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Art of Trolling

My dawg Rex!!!! I’m glad dude survived.






Rejoice the relationship is Done no more mark and amber 🎉🎉🎉

Omar Bautista

They better ditch amber 5 mins into next episode. Waste of time where we can focus on Atom eve. She clearly likes Mark and hopes to end their relationship


Finally we can get Mark x Eve


Yeah I do not give one solitary fuck about Mark and Amber, their relationship was so poorly written in the first season that I just can't root for them now. Eve is best girl.


"Take a look, it's in a book..."


I HaTe LYing To My FRIends About you MArk Oh lord she so unbearable lmao


2 in in one week. We are not worthy lol

Jaden Coleman

I'm loving this part of the season so far. The approach to Mark and Amber struggling in trying to navigate their relationship is really working for me. Allen, Oliver, Mark, Eve, Nolan, Debbie etc. I can't remember the last time I watched a show and was genuinely interested and invested in like a dozen characters lol

Indifferent Denji

rex got shot more on the side of his head which the odds of surviving aren't as close to 0 as we think

Dues Montana

mark: listen you know how they say when you go black you never go back….well imma head out


As many problems I have with Mark and Amber and how annoying she was at the end of S1 crazy take here but honestly with S2 has been better with the comic counter part of their relationship ESPECIALLY their handling with their departure cause yeah that comic version is just weaker than this version by miles IMO

Jaden Coleman

Yeah I'm really liking how they're handling their relationship rn. It feels authentic

Robert L

I wish we had a teenage superhero that actually enjoyed being a superhero. Mark has the coolest powers and he has an actual purpose. Being a normal person is trash 😂😂😂

Prof. Walker

Right as I'm about to sleep... No problem! :D


I know this is an old question but is there still a google drive link to missing reactions?


It wasn't poorly written, you just didn't like it. Learn the difference between bad writing and just not liking a bad relationship.


Listen to sheera sow seeds of doubt and deceit 🤣🤣

Art of Trolling

You legit just hating at this point. She hasn’t done anything or said anything season that was unbearable.


The second Mark and Amber got together, I was just waiting for the episode where they broke up. It seemed like it was never meant to be.


Honestly I could tell at where Rex was shot in his head he'd survive. Usually you can survive that type of head trauma if its at the upper corners of your skull so I wasn't too surprised about him getting back up. RAY SURVIVING MADE ME HAPPY. Thank God, she must have shrunk mid crush to barely survive that muscle flex. How she didn't suffocate is wild but im happy she lived. She's a dope side hero. Rip Kate though. She was dope too.


Fun little fact. Cecil changes the way he speaks when it comes to debby. He always soft with her. While he’s more straight forward with others.

Oscar Barcelo

You know, if all Kate needed was one copy alive, wouldn’t it make sense to leave a copy somewhere safe?

Indifferent Denji

that zombie universe was for sure the walking dead universe. Robert kirkman is the creator of invincible and TWD

PJ Rivera

Big deviations from the comics with shrinking ray and donald surviving.


i like how this feels like one connected big ass movie 😂 im jusy getting suprised left and right, theres so many problems becoming more of a problem as the story goes on lol me and yall had the same reaction to all of this 😂


and cant forget, marks little brother is rapidly becoming a problem day by day 🤦🏽‍♂️


Feel like they wanted Eve/Art to agree that they both need to see other people, rather than actually give them a different conclusion. At the end Mark and Amber didn't seem satisfied, and were trying to, at least it looked this way to me, convince the other person they should not be together.

Bad Karma

Fr, plus she said that because her life has been fucked (gramps died) and she still had to lie about where her bf is when, to other people, he should be there for her. She's not complaining about Mark, i thought she made that clear. She hates the situation they've been forced into.


In terms of Amber and Mark. Yeah, it was never gonna work out even with Amber supporting Mark's life style and tolerating his constant absence. I like that they're taking care of this drama is a healthy way because I was afraid of some dumbass " mark cheats on Amber with Atom Eve" situation or Amber cheating on Mark with some rando. The show doesn't need that messy drama. This talking it out with close ones thing going on here is something not enough shows do. Amber and Mark breaking up and just being friends on a bittersweet note will be nice. And yeah time for Mark and Atom Eve end game.

Themperor Xaquayza

I'm slightly getting tired of mark and amber. I've read the comics and personally I think it was better. Obviously I can't speak on it but maybe I'm bias and need to reread it.

Jaden Coleman

She made that perfectly clear lol, I think she's been incredibly reasonable this season. I really just think how they handled her character last season, and everyone's love for Eve has people hating Amber regardless of what she does

Smash Bran'Discootch

Bruh, yall are kind of tripping over Cecil. He is doing Debbie the COURTESY of offering child care when he could easily snatch that potential threat to humanity away and launch it into the sun. Which he would he completely justified in doing considering the damage omniman did. You're always shouting at people making stupid choices, when realistically the stupidest choice is leaving a completely alien entity that's partially of a species you know for a fact is hostile unattended. To be honest, Debbie us the one being wild, reckless, and unreasonable. She CLEARLY isn't a very good judge of character.

The GoDKing 27

Sheera: kinda thicc. Me: what u mean by that?


Allowing a baby to grow up in a nurturing human environment with humans all around them and just like them = Superman. Raising them in a government facility to keep eyes on them and treat them with fear and disgust = Homelander

Smash Bran'Discootch

I agree with you on a moral side. But practically, I get where Cecil is coming from. I mean, we saw Nolan in a nurturing environment. Yes, those are completely different circumstances as he had hundreds of years with his people first. But I'm sure from cecil's perspective it doesn't matter. I'm mainly playing devil's advocate here.

Saucy Jonathan

I have a question couldn’t duplicate leave a clone at home chilling while she fights or does her power not allow her to?


Rex had no brain cells to lose from that bullet tbh I love dumb resilient characters


Can't wait to watch this kid grow up to get killed for plot.

Big Daddy Dre

They dragging this Amber shit out😂


I miss when Lupa used the scream the fuck outta that Invincible intro 😂

General Grevious

Fun fact: that zombie universe was a reference to the walking dead


So they never ran tests on the astronaut that got rescued? No mri scans nothing that would have shown a whole alien inside him.............how?


I’m glad people seem to have felt for Kate and Immortal’s relationship, because I don’t even remember if they’ve spoken to each other on screen before (maybe to give general orders), or referenced their relationship at another time past that part where they were in the showers. I’ve seen Allen and his girlfriend interact more than I have Immortal and Kate.


yeah most people dont realize small arms fire to the head doesnt kill you immediatly, in some cases. survivable in some, and a special few crazy stories about people fighting after being shot in the head


I'm gonna drop this name here: Anissa And one day you guys will understand why.


Gasp. That's the one who did ... the thing... I wonder if they actually got the greenlight to cover that serious thing that I'm being vague about on purpose.


It's one of those cases where they left the limitations of her powers vague so they can write her off. There's no telling if she actually could do that or not. Honestly with such an easy solution to always avoid death.. she'd do that but she hasn't so most likely she can't. All we know is dupli-kates clones spawn from the original body only and die very easily which means the og Kate has to be in the mix to spam clones.


Yeah I've a story about a guy in a car accident getting a metal rod being shoved up their jaw piercing the brain and surviving. The angle he got shot looked survivable since the bullet fidnt come out dead center of his forehead so I wasn't too shocked when he got back up.


Nah she unbearable 😂 idc if the writers changed up her whole character


From how the show has shown, the og Kate spawns clones. The clones do not spawn clones. Leaving a copy alive and the og Kate dying most likely means the clone dies too oe that final clone just exists with no power to multiply. They kinda left her limitations vague as hell so we don't know what alternatives were possible. We'll see if they pull a plottwist and reveal something.


Yeah, it's actually sweet given how much of an asshole he is. Chalk it up to the fact that he's not her boss so talking to her like how he talks to Mark and the others would be out of hand.


I didn't say anything besides name that means absolutely nothing for now

Paul Reyes

I like that they listened to the criticisms from season one and improve on them


I mean even Nolan changed in said nurturing environment


Plus, I swear when people oppose Cecils want in taking care of thos baby, it's obvious he'll experiment on him but people come off like he's gonna strap the baby to a table and start doing vivisections. Yes they'd draw samples like blood, skin, hairs, urine and poop but I think they'd actually raise him and feed him and teach him well. Like basically how in MHA how the government raised Hawks. Of course they'll obviously raise him to be a personal weapon but like... I'm sure they won't fuck it up making him crazy like Homelander.


I know we didn’t see immortals relationship with Kate much but I still felt pretty sad seeing him like that

Stephen D

I know right. I feel like Cecil should have caught that considering how much he likes to be up in everyone else's business. I mean the astronaut was infected by and enslaved too space parasites for months. How could anyone especially Cecil let that slip?


Huh that amber situation was a lot messier but also more compelling inna comics. But they again they skipped a bunch of shit so they can fast track to Iykyk


This show is doing a good job at showing how difficult it is being a superhero.

Rueben Moses

If u didn't catch it. Marks it the same thing to the king when he said I understand then he had to run that's awesome

Rueben Moses

Mark said the same thing*

Aniki Pft

Say what you will about Amber in season one, but the way Amber and Mark's relationship is being presented is nice. It's very common in superhero media leading to the same issues and tribulations, but it's still neat showing how a regular person can't always be in relationship with a superhero. "They're dragging it out" no they are not, alot of you know what happens and are just impatient as fuck. Instead of trying to play waifu wars just watch the fucking show.


i don’t know much about the comics besides the really important moments so rex surviving that headshot seemed very anime bail out vibes lmao


Everyone forgets Mark is a part of a race of Interstellar world-conquering demigods until he destroys a bunch of alien ships with the same effort it takes us to go for a walk. That scene and Rex stomping on king lizard made this episode for me. So good.

Justin Knighton

I feel like they really should have clarified how long they meant when they would be showing up soon. They make it seem like they'll be showing up to earth in like a few months.


The twist with keeping Shrinking Rae alive is fantastic and great to see a change of source material. Makes me interested to see how the series as a whole will take it's turns.

Jazz Rivers

TBH I’m glad they finally killed someone off cuz all this fake-out, they died but they were brought back to life-stuff was getting to be a little much. These battles are way too fkkn brutal for that to keep happening.


In the comics there was a time frame general thragg gave mark but they left it out in the show because I dont think it’s gonna take that long because he defo gave mark SOME REAL TIME without spoilers but when you think about it’s like frieren (anime ) problem they live for what seems like forever anyways so why rush an invasion when you just wait a few years or a century he said 20 years was a mere moment for Nolan’s time on earth already so a decades don’t even feel like times passing for them


i feel like that "bermuda, i hear its lovely this time of year" was a nod to Agents of Shield. "Tahiti. I hear its a magical place"


Wow when looking up the cast I didn't realize how much of them are from TWD universe

DJ Muldrow

He’s still a superhuman, dude’s not bulletproof but he’s not normal in the slightest, he’s a whole government experiment


welp thanks for spoiling. have a nice day lmao


Alright so first off great episode. Rex is goated, his development has been dope and can’t wait to finally see Angstrom again. That being said tho, yea Amber and Mark really just need to break up already cause they’re spending so much time on this. I like the direction they’re handling it without them taking the easy way out and just have them cheat on each other or sum, but it feels like the writers are still trying to undo the mistake they made with Amber last season (which is where their relationship should have ended), so what we’re seeing now kinda feels like damage control to me. It also doesn’t help that Amber is less interesting of a character because of it. Since they seem to be scared of having Amber lash out again and as a result she doesn’t have any of the assertiveness or sass she did last season which are qualities that made her likable in the first place. This is all coming from a comic reader tho, so idk if show only ppl feel the same 🤷🏽‍♂️


You seem just as unbearable if not more ngl lol. Amber is being completely reasonable, but her and Mark do just need to end already 😭


Ain’t nun reasonable about being upset u have to lie to your friends about your BF that’s like so minor to the whole relationship but to her it’s a big reason then again it’s a OPINION since people don’t know those to you, you maybe can have a gf like that to other people it seems extra so to me if I’m her bf she’s unbearable to you maybe she’s not that’s why we have preferences in relationships lol that’s all


And no one forgot about last season 😂 bad taste in my mouth idc if she acting. Different he should of been dipped out with all that gas lighting and shit

Oni Legend

I mean i think its hard to enjoy being a superhero when it takes away so much from your regular life and responsibilities that you’ve had up until that point. Not to mention facing death constantly, dealing with heavy shit all the time, trying to save others and failing, it being practically impossible to balance anything healthily, all that. Shit would definitely stop being fun real quick Any high schooler Spider-Man story shows that


Rex really wanted those garlic knots


I believe another reason why viltrumites don’t kill Viltrumites, if you remember Nolan’s story from last season where they did a thanos snap to their own planet and cut the population in half and when they send warriros around the galaxy to conquer one person at a time there stretched thin on numbers that means you have less people on your planet doing actually reproducing and because they live for so long I’m guessing they only pop out kids every few centuries to even a thousand years because why have five kids in 1 life time when you could have them across millennia which makes sense why they’re so strict about cross breeding with certain aliens Look at Nolan he Looks about 40-50 yrs and they age slower the older they get his dad said mark won’t even look 30 when everyone he knows dies which means in the next 50-75 years mark is barely gonna age 10 years his 18 now so imagine how slow his dad ages he has to be at least 2000 yrs old or something.

Oni Legend

Thats much later in the comics brother. Even in the comics with Kregg they didn’t give him a timeframe

Nick Vaughn

What I love about shows like this and The Boys are that they really make it clear how shitty it can be if we actually lived in a world with superheroes, supervillains, monsters or aliens

Mervyn Larrier

Love the hints to the next suit we keep getting (and it's not even my favorite one, i just think it's cool)


Bro be fr, her lying to her friends about Mark is not why she’s upset about their relationship and you know that lmao. There’s a difference between opinions and nitpicking.


They didn’t kill Rick (the guy with William) they literally reconstructed his body after he got experimented on and turned into one of those mindless cyborgs. It’s different from Donald


Yeah they like to talk about that one in psych classes cuz apparently that guy was a real piece of shit before the accident, but got really pleasant after catching a rod to the dome

Jaelyn Mcgee

I remember in the comics when Angstrom makes a reference to Y the last Man, which is another comic Kirkman worked on

Norman kay10

the head shot was crazy

Revstarallstar .

I think the zombie universe he walks through is the walking dead as the creator of invincible is the same. So it connects it quite well…. And who knows, maybe they’ll be even bigger references this season👀

Jaelyn Mcgee

I really really hope they'll cover Eve and Rex's backstory issue


Rick has some robot in him but he's not as much robot as Donald. But yeah, Rick wasn't killed and replaced or anything. DA Sinclair just cut out a lot of parts of his brain and whatnot that they had to piece back together.

Curtis Freeman

Imagine a gang of viltrumite warriors charging at you and you pull out the legendary blick with a switch attachment

Teyon Alexander

First thanks for the props . Second, if I recall, Ray (in the comics it was a guy) died by being eaten. The fact that Rae (the lady version in the show) lived means a deviation from the comic that maybe comes into play down the line. Which is a weird choice since Rae didn’t really get a lot of lines these last two seasons.

Wassim aitikhlef

Btw, when Armstrong walked through the zombie dimension it was the Walking dead comic book universe bc the creator of Walking dead is the same for Invincible. It was a nod to it.


Remind me never to make a mistake around these 3 if i happen to run into yall. Dude were so ready to sell out the martin dude lmao. Ngl i dont blame you but damn lol.


U miss the part where I said last season ruined her for me 😂 after what I first seen anything she do irritating


Yeah. And the whole thing about Cecil asked Immortal to have a vacation in Bermuda is weird. I mean, it makes senses if Cecil wants him to step down from the leader position for a while and have a vacation, but why in the hell that it must be Bermuda? There's definitely something important there.

Jaden Coleman

I’m glad it’s not as messy in the show. That actually grounds it and makes it more compelling for me. I love the natural slow progression of a relationship 2 people desperately want to work, just not work at all.


I see what u saying and given what happens with amber later on it makes sense, how u feel about them fast tracking everything?

Michael Blake

Mark wasted more time arguing with immortal. Than if he had just let immortal go. That was some funny ego shit.


So The Immortal had me TIGHT this episode, right? So I had to stop and think about it... if his backstory is all the info we're gonna get (the flashback montage), then I gotta take it at face value and understand that THIS MAN is a Neanderthal who just so happened to have lived for this long, due to his powers. His brain is more monkey than man, as he was just a caveman before he was given immortality. You'd think a being of his age would be more wise, more intelligent... but NO! This man's brain is incapable of reaching higher levels of thought, and thus he will always remain a bit of a brute that can't think ahead. Good episode tho! Love the books and the strange/nuanced presentation in the episode. We're cookin' now, boys!

Ayanda Mpofu

Rex stood on business.

John Cedar

What makes you think he's a neanderthal instead of an early homo sapien? Both species existed alongside each other at the same time.


"Earth cheeks hit different" 😂


Pre-meteor and post-meteor humans are two different animals.

Jeremiah Neely

"I mean. I do love Amber, but she's...more like...a Pe---Ohhhhh. Now I get it dad."

John Cedar

What meteor? There is no meteor that caused or marked the extinction event of a recent human predesessor. Unless you're talking about some bit of lore or imagery to this show that I'm not familiar with. Neanderthals died out because humans hunted and ate them, not because of a natural disaster. Also, it's not a given that the Neanderthals were significantly less intelligent or less advanced than early homo sapiens. They had tools, culture, cave paintings, rituals to bury their dead, and even early forms of medicine and caring for the sick and elderly. They simply lost to homo sapiens and were wiped out, we can't really say for sure how intelligent they were or what they would've been capable of today. Equating them to monkeys isn't really accurate, they were far closer to us than they were to the kinds of apes we have today.

Casey Hedge

He is basically Weapon X in this universe. Almost a combo of Gambit and Wolverine. He literally has a metal skeleton.

Hasnain Khan



again thank you for spoiling. have a wonderful day


"Sorry few billion people i just killed 'near' that star, i missed"


Interesting point. I honestly thought from the flashback he was supposed to be a caveman of sorts (the semantics are too much for MOST people who watch this show lol). It's fine. I get that I was wayyy off. That's how it added up to me in the moment 😆. It made perfect sense for his behavior, but alas...

John Cedar

Dude was most definitely a caveman, but still a human I think, and he probably has a simplistic view on a lot of things. But he was also a pivotal president in America during wartime so he can't be THAT simple, I'd say that he's certainly more intelligent than a lot of humans. Seems like you just were under the impression that neanderthals were cavemen, which is true, they just weren't the ONLY cavemen. Humans that were genetically similar enough that we could still breed with them today were also cave people.

Red Death

Did you think his only power was making things blow up? He would've died way earlier if that were true

sotonye ogan

"Gas my books mark, gas them"


yes i did considering that’s the only thing they mentioned him having in the show so far also i literally said i don’t know much about the comics besides the most important parts of the story


Yeahhhh, my verbiage was a bit short sighted lol. If he's supposed to be based on Vandal Savage, then he's a Cro-Magnon? I did a quick look into it and there's a LOT more to cavemen and such than they ever taught us in school, that's for sure lol 😆

Berts Tv

Amber needs to die


I didn't even know he was a government experiment. There are cases where people have gotten shot in the brain & lived. Maybe not like before, but they can live & do things. And the bullet went off to the side so I thought maybe there would be a chance still. Humans are both squishy & surprisingly durable, its interesting.


I guess having a crazy near certain death experience would do that to you


Maybe people just aren't as invested as some others & it makes them impatient. Personally, she just feels like the 1st gf before the better one comes in. People can be patient, but they gotta be interested.


Tbf, Viltrimites aren't inherently bad, even without knowing much about them, the fact that Nolan couldn't turn Mark should say that even if he is just being careful. He doesn't need to be busting down her door every 5 seconds, just say if she needs help, then you'll be there & leave her alone.


But do we actually know that? Like you said, it's vague & they never actually explained it. And out of the 3, she's the only one with a logical reason for coming back that isn't just crazy luck. I'm not buying she dead, superhero stuff loves bringing people back😂

Erica Collins

Idc if I'm the only one who thinks this but Mark x Amber are cute together 😭 Sad to see they're falling apart. Like Mark said, Amber deserves better. They both do and both of their feelings are valid. Hopefully in an alternate universe they're happy together but I think Mark x Eve are better off as friends tbh I just can’t see them as a couple


That reveal just fucked up everyone's perception of her, even when she was being chill & reasonable before😂. Though I'm ready for it to end too, at least before they actually did things, now the only interactions they have is Mark apologizing because somebody can't not fuck up something every 5 minutes & call him. I don't even hate Amber since this season she's more understanding, so at least she got better, but their relationship at least feels like the weakest part of the show & just character build up so Mark & Eve can have a better relationship, at least to me.


Nah Eve is the better choice. Mark and Eve have much more in common and have a better understanding of each other's lives. Mark and Amber seem much more of a better fit as friends.

Erica Collins

Yeah Mark and Eve have more in common and have a better understanding of each other's lives which is why I think they're better off as just friends or best friends. Idk I just don't like the idea of them being a couple. I don't feel those vibes lol maybe later depending of how many seasons they do but as of right now, nah


I love how roshi said the biggest problem right now was amber😂 like bro earth bouta be invaded by sequids and viltrumites, but you right👏🏾get her ass outa here

Dark Danny

It's so obvious that, Amber and Mark are done, he's definitely going to end up dating Eve


If I were to guess, it might have been changed just to keep around a familiar character. Due to licensing/publishing rights, I am going to assume that some other Image characters won't be showing up (like how Science Dog became Seance Dog; we probably won't be seeing Savage Dragon, Tech Jacket, and maybe not even Brit) - so keeping Rae around can help offset that

Thulani Mason

When you realize Allen is essentially a Saiyin

Justin Neason

The shocking deaths aren't all that shocking to me anymore, I wonder if the super fast pacing dulls the affect for me. Like they been doing it since episode 1, i just expect it 😅

Nate D.

"Who was g o nna save rex? Nobody was there..." Well we've seen cecils branch of people able to teleport physically, we've seen people make gates that can move thru time and dimensions, we've seen a guy who can bring people into shadow else, we've seen people get microscopic small This is one of the anime that COULD have saved him and made sense, plus Cecil is always watching them, listening, knowing where they are and their life status. But sure nobody could save from a bullet

Anna Anthony

Alright I'm over people hating on Amber officially. To be against the relationship is one thing, but this girl has done nearly no wrong. She too loyal. And we will no longer disparage this young woman of color for having human emotions and being a W supportive girlfriend. That being said, Amber and Mark are probably not going to end up together. At this point, love will not conquer all. The Viltrumites will tho!

Anna Anthony

The way I cheered when Rex dog walked Lizard King. Oh God. I think Rex has become my new favorite Guardian. (Not that many are left). Also Cecil's team ain't do a full workup of SequidMan? Like top of bottom X-rays? CT scans? Blood tests? You're telling me nobody thought to test the shit outta that nigga? He'd be in observation for 2 months minimum. Cecil's team is buns!


how in the fuck do yall still not like amber? she literally fixed the problem yall had with her in the first season and now the relationship is falling apart which is NOT HER FAULT AT ALL BY THE WAY and ppl in the comments talking about “she needs to die” are yall fucking stupid?


she has literally done nothing wrong lmao at this point you just don’t like black characters😂😂😂

Corey Leach

I think the sequids can use its host to breed more of them so one was probably already cooking inside that astronaut when he got saved. Also like the foreshadowing with the hearbreak coffee lol

My Big Little Brother (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-24 03:10:02 Emotions don't run off logic. Sometimes when you rub people the wrong way, it's for life. People in this day and age are petty.
2024-03-23 18:47:40 Emotions don't run off logic. Sometimes when you rub people the wrong way, it's for life. People in this day and age are petty.

Emotions don't run off logic. Sometimes when you rub people the wrong way, it's for life. People in this day and age are petty.


aye man idk if you noticed but ppl tend to have emotions when they’re emotionally connected to a show. shocker i know lmao

Erica Collins

Literally lmao the Amber hate is od. She's a cool character and had ONE bad moment yet there's characters like Rex who's an asshole that treats women like shit and people like him bc he's funny....but now that he seems to be turning a new leaf people will probably like him more. It doesn't make sense because Amber "turned a new leaf" and people hate her more. I swear they're hating just to hate


Nah the first season she was written horribly, she was WAY more like the comic version of herself, which is also one of the most hated characters in the comic. Mad at him for not revealing his secret identity is still one of the dumbest fucking decisions for her character. That said, the parallel to her and mark and his mom and their life with omniman and that experiance, was written 1000x better. You are straight caping.


Dudes need to learn to not drop random spoilers to explain context which isn't needed. Literal humans have survived a shot to the head, rex is highly trained(even if he is a fucking idiot), and still literally built differnt(we don't know the specs of him or anyone besides marc but Allen already showed they aren't afraid to pull shit out about characters that you dont know). Saying a trained soldier managed to get up after surviving a shot to the head under pure adrenaline isn't that far of a ask to believe in a movie tbh. Exp cuz it's not like rex was fighting someone that was actually as strong as the people he fight before, nor did he fight or stay conscious for more than like 30 seconds.

sotonye ogan

anytime i see amber of season 2 i just look at her in comparison to a tamed wild animal, still a wild animal in my eyes. the rex comparison is not it btw rex is a shameless guy he doesn't think what he does is right knows he a dickhead by nature, amber last season thought she ate and right with that bs she was on.

Erica Collins

Nah I disagree, some of the stuff Rex does he 100% thinks he’s right. In season 1 he tried to get back with Eve after eveything he did to her acting like what he did wasn't that big of a deal and in this episode he literally came to the realization that he was treating people bad lol come on now that boy just thinks he's hot shit when he's not

Daniel Sol

Bruh what even is Rex's power? It seems like his superpower is being an indestructible punching bag. The way this man lives through Ridiculous levels of physical trauma for a normal human is very impressive.

Kyndryck Higgins

Someone let them know Cecil doesn’t use holograms he’s been teleporting.. how’d they forget that?


ehh they watch a lot of shit so it’s understandable


Attention posting cringe af. Stop trying to hint at shit no one cares about. There is no context on this, stop trying to bait spoil people.


Ok how about you guys stop overreacting over something you don't care then? I comment stupid pointless shit


Try fentanyl

Damarcus Miller

Man they too stupid to read the comments. Roshi would rather gaslight us with this hologram bullshit

Janaia Monique

Why you so mad tho? This like your second time commenting this. Just don’t watch them if they’re“stupid”….

A Hopeful Observer

You actually can survive getting shot in the head, but it's nothing short of miracle. Even then you are going to have some kind of permanent brain damage.

Finka Clash

ep 2 of these mfs not realizing its cecil teleporting


Idk if anyone else has said this yet but Cecil is teleporting when he shows up like that not a hologram

Alexander Szabo

Not all three of them bopping to the party music at the exact same time lmao

Jake Dayton

I just realized that Rex kinda reminds me of Sokka from ATLA. They speak with the same inflections and make the same stupid jokes.

Stanley Labissiere

Nah the more I watch the show, the more I don't get why they hate Cecil. Man tries to do the best out of shitty situations

These Plums

The zombie universe Angstrom walked through was a Walking Dead Easter Egg because Kirkman created the Walking Dead too.


Or! Hear me out. People see that it's not working and don't want to waste time on something doomed to fail for a while. Why get back to him? People are tired of it. It should've ended completely in season 1. Plus what she said about obligations to save just because he has power(just me saying it) Their relationship falling apart now isn't either of their fault. Both of them knew what they were getting into and it just not working out.


That's a big leap in logic with the race thing unless this person has said the same for every black character this person has seen.


Amber is a lot better in this season even if the relationship doesn't end up working out


Cecil teleports he doesn't use a hologram they keep saying that every episode 💀


Great episode glad Rae made it even though she's messed up and sheera is right those ragnarrs are on demon time I don't know about that one let's save it for plan z. Amber is so much better from season 1 it's ridiculous for starters she's actually understanding hope she finds someone nice because this relationship definitely ain't it though I do think it was nice for a while.


By that logic roshi thraxan cheeks must hit too 🤔👀.