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This is always a difficult time of year, even without the added stress of having my reviews sharing server space with bizarre fetish porn. How is this semester still going. How.

A younger, more energetic me would have gone to the Museum of Fine Arts tonight to see Cobweb, the newest film from Kim Jee-woon. As of now I have only seen one of Kim's films (I Saw the Devil), and I was sort of looking forward to Subjecting him to Future Research. But after work and errands and traffic, and trying to coax my cat out from under the neighbor's house for 90 minutes, plus wrenching my back by carrying water cooler jugs op three flights of stairs, I just didn't have it in me. Sorry, fam.

But stay tuned for my second wind, which will involve Scorsese, S. Coppola, and maybe, at long last, Nolan. [/petulant whining]



Yeeouch! Take care of that back!