landscapes that went off forever into the horizon, without any mountains or hills" -"When you make that jump, you’re questioning the reality of it, because Barry’s been dipping in and out of lucidity. Episode 5 is its own bizarre, Gothic story that has this almost supernatural threat hanging over the environment. These giant, vast landscapes look otherworldly." Hope that helps! Of all the things for people to get a bit heated over, I oughta say, I really wasn't expecting this one adbdhk


Roshi you gon have to delete some of these comments, they are tearin yall asses up in here LOL

Lamaree Jackson

Ah everybody with the hindsight clarity talking shit like they knew everything that was gonna happen the first time they watched the show. I missed that.

Art of Trolling

That poor kid bro...I would never be able to live like that dog. Nigga eating thawed pot-pies


Just to clarify why ppl are roasting you, the show is intentionally missleading you into thinking its another bullshit imaginary future, but when the show doesnt go "back to reality" for so long, ppl realise or star doubting if its real. It took you the whole ep to rwalize, with 3 ppl on the couch. Obv its fine we're all joking here, but you gotta admit you were slow this ep xd Ppl who are so defensive in the commments need to chill and realize its all jokes


Ngl I don’t blame you guys shit had me thinking I was on the wrong season

The thing that flows

I'm pretty sure Barry was watching the electrocution of Topsy the Elephant.


"That shit threw me for a leap" 😆

General Grevious

Y’all roasting them for not knowing but their eventual realization that the whole thing was real was great to me😂


@nocomprendo honestly i feel like its not that big of a deal it took them so long, cuz thats also the point that a lot of shows will clap u for starting to believe its real too, lmao. - also sure, its jokes for some ppl, but some ppl were wildinnn a bit for no reason, and i think thats who ppl r takin issue with. unless dude just blocked me or smthn (is that a thing on patreon? lol) it looks like at least one person who i had seen being hella extra about it and goin in on insulting ppl already had their comments removed


Sally looks way hotter with dark hair imo

Erica Collins

Nah people roasting y'all for thinking it was a dream or something but I'm still lowkey thinking it is cause wtf 😭

Champion Bescos

Love how calm and rational you’re being, Paden. From what I can remember, this dude (unless someone else has the same pfp) has had some of the worst takes on this channel, so I think most people just ignore him.

Smash Bran'Discootch

The funny thing is the ratios of likes show that just as many peope agree with me as with your dumb asses. And yet its me that has the poor take? I can understand how you'd find intelligent takes offensive. The fact that you even pay attention to people's user names and profile pictures is genuinely pathetic. Go outside for once, fucking trash.


I was super uncomfortable too during that bathroom scene. I agree with Sheera, that shit was gross.

AOArlert (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-05 17:14:15 It's not exactly uncommon for some shows to have an alternate reality episode, I think even Snowfall had one. I dont really fault them for not thinking it was real because the events seemed so random and unrelated to the story until Gene showed up
2024-04-05 17:14:15 It's not exactly uncommon for some shows to have an alternate reality episode, I think even Snowfall had one. I dont really fault them for not thinking it was real because the events seemed so random and unrelated to the story until Gene showed up
2024-04-05 17:14:15 It's not exactly uncommon for some shows to have an alternate reality episode, I think even Snowfall had one. I dont really fault them for not thinking it was real because the events seemed so random and unrelated to the story until Gene showed up
2024-04-05 17:14:15 It's not exactly uncommon for some shows to have an alternate reality episode, I think even Snowfall had one. I dont really fault them for not thinking it was real because the events seemed so random and unrelated to the story until Gene showed up
2024-03-26 01:54:56 It's not exactly uncommon for some shows to have an alternate reality episode, I think even Snowfall had one. I dont really fault them for not thinking it was real because the events seemed so random and unrelated to the story until Gene showed up

It's not exactly uncommon for some shows to have an alternate reality episode, I think even Snowfall had one. I dont really fault them for not thinking it was real because the events seemed so random and unrelated to the story until Gene showed up


yall just like me fr. i was also in denial and thought the whole episode wasnt real. i needed it to be fake. freaking briliant.

Corey Leach

I believe this is what you call being completely off the grid. This what Barry thinks is the best way to protect him and his family from the police and from other enemies. Barry blocked off contact from everybody which is part of the reason why he didn't let his son have a game system. Also I'm sure John was being homeschooled by Barry. I feel really bad for John and Sally. John jus wants to be a kid and Sally hates her life to where she dont even care about her own son. I wonder if Sally wanted an abortion but Barry made her have the kid. It was funny af seeing yall delulu most of the epsiode.

Christopher Rodriguez (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 04:54:59 barry possesses the attack titan powers
2024-03-29 04:54:59 barry possesses the attack titan powers
2024-03-29 04:54:59 barry possesses the attack titan powers
2024-03-29 04:54:59 barry possesses the attack titan powers
2024-03-28 10:35:10 barry possesses the attack titan powers

barry possesses the attack titan powers

떡 꿀



After like the first 5-10 minutes I started thinking it was real, mostly cuz of the last time they got me with that when Barry and Sally were actually dating and together lol. It went on way too long to be a fantasy.