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  • Trixys_Treasures_Gameplay.mp4



Hi there again,

I have unfortunately not found a solution for the not running game yet, it's most probably because the software I used to program it, is more than outdated :( But dont loose hope, I keep checking for a solution and we will find one, thats for sure! But in the meantime I recorded the gameplay footage, With my screen recorder, just so that those of you, who cant play the game yet, can at least see something.

And to those who think the game is to hard...

The game has a stiff learning curve, I agree, but as it is also quite short, I considered best to make it challenging, so that the play time doesn't come from length, but from practise(just like the good old capcom games). The game wasn't meant to be unfair or hard, just a challange so that its not a open/press/win game for one night. 

Well, for everybody who do not appreciate this kind of game style and just want to see the porn, there is a cheat to enter the gallery, just type in "FUNTIME94" on the title screen and BOOM... there you are! Just have fun!



Is it possible to play it on android


Thanks for releasing the gameplay movie KC. Much appreciated. I know the game meant a lot to you, and I welcome future games despite the buggy launch. If the sex scenes are already in pre-existing video files, it would mean a lot if you could release them in a .zip or something (just to minimize compression artifacts). If the actual sequence for playback is handled by the game itself, then by all means ignore my request.


I'll see what I can do, but unfortunately the game seems to make enough trouble on pc already :(


Thank you so much for releasing the porn part. But the game was still pretty hard, learning curve or not. I got good at it but getting th goodies was even more challenging. And dodging sometimes still doesn't quite work.


Well, I hope to see a solution whenever it comes. Eager to play the game, its something I've been hoping to see.


Damn you're good lol and thank you


Thanks KeyCock you're the best can't wait to see the gameplay am about to burst


I'm extremely happy to see you make a game, please do not let this be the only game you make. Even if I can't play it atm I love the game. Please release separate small animations while you're working on bigger projects.


that's some good stuff.


yeah I was working the past months like a insane workaholic to finish this game and than there is this problem :( what a let down, not just for you guys but allso for me :( I just wanted to give as all a good time! I should have thought that releasing a game that is playable on all pcs isn't that easy. However, we will find a way to make it playable :) I just again want to express my deepest gratitude, to have such GREAT PATRONS and FANS! I ❤️ you all!!!!


Hey i think you did a good job for the game and yeah the style does need some learning, i think it's just needing to read the attacks but that can be a bit tough on the timing, but keep up the awesome work.


We love you too KeyCock Sensei and we graceful for all your creations


I can't wait to play it 🤩


THANXXX :) yeah I think that's the biggest problem for me and games, nowadays the most games are long, big and easy adaptable, but I rather like them short, but hard! they have a bigger replay value in my opinion. it's a gift and a curse to have been growing up with "super ghouls n ghosts" : )


THANK YOU! But always remember, they are not my creations, they are OUR creations! it's not me, it's WE! ❤️


THANXXX! I bet! I am looking all around to find a solution!🤞


Have you thought about getting Gamemaker Studio? If you want to keep doing games, it might be something worth considering.


Thanks for the cheat option; I love the game, but it's great to see all the other animations too.


I got two PCs with the same OS (Win 7 Ultimate 64 bits). And, the game only works on the laptop. And I tried with graphic integrated GPU (Intel) and with the Nvidia's GPU. It worked only with the first one. That problem would explain why I can't launch it on the other PC which has only an Nvidia GPU. The problem might come from a conflict with Nvidia's drivers. At least on my side.


Thanks Alt-Kahz , i disable my vmware player Accelerate 3D graphis , now it's working


I think you should stick with animations instead of games. Some of your supporters dont use Windows so they would be out of luck. I think that's unfair for them considering they support you. This is just my thought on the situation.


Yeah I personally love the art I don’t have a computer to play the game but awesome material

Joel E.

After leaving my last comment i played for a while. its a fun game. Once you focus more in the feet(or tail) you can dodge with little to some issue. I just have to stop after a round or 2, I get worse.


You did an excellent job. Love that you made each scene for each hole. Keep up the good work.

Josiah Taylor

I'm proud to have my name on this project. Thank you.