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came back swinging!


Hasnain Khan



Ngl the time it took killed the hype but they better thank god the storyboarders were cooking 😂


Thank god I read the comic cause that dumbass break killed my hype. Didn’t even remember this episode came out till yesterday

Brendan Boyd

Let’s goo!!! The hype is strong 💪


I know a Braxton Roberts lol. Shouts to Mr.E!


Still in shock about Kate. What the fuck was this episode man?

Father Feugo

Next time they do a 4-5 month break like that again imma take over the planet myself


Bro watched the 49 min video in 30 seconds and commented 💀


nothing killed the hype for me , im glad my guys got back around to it lets go 🔥🔥

Themperor Xaquayza

I wish they didn't take a long ass break but i guess here we are.


Ray's death was so much more brutal in the show

PJ Rivera

First half was kinda slow but the 2nd half really got going. I know some people were surprised komodo didn’t die when ray expanded inside him but he is part komodo dragon and they can swallow very large objects whole. Also he is super strong so he crushed her with his muscles. What a way to go


I thought it was funny that it was about a 2 month break, and then the show is like "Oh yeah, it's been 2 months, hasn't it *wink*"


Unrelated but any chance of u guys reacting to the full uncut sukuna vs mahoraga fight that dropped recently shit is a whole other fight


Rae's death was goddamn traumatic lol. I guess in the comic buddy just gets chewed and swallowed, but these sick fucks said hold our beer lol Also I really hope Eve gets to pop off in this season. Her special got me so hype but her offense has felt pretty basic compared to that highway brawl with her siblings.


Now that we’re back ima say this now I’m ready for amber and mark to be OVER the writers thought her failing a test and her grandpa dying was supposed to make me feel bad SIKE, let’s not forget she was a weirdo who found out a SECRET identity on her own and got mad when she was finally told about the SECRET IDENTITY

Ranginald Vagel

“Oh my god I’m an endo?” Tears in my eyes that was the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while


How much i gotta pay yall to re react to jjk fights now that they put out the full animation for them

Chase Doyle

Because they rewrote her character for the first season. Clearly for the worst as she is much more empathetic and understanding this season


Wasn't the only one that was getting a meaningful change Sukuna vs. Mahoraga? The others they just removed dimming and improved a couple of details, but nothing noteworthy, as far as I know.

Art of Trolling

I love the Character Development for my boy Rex. They better not fucking kill him dawg


Do... you... want... a spoiler? Cuz if so, I've got nothin'... On Rex 😉


lol another No. meme to add to my collection


They really hit us with a "let em cook" by the studio after this long break

Ginger Dwarf

I can't take Optimus seriously man. Every word he says I expect him to say "Allen, you must find the All Spark"

Indifferent Denji

yea im pretty sure its jus that one that's getting its full sauce but in japan they're screening that episode and the 3 before it in theaters.


Rae’s death was traumatizing wth 😳

Dues Montana

it’s not hologram cecil has a teleportation device i think y’all forgot that back in season 1 when he went up against nolan and when he summoned that giant monster to fight him


And here you find out Allen is basically like Doomsday.


did they forget cecil can teleport

Hi How are ya

Man I can’t wait till a certain someone shows up haha


So the lizard that ate shrinking Rae is a Komodo dragon and they eat their prey whole so when she grew, his neck hyperflexed and crushed her and swallowed her whole

Quinton Campbell

why does Roshi think Cecil's a hologram? lol


Allen I need you to go back to earth and grab the AllSpark


Woah i thought Lizard League was just going to be part of comedy but they are brutal


I think the reason Rex didnt start rapid firing earlier was cus he actually had teammates he didnt want to accidentally hit 😆

Themperor Xaquayza

I'm so mad they killed the small green girl like that. That was so disrespectful wow. WOOOWWW. LIKE WEOOOOOWW! That was not in th comics btw.

Teyon Alexander

The Lizard League are pushovers for a full Guardians team with their heavy hitters taking on the Lizard League’s heavy hitters. With all the heavies in space the remain in g team didn’t stand a chance and it’s a miracle Rex didn’t end up a buffet.

zacharie garondo

“Is he gonna start a robot uprising ?” Roshi already starting to doubt the robot 😂 he’s gonna want him dead by the end of the season

John Cedar

If they just kept monster girl on earth they would've been fine 😔 literally no one in the lizard league could harm her and she would've kept komodo busy

Themperor Xaquayza

Really? It was in the comics? I feel like I would've remembered that but I'll take your word for it I guess.

Ryan A

Cecil ain’t sending holograms of himself just an fyi. He’s teleporting


Nah if it was me I would not take care of my half brother I’m messed up 😭


Did anyone else see that coming? I was always worried that without any kind of armor or super durability they were gonna get it real fast. Honestly it was hilarious to me because it was like a "See!! I fucking told you" moment lol


The deaths are going to be way more brutal in the show than they are in the comics

sotonye ogan

Man just when i didn't care about invincible nomore cuz of that stupid ass hiatus they pull me back in lol. ngl so nice to see characters not having no plot amor lol that big nigga flexing his muscles to chow down Ray was raw asf 😭


Listen I get where Cecil is coming from Earth was almost destroyed by Nolan you gotta do whatever is necessary to keep Earth safe


Nah, quit playing. You just hate her because she's a black girl that got upset. That's why you can't let this go after all these years.


Roshi, quit thinking Cecil is sending holograms. He's actually there. He has a teleportation device that costs millions of american tax payers dollars with each use.

Jigga Man

Martian got caught and pulled a Putin


It was actually "worse" in the comics since it was almost played like a gag. He shrunk, got eaten and that was that. Here she at least took a guy out and tried to take komodo dragon with her.


Man, the way Shrinking Rae's death makes sense. The dude is a SNAKE with super strength. Snakes can handle eating large ass things with how their physiology works so him not exploding from her growing back to normal size and just ... flexing to crush her with his insides just made me more scared of anacondas and pythons... ( edit: correction, komodo dragon but same logic applies and I'm scared )

Mk IDraw

Ohh ok I was trying to understand what happened exactly Good shi


Girl bye. He keeps forgetting Cecil is the nick fury of this show. No powers.

Indifferent Denji

Our side got 3 potential viltrumites on our side.


Cecil is the asshole that's correct in his logic and reasoning. I respect him. He gets shit done.

Indifferent Denji

they said they most likely have shorter breaks. It's impossible to make 45 min shows consistently every season without at least a small break. IT takes a lot on top of voice acting editing and everthing. s1 break was longer so this is just the team getting into a grove not a mistake just learning curves.

Just Shinji

Donald realizing he is a close/robot immediately reminded me of Dr Abullah from Pluto, shit I'm never trusting robots again after that show

Jigga Man

Duplikate got the double Mac treatment


Haven't read the comics but genuinely don't get why a) Dupli-kate doesn't always keep 1 copy at home in case shit goes south and b) why she doesn't carry weapons or equipment. If she can duplicate her costume she should be able to duplicate anything, there's a limit to what an otherwise normal chick can do even with sheer numbers, duplicate some guns or something ffs.


He travels via teleporter it cost millions of dollars each use


2 month break?? Roshi it was like 5 months! I think part 1 of season 2 ended in mid November!


WE BACK BABY, shits gon get real these next episodes/seasons, I can’t wait 😮‍💨


Cecil wasn't a hologram lol, he was actually there. He's got a teleporter, remember? They even used it to teleport the Kaiju back in season 1. There was never anything about a hologram, I dunno where that came from


It’s simple. Duplicate never felt like she was ever in trouble or needed to do that once in her career. Every battle she has been in she has had heavy hitters who did most of the work and saved her whenever. Duplicate probably felt like she could never die and that cockiness is def the reason she was unprepared and died


Word. But I bet it's A) A proximity based limitation. And B) She PROBABLY has a "super suit" that could be made out her own DNA somehow, and THAT'S why she can duplicate it as well... She'd be as deadly as Twice from MHA if she could duplikate ANYTHING. I like your points tho lol 😆


Give her a chance. But I think with Mark keep going out and not spending time with her like this again and again, they will eventually break up.

Marc Williams

Just to clarify if it's been unclear, that isn't a hologram, it's the real Cecil; He teleports.


Yeah. Actually they are nothing compared to the heavy hitters of the guardians of the globe, the Lizard League just happened to attack the base at the worst time possible where most of them are in space.


Dupli-kate was literally doing everything of the muscle which is crazy. She could have had each of her copies specialize in some role. Sniper, some other gun, Pocket sand, poison, tank, Vegeta, etc.


Man they made a serious mistake assigning members for the mission and guarding the headquarter. If only one or two more of them stay on earth, all the deaths will never happen.


Dupli-Kate's name shoulda been Katie Glass, with how easily her bones shattered with EVERY hit. Taken out by a "Texas Rattle Snake, Stone Cold Steve Austin!" Lookin' nigga. Shame... A Damn shame... But that shit was still FIREEE tho! 😂


Makes sense. They can eat a baby hippo right?

Paul Reyes

You’re right, part 1 was in November. That’s such a huge gap.


Definitely done a lot better than Shrinking Ray's death in the comics. Komodo Lizard swallows him whole here, same as Rae, but for some reason Ray doesn't even TRY to expand, and he seemingly dies instantly despite not being chewed.


Allen's got Saiyan recovery


Well they knew the Sequids were gonna be a real difficult mission, so they needed their heavy hitters. As for why they didn't send more people with Rex, Kate and Rae, I imagine it's because they had a lot of heroes still recuperating from the battle with Omnipotus


I’m ngl if Duplicate has the ability to yk dupliKATE herself why doesn’t she just leave a duplicate or her og body at home or something 😭im just saying she gotta be top 10 dumbest

Ayanda Mpofu

I think this episode goes to rex, he packed those two up.


The whole sequid plan was trash. Immortal and Cecil are bad team leaders. Either have Mark & Eve destroy the ship from the outside, or just kill the Sequid host immediately and the whole swarm becomes mindless. Nah take every bruiser with you so the B team can get killed by the Lizard League, the biggest joke in the villain society.


dawg in the comics hes genuinly strong as shit, komodo dragons irl are one of the strongest and deadliest reptiles and they eat anything with the enzymes in their stomach that can break down literally trash and some metals. duplicate was never gonna survive ts

Kumi Chan

cant wait for Thursday for ep 6


Dayumm! Thanks for the knowledge 😆 for real forreal

Finka Clash

yall been watching this long and still dont realize cecil teleports? its not a hologram you goofy ass 😭


Why monster girl sound like azula???


damn that's wild, we must be getting new team Members, aint no way they brutally died that way lol and the fact that one of em got crunched inside dude body i felt bad for her 😂 i thought she would've been their savior

sotonye ogan

My question is why I ain't see this bulk nigga turn up like that in the previous encounters lmao


I don't think destroying the ship from the outside is possible. I mean they barely got close to the warship before getting blasted by those missiles. And I think the only one that can fight probably in space is Mark because he is a Viltrumite, the others are Earthlings so they still need air. Killing the Sequid host was probably the plan the whole time but as you can see, none of them are able to reach the host yet, they all getting squashed before they can get close. I do agree that they should leave some members behind though, like Monster girl or Black Samson.

John Cedar

Bc it's the same voice actress, Grey Griffin, and if you look up her IMDB you'll probably find 15+ characters you like that she's voiced over the years, she's voiced literally hundreds if not thousands of different characters in animation, film, and video games.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't they have like an army of cyborgs like the ones that fought Omni-man in season 1? Why not releasing them to deal with the Lizard League?


That growing big in someone's body only works if you can grow giant like Ant-Man or girl from chained soldier. If rae could she her plan would've worked


Btw Cecil is real everytime you see him. He's teleporting.


This is the example of what wouldve happened to antman if he tried to kill thanos the up the crack way 😂. Cus even though he can become enormous, thanos is made of eternal’s parts. Basically a god. He wouldve turned into the shape of thanos’s intestines

Thomas Wynn III

Why sheera trynna blame Rex for Kate being trash 😂😂😂

Orlandez Malone

If I was dupli-Kate I would just always leave a double back at the Guardians main base but I'd also have a couple spread around the globe living normal lives just in case. They can alswsy 'print' more as long as one survived


Lmao 🤣🤣 Lupa and I are sympatico. I was JUST about to type about Sonic's VA, and as I typed one word, he goes "Is that.. Is that Sonics VA?" Love ya, Brotha. Never change 😆

M'Sauvea Reynolds

Dude they watch a bunch of shows, they can’t remember everything. Definitely when that was mentioned years ago during season 1

Paul Reyes

Sheera be blaming characters on stuff that’s out of their control 😂


Mmm not quite that’s all I can say…


I already read the comic a couple times, it’s just my interpretation of it tbh

DJ Muldrow

Lmao chill they’re older and watch hella shows so they don’t remember much, it can be frustrating but funny asf

DJ Muldrow

This season is gonna be gas, also I think they’re gonna do something different with amber from the comics


Rae went from ordering food to being food, one of the worst ways to go being crushed to death by stomach walls.


I find it hilarious that Optimus' non-viltrumite disguise is literally just a fake beard to go with the Viltrumite moustache. Like it's as if the moustache is *Invincible* and can't be shaved so you just gotta work around it (I'm guessing it's a cultural thing cuz all the other Viltrumite dudes got the stache)

John Cedar

This is exactly what I thought, unless her clones have an expiration period or she needs to be within a certain proximity of the original, but they've never mentioned any limitations to her powers. The original always has a #1 so it'd be cool if #0 is always just chilling at home, watching TV.


The lizard league is weak..only against the og guardians of the globe and those who have strong powers


"It's just the Lizard League. They are supposed to be weak" But then you realize each time they fought before, they had Robot, Atom Eve or Invincible to Hard Carry them. And then later on Monster Girl, Black Sampson, and Bulletproof

Paul Reyes

Lol it wasn’t a fake beard. He just straight up ripped it off cus he’s built different lmao.


Considering Dupli-Kate shares memories with all the clones, since she remembers and experiences each death, I imagine she has to learn all those different roles herself for those clones to be that useful and that goes as far as her own limits.


Because I'm pretty sure Omiman fucked all of them up and they're probably running tests for improvement or something.


Hey at least it's not like Steven Universe. They did the same shit but worse because a lot of episodes were filler.


Try the comments section mentioning it 2 months ago.


If they straight up kill Dupli-Kate permanently, I wonder if they'll bring her brother Multi-Paul ( yes that is his moniker) in the plot. We've seen him in jail in season 1 so ...


Why didn't they leave at least ONE heavy hitter on earth like monster girl or Bulletproof


FYI Komodo Dragons are known for their immense throat strength which crushes prey whole like a boa constrictor.

Kumi Chan

no way Sheera talking trash about Rex when he's fighting for his life 😭

Davon Thomas

Guess you missed that part where they literally said seperate the astronaut from the sequids to destroy the hive mind. And missed that it was literally impossible to even get close to him. And destroying the ship from the outside would be practically impossible.

Davon Thomas

I wonder if it's a she can't be super far away from a clone or else it'll develop independence short of thing. Which is why they are also relatively close together


To be fair, that martian ship was an planet ending scenario as well, it's the sort of thing you don't want to gamble on not having all your available resources on it.


Soooo was there ever a reason as to why they made amber so unlikeable in season 1?


Bro that shit was crazy but I was laughing my ass off about how immortal specified that the astronaut was American like we get you're Abe Lincoln but who cares what country the dude was from xD

Ryan The Biggest Dick Zandes

Only thing that I can create as an excuse is that they are able to send them to deal with issues; however, are they able to control them at this stage? Are they able to be sentient enough to know whose the real enemy versus an innocent bystander/player.

Ryan The Biggest Dick Zandes

That is why I liked the duplicate brothers who helped the Robot dude to make a body. They only had a single clone and even then, the clone themselves couldn't tell if they are a clone or the original

Dark Danny

Cecil isn't a hologramm, he's teleporting, he did it in s1 when be was trying to distract Nolan


thats what im sayin like have one hide somewhere close by at least

Oshane Braham

lol he was throwing them before they was just dodging them


2 months? nigga its been 4 since part 1 😭


The black dudes always be lackin 🤣 invincible doing them dirty


Get ready, girls. The world is ending because she has a brother.


Just for the sake of relationship drama. Always gotta have teen relationship drama but now that they're college adults and faced extreme trauma, she and Mark grew up. So their relationship being shit and how they are now shows growth and maturity. She grew up.


Yeah a lot of reptiles got that throat goat game.


Yeah, the situation was too sensitive to leave to mindless fight bot zombies. The lizard league had missiles at the ready to launch in major cities so the mission required some tact to avoid immediate retaliation.


Because voice actors voice other characters in other cartoons...?


Yeah , the worst possible outcome would have been them dropping a mid ass episode. Not even a bad episode, just mid. Im glad they cooked, i just hope they dont do it again


Oh damn, Jay Pharoah is the VA for Bulletproof (and Komodo Dragon)

Yuuki Sonzaishinai

yea hopefully roshi sees this or they remember when they mentioned how much it cost to teleport in the first season


@sotonye ogan its because they had all the good members. realistically anyone mid to low tier gets wiped by the lizard league and they always get unlicky going against the globe rather than other superhero teams which have all lost to the lizard squad actually. rewatch the first season and they mention another team getting beat by them

Delinda Arts

Rex be throwing out those quippy one-liners like he's Spiderman and the whole time he could gave game winning assists with Kate smh. Nigga be bullshittin bro lmao


Damn that's true. Everyone with super strength, speed durability went to space.


cecil is actually always there in person. he uses some teleporting device. remember when omni-man almost grabbed him by the tie & when cecil teleported away nolan had a piece of the tie


I feel that might be the case of they wanted to give us a misdirection heart attack with those brutal deaths. Please let her be hiding and please let Rae have plot armor to survive ... that.

Thulani Mason

I'm not ashamed to admit that I often feel scared of the idea of no longer being alive. However, seeing what Donald is experiencing is making me reconsider. I don't know Iif I'd want to live on in that state. Especially when I didn't give consent to it.


I'd rather good content that takes time than shit content that was rushed. Look no further than every Marvel installment since Avengers Endgame, barring few exceptions.


Allen got a zenkai boost lol


You mean, Allen IS a Saiyan? Damn... Makes me think what Bardock could have become... 🤔




Even just Robot staying behind would have kept that mission from falling apart, they put all their eggs in one basket 🤦🏿‍♂️


I think they said it takes like two weeks to get there from earth so he was on that planet a good month


I'm surprised they had nothing to say about that "Perry the Platypus?!" ass reveal Optimus Prime pulled at the end lol, I couldn't figure out what the hell ripping his beard off was supposed to mean on my first watch. Jesus christ, Komodo is a god damn beast. I'm starting to like this Lizard King guy, he gives off similar psycho prince of chaos vibes as the Joker


I... think she was done in by that Throat Game... But I'm not saying you're wrong lol

Corey Leach

I'm sure that Martian guy means no harm but bro gotta be taken out or severely punished. He's causing chaos for two planets rn lmao.


42:55 I highly agree with Sheera on this. I'm not sure if the comics are also like this, but the PIS of the characters really drags down Invincible. Rex just stands there instead of doing what he did to the lizard lady seconds after, albeit aim a little lower. Could argue that Rae was too injured here, but she could have shrunk again to avoid being crushed or enlarged when first caught. Other things I could point out but no victory in pointing out logical gaps in fiction.

Alejandro Rodriguez

Cecils never a hologram that's just him teleporting in and out

Thomas Wynn III

Rex for once kinda held shit down this episode so idk what you were watching. They didn’t come out the gate killing the lizard league so it didn’t make sense to just kill them bc heroes don’t do that. I just thought it was funny that Sheera immediately went after Rex tho😂😂


Rex stalled when he could have aimed for lower spot on Komodo, Rae could have grew when caught or shrunk small enough when being crushed. The writing leaves a bit to be desired. Also not sure why Kate doesn't arm her clones to make up for lack of range/etc.


You must have missed the part where he was throwing his boom stick at the female one and she did that thing called DODGING THE PROJECTILE and he threw one at her before the Kate death. Also Shrinking Rae grew inside with the intent to tear out not factoring this dude is a komono dragon that can handle that type of mass and shrinking back down ultimately doesn't matter because he'd crush her to death no matter the size and her remaining small means she'd just sufficate to death. I doubt she can shrink to a subatomic level, if she could she would have but given the comic death clearly she can only size down to the smallest we've seen her. Once she was inside, she was doomed.


And before someone brings up what she did to other guy in his head, it's different. She was in a dudes skull where she had free reign to fuck shit up. She wound up in the other dudes goat throat where it can handle extreme trauma and he would fight back by flexing.


The real mistake was all of them underestimating the villains and honestly thinking they could take on who they picked to fight. If Rex had fought the komono dragon guy and Kate be on reprile chick it would have been better.

Norman kay10

its ROBO COP Donald


cecil isn’t a hologram yall, he’s teleporting


Right now tik toks and shit cause it’s only in Japanese theaters but it comes out in the blue ray edition


CRAZY episode! So glad to be back


@yungzeus and what are you gonna do about me being lame? Kick my ass?


how are they going to destroy a ship that's hundreds of years ahead of any kind of tech Earth has? Remember, they were doing their FIRST expedition to Mars last season, this Earth's space travel is not much more advanced than ours despite the other crazy tech that they have


she also voices Shrinking Rae, as well as both Eve's real AND foster moms. She's really putting the work in for this series. I love her, but I hope they don't rely on her *too* much.


it's a patriotism thing, in the comics it was actually Cecil that pointed that out and he was WAY angrier about it


spoilers to set up for the break up so mark can eventually endup with eve


Yeah, how'd that DODGING go? Lizard lady died, that's how well a more agile enemy fared. Komodo was stationary, distracted, and had to focus, so to think that would not warrant trying is lackluster. True on Rae's action, though it comes off as poor writing given she can shrink to varying degrees which in a tight space makes sense for a shrinking power. I doubt even smaller she'd get crushed but that's on how the writers take that angle unless now he can control his large intestine or start punching himself not really much to be said. She was doomed for sure, just the way it plays out is just a bit better than the comic's ambiguous one. Agreed on your second point, different aspect there.


Well either way being crushed inside someone/something is a awful way to go.


Damn they said fuck the plot armor for this episode SHEESH


Cecil is lucky Donald didn't crash out in that office. I know I would've. 😤 Also I'm mad they left the B team on Earth without any backup


i disagree. I like how there are fuck up heroes. Not everyone in the world is built differnt, so it would make sense for not every hero to be as adapt with their powers. I mean look at mark, dudes still a clown for a viltrumite just cuz he holds back when he fights. Imagine being weaker and not almost unkillable and having the same issues. You would get washed on a bad day by 1 wrong move, and that shit happens a lot. The times when it does happen in invincible make it a bit more interesting.


Cecil and the whole government was no where to be found for rex and them🤦🏾‍♂️

Anna Anthony

Cecil sent not one shred of back up. No panic button. I know I saw more heroes in the beginning who we haven't. Is Cecil implying they died while Mark was in space? Cause that's weak sauce. At this point, their world needs the Viltrumites to invade or sommthn. Cause if THIS the best of the best, then they're in trouble. Might as well genocide/replenishide it. #Yagerist


I don't think it was a good idea to send all their heavy hitters to the warship now


19:38 , 36:35 😂


I understand but they're "the guardians of the globe" you know. I just think it's funny either way


Oh thats probably going stay. I thought you talking about mark and eve


Literal Spoch (Robot's VA, Zachary Quinto, also played Spoch in the Chris Pine Star Trek trilogy) saying "This isn't Star Trek" was a GREAT line. 😆

Jeremiah Neely

This is why you don't send away all of your strongest niggas off planet all at once. Rex and co. got bodied hard.


I love how everyone is just calling him Optimus because of the VA lol, the character doesn't even need a real name we all know who we're talking about.

Indifferent Denji

yes you want them to just order mark and eve to kill a bunch of innocent martians and an innocent astronaut there's a reason you aren't in the writers room

Anna Anthony

I honestly don't think that Amber was unlikeable to more mature viewers who can put themselves in her shoes. If I were dating someone who was lying to me (so poorly) for the entire duration of the relationship. And my life was in danger Multiple times, and you Still don't tell me. And when we break up you finally decide I'm worth it? yeahhhhh 17 year old me had stuff to do that wouldn't have tolerated that b.s. But that's just me. Amber got a bad wrap imo

Anna Anthony

scuse me, Kate was trash? Komodo literally ate them all up and barely left crumbs.


Rae's death was hot lol.

Samke Dladla

I agree on the beard pull. Unless there's a specific species that has that beard as a permanent feature, that was horrible. It's not like Viltrumites can't grow beards either, Nolan grew one when he destroyed the Flaxan's planet.


Don't know why rexroth suddenly became one off my favourite characters


Great some invincible where they start cooking main characters 🙃

A. P.

Mark still trash smh

General Grevious

Man the amount of tax money that gets spend in this universe must be crazy😂


Rex prob didnt use those weapons before because there was 3 fights in that small enclosed area and he risked putting his teammates in danger by accident


Optimus not being evil is awesome!


I'm a trans woman and Roshi saying "so stunning, so brave" made me spit my coffee out laughing. This crew is funny as fuck and clearly grew up on the same shit I did haha

Damarcus Miller

keep calling Cecil a hologram LMAOOO man you guys don’t read the comments at all.. he is teleporting you dummy but Roshi love gaslighting people

Stanley Labissiere

All this alien BS and the Roshi team get stunned with Amber failing her exam. We all felt that

Drake Rage

2:07 Sheera you talking about loan sharks, they do that to set an example/show that there WILL be consequences. If someone owes you money and they are not paying up.. asking them to pay up won't help. If they were a legitimate bank loaning you money then they can rely on the Law to take what you own.. but loan sharks are illegal (run by terrible people), so they use muscle to set an example so people know to pay up or get their shit rocked like breaking hands, shooting knees... whatever extreme punishment to set an example/warning for others about what will happen if they don't pay what they owe.


This was the literal definition of thinking shit is sweet bro komodo dragon was playing no games 😐 damn and I liked shrinking Rae too . In all seriousness though this is on the immortal for leaving 3 people who specialize in hit and run tactics Cecil too like bro you don't have a heavy hitter on standby. There had to be one during the omnipotus fight speaking of which we got robbed for not seeing 😩.


Damn guess they should've left up that former guardians of the globe blood stain on the wall like Cecil said 😭.