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the color pallet is really helping with the ominous vibes


WAAIIITT Im putting my tinfoil hat on for this but Im starting to wonder if Iralee even called for Helevise? with how things are being set up with the mystery deer subplot and Helevise herself being skeptical at how often her daughter us calling upon her? Im gonna go out of left field and assume that the mystery deer (Dousa's?) half is some type of mocking bird due to its apprearance on 196 and a preview concept that was posted of that bird a few years ago calling it "Mocker". I also thought the bird sillouettes on page 192 and 231 looled intentionally dinstinct with the sillouette on 231 seeming to be smaller and less defined than Iralee's raven. Since mockingbirds are notorious for mimicking other bird calls I do not think it would be wrong to believe that "mocker" lured Helevise into a trap and Antaras and Usma are stumbling upon the aftermath of whatever shit went down offscreen


and to put on a bigger tinfoil hat looking at what has been shown so far with that subplot, I think Dousa initially went to Eve and Antaras for SOMETHING but maybe they told him off? Maybe he wants to use Eve's power for something? To get closer to whatever goals he has I think he then eavesdropped on Iralee and Helevise's convo in the previous chapter and used that information to not only emulate what Iralee does to get her mothers attention to lure Helevise, but also to take advantage of Gitta and Prue's bitterness to help him with his plans. Maybe Helevise is nothing more than a red herring and only used her to to snatch Eve away from a distracted Antaras and Usma? Eve is alone after all and Antaras doesnt really seem to be treating the god with anything but frustrated contempt lately. I am so bad with putting my word vomit into something coherent but genuinely I am EATING this up and I am excited for what the future of this comic has in store! Im loving the subtle setup of everything💖