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we got a crumb of sakuga today



After this you guys should give kengan ashura a try. It another good fighting anime. That or love & death & robot

Hasnain Khan



if yall dont shut up about kengan ashura like we get it

Dues Montana

please do kengan ashura next

Charlie baker

Kengan ashura for sure after


Remember the 3d from the prison escapees arc? Imagine if they didn't listen to the fans and made that fight with 3d, in comparison to it, 2d still images feel like a breathing fresh air after gaming for a whole day

Charlie baker

Also baki used the on the shoulders head spin against retsu in the maximum tournament to bearly kill him after he did it to someone else

Charlie baker

Kozue was also really cool in s2 but went downhill from there

halinton williams

Everyone finds baki's girl to be irritating tbh


st0p bringin up that ugly ass cgi shit baki season 1 was bad enough with them ps1 ass graphics. Baki gotta certain autistic charm to it thats why its good for what it is rly cant expect sumn else to have the same affect dam sure not kegan ashura


Baki gf needed to get punched one good time but i dont condone violence against wimmen


Kengan ashura next it is a must the latest season was so cold


It really not a hot take to dislike kozue she is annoying 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Nick Vaughn

Sheera saying how toxic this shit is and yet here I am about to cry at the father son bonding 😭 like yea this shit is toxic but it still hittin the feels lol…and I feel like Mash would win for the sheer fact that he’s kinda got 4th wall breaking/gag manga ability like Saitama and I don’t know if even Yujiro could deal with that kind of foolishness


Jdogzero Silverblade

yujiro is that one guy who got isekai'ed with no powers at all and no ability to world hop so once he reached the top he got bored. though imo yujiro is just short sighted and only likes 1 form of entertainment meaning fights and thats it. kind of dull imo.

sotonye ogan

12:53 Baki got that "nah id win" ass look lmao

Saucy Jonathan

(9:51)Wealth, fame, status. Hanma D yuujirou , the King of the Pirates, attained everything this world has to offer……


Megalo box and Kengan ashura next fighting anime🤜🏾🤛🏾



Killah_ Raze

did lupa smoke 10 joints


Pause on crushing mash’s cream puff😭

Brandon Acevedo

Glad I made it in time for the last two episodes.


I wanted to like megalobox, but there was just something off about it. I feel like it didnt live up to its full potential. I havent watched season 2 tho, maybe ill give it a chance one day. It was an amazing concept, but I felt like the show pulled its punches.

Devin B

I understand where Kozue is coming from because objectively there's no point in going this far but in the words of Jerome from Snowfall "This is man shit!"

Davon Thomas

Never that show was done dirty and animated poorly. Especially the worst pacing in history with them terrible 2 episode history lesson episodes


Love death and robots would be a siiiiiiick reaction!

Arima Kana

Human nunchuck is beyond wild


Literally anything baki related happening anywhere in the world there will be kengan ashura niggas bitching and moaning.

General Grevious

Bruh imagine someone literally folding you like laundry😂


Daily routine of the Rastafari man. Catch up, Chief.


Yeah they can leave Kozue out of the show. She's not very interesting 😒

LeHarlequin .

It's been a journey. So happy yall watched this. Baki's one of my top anime of all time.

The Endless

or maybe he just have a different taste? dont be weird we're supposed to be adults around here. leave that on twitter

The Endless

Yeah but you know this is like therapeutic for them. The culmination of everything unspoken and the tension that’s been building up for Years. And it’s the only way they know how to really communicate with each other. Ik you’ve seen it but a lot ppl here don’t get it that those of us who’s been watching since the OG series had been WAITING on this .

The Endless

I wanna disagree but I feel like you’re super right at the same time. Bc it’s like it makes sense when you reach the pinnacle you’d get bored bc you have nothing to overcome anymore but that’s only bc he dedicated his entire existence to it so it’s really bros own fault😭😭

The Endless

The gaslighting part was a reach for me too bc it’s kinda valid bc she wouldn’t get bc she’s not a son😭 boys inherently have a different relationship dynamic with their dads than daughters so it’s not even misogyny really😭😭

The Endless

I can kinda respect how consistent they write her though ngl. She’s never really been down with the fighting world he’s part of and even more with his relationship with Yujiro.

The Endless

They did and my heart was broken for how good the manga is. It def deserves better. Maybe we can get a remake or another studio to pick it up ongoing🤞🏾

Devin B

I agree and I've definitely been waiting for this moment since their last fight all those years ago. I was just saying looking at this from Kozue's perspective they're doing the most.

Jdogzero Silverblade

yeah i mean its not like i hate his character. hes clearly extremely smart so he could have dominated all fields. he has the brains and the brawn so he could have gone to the point of space travel. boom aliens to fight XD.

The Endless

@DIOR Kengan has its certain charms too. I’m ngl im biased and prefer Baki just bc of my history with it but Kengan artstyle kinda gives me Telltale vibes or if you were try to make a moving comic book story but they lacked enough budget to completely smooth it out. Def not an excuse given goated shows like Food Wars had consistently amazing animation and studio wasn’t even half size of Netflix’s or studios like WIT or Pierrot(Mappa would be an unfair comparison). But point is Baki had its flaws earlier on and I put up with it so I could do the same with Kengan and it’s only natural ppl bring it up given the same genre ya know?

The Endless

Reminds me of those Reels or TikTok’s that be like “why women live longer” and it’s a video of men doing the dumbest shit possible for the sake of fun💀 we’re just different creatures man😂 But it’s def valid tho yeah

The Endless

Wouldn’t be surprised if they had a back story section in the last episode with his dad yuichiro, and it was some too secret covered up info that it was really him that was the first man on the moon😭😭😂 these niggas too strong to be contained on earth man💀

Devin B

I'd be lying if I said I never thought of doing the dumb things they'd be doing in those videos. Even with this father son fight I just think it's epic just because, there doesn't need to be a reason or goal for it.

The Endless

*The Masculine Urge kicks in*😂💀 But yeah really loving the fact that they both can enjoy the moment of not having to hold back too. Baki has always been a different creature but when Netflix picked it up at the time skip nobody could really hang with him like that (except for a select few at the time ofc). And the fact Yujiro can admit that he’s finally met a worthy match🤌🏾, ik he’s a terrible person but the satisfaction of everything coming to a head finally. Chefs kiss.


Baki bout to be done like Pedro Pascal in Game of Thrones lmao


You should def watch the original Baki series


My brother in Christ, zenitsu is your pfp clearly your ratings of anime aren’t the shit either

Kai Lee

i think they watched it eons ago and it got the channel striked clapped. Believe it was the reason they had a second channel for a while YBR SZN


Yeah 6:59 😂

Justin Hearst

you know it's funny you mention Mash 4th wall gag against his father because.... nevermind.


Roshi caught lacking 12:00


yall are starting to talk waaay too much during these. your jokes are good if they are smart but in this one yall just joke around more than actually paying attention. Gives me the vibes that yall dont even want to watch whats currently playing