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Hallo my great Patrons,

it's finally done!! The moment I've been working for months, has arrived!! I present you KeyCocks first GAME! 

An overwhelming amount of sweat and passion, was brought together to finish this. And there we are! 

My absolute deepest THANXXX to all of YOU GREAT PEOPLE! Without your trust, patience and support, this would never be possible. All whats left to say, is have FUN & A GREAT TIME!!

PS: The Game starts in fullscreen-mode, use "F4" to switch to windowed-mode.

Use "Esc" to close the Game.  

There might be something if you finish the Game with full HP, who knows.

PSS: As this is my first Game, there might occure, some bugs, dont hesitate to report them, if so. 



I hope I can get this to work in linux lol




Tried to run it, got some error messages after the loading screen. "Unexpected error occurred when running the game." "Exception EExternalException in module kernalbase.dll at 00114402 External exception C06D007e." "Access violation at address 56873940. Read of address 56873940." Then that last one repeats, and it shuts down.


yeah same issue as James, cant run it


not working, get error .


"Unexpected error occurred when running the game."


Yup same error


I love you keycock but this was a big oof


This error could potentially be resolved with installing the latest windows updates. (i haven't done that yet) I'll let you know if that fixes it for me in particular


the game runs on both of my pc (windows7,windows10) great... what kind of operating system are you (all) using?


This game is fun, but the timing is so precise and way too punishing. :( I can barely get to the 3rd fight without being almost dead.


The timing is too strict and the attacks are at different speeds making it hard to get a good read. The power bar is too fast too making it hard to get a good hit. This makes it to difficult to win under the set time.


Damn, all I have is a mac 😭


Also, the goody timer/heart at the top middle is way too short. I've played this a good several dozen times and have yet to even get it once. You need to have cat-like reflexes to hit the gauge at max, and pray you don't mess up once.


Wow I can't wait we waited so long and now the time has come the masterpiece is finished cowabunga dudes and dudettes


Got it working just fine but as flogy said, it is tough as nails in terms of precision, maybe update with a difficulty selection in the future? Higher difficulty finish = better ending? Great artwork as always though!


Cant even imagine winning the game at full hearts let alone winning the fight under the allotted time. Dont think anybody will see the porn in this game lol


Can you just please release the sex scenes while you debug? I'm not really into games that get in the way of porn. It's also super unfair to patrons that use a mac.


That aside the art and presentation is great (I assume the porn is great but I have yet to even get it lol). It's just the gameplay that needs fixing. Enemies need to have consistent timing with their attacks and a tell when they're about to strike. The power bar needs to be slower and the timer needs more time.


Can you report some system specs, such as CPU/GPU, whether you have any adobe plugins installed, etc?


Yea there is no chance i can get the goody even in the first fight. I was so i excited for this but the porn is guarded T_T


Windows 10 64bits, 32go RAM ddr4 and I get 'out of memory' 😭


I think it was a bit too hard bud. But it is fun! And it is well made. Making a game too hard because you want it to feel rewarding is common. I do that a lot with my puzzles and games not realizing how hard it is to someone who hasnt tested it or know the solution. its a hurdle for sure.


It's fun to play and the animations are really fluid, but some of the other people in this thread are right, it is quite difficult. I'm getting the hang of it but the timer for goodies is pretty short, I've beaten some enemies within the time and still not seen any animations and I do not find it realistically possible to beat all seven with full health. In short; awesome game just slow the meter and add time to the heart.

Joel E.

Got it to running no problem the only issue i have is the wind-up. From what i see there are 3 stages in the attack, wind up 1, wind-up 2 (dodge chance) and attack. in some cases i have seen it ether bypass or rush past point 2. Other then that is a fun little lewd punch out like. Good job looking forward with what you do next.


Also the Amount of stages might have been a bit much. ignoring getting it perfect, if you lose only 10 health per fight, so basically getting hit once or twice, you come out barely alive in the end. thats only about 2 to 3 strikes wrong with about 5 to 7 correct strikes, more if they arent good strikes. I know you were excited for it to be surrpise but i think releasing only parts of it too us(if possible) we could have given more feedback earlier, and plus i know we would love to help play test games you make, its part of the community


Also maybe add a gallery function that unlocks the goodie permanently after you've unlocked it 🤷


It's not loading for me. I get to the first loading icon, then it crashes.


I will try every thing to solve the problem that the game is not running and my best guess so far is,(because I made that game whit a program from 2007!) that you may need to enable DirectPlay! just as NoInk said.

william whittington

cant get it to open, says loading pls wait then says unexpected error has occured when running the game. then turns off. does it every time. EDIT: maybe you can convert it to adobe flash player? or something similar?

Pineapple JAK

Had Direct Play on the entire time. Still have that error mentioned before.


My Direct Play is on. Are there other common issues that might cause this?


There's an error that wont allow me to play


This game is giving me nes level of difficulty flashbacks. You have to play borderline perfectly to see a goody and i don't see very many people getting through 7 enemies without taking a hit because the doge window is small and the attack patterns fluctuate... otherwise i like the animations and the concept of the game alot. thanks keycock ill be at this one for a while <3


ya, it keeps crashing on me too.


Can you play it on android


same problem guys :(


Im starting to think to get the non 100% goodies i have to get hit? what do you guys think? im unsure. i might just be bad


I want to applaud you for a good first game, in concept, as painfully difficult as I'm finding it atm. :P


Took me about an hour, but I'm getting good enough to get scenes somewhat consistently!


OK firstly I want to start by saying thank you KC! This was a welcomed surprise and I am really enjoying it at the moment. I wasn't expecting a game and a challenging one at that! Though I'm pretty much use to tough game since I grew up gaming from the tail end of the NES. Though I would suggest moving forward you could maybe implement a difficulty choice selection system for those person's who just don't want to play a game cranked up to 11 with the knob ripped off. As for what I've seen so far character designs and animations are awesome as always. Controls are simple enough to get into but a challenge to master. Got to say for your first time making a game its pretty good. A shame though that a lot of the others are having issue getting the game going, but I'm sure you'll get them sorted in time. Anyways I'm happy with how this turned out and I'm loving every moment of it! Good work KC, looking forward to the next project!


The game crashes for me do you know why this may happen?


I think the Game needs to be run in Windows 8. Is anyone able to run it in Windows 10?


Amazing game KC! You really put a lot of hard work into this, and it's quite impressive. I love the animations and character designs in the game, especially Gilda, Rokaja, and Integra. The game itself was a lot of fun once I got the hang of it (I beat it on my third try). Once again, awesome job, and I hope we'll see more of these characters in the future.


The difficulty fuckin infuriates me. Glad you put a cheat in. I'm trying to get a fap, not spend too much time trying to figure out timing and unfair hit boxes.


anyone know what happens if you beat the game with full hp?


yeah it just crashes as soon as i launch it


Game doesn't load. keep getting a message that file is unsafe to keep. Whats the deal?


Game doesn't work for me, just get unexpected error has occurred, anyone got a fix? im on windows 10 and ive tried all the compatibility settings