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Édit: my health has taken a dive during the afternoon and during the show tonight. I am sorry but I will have to cancel the VMG for this month. I literally cannot speak. I’m hoping this doesn’t continue to get worse and worse. Sorry about that, guys.


Hello Beastlings! What a crazy month this has been! I can't wait to talk to you all about the newest Song of the Season, Gaslight, as well as about finally being back on tour! The Virtual Meet & Greet will take place on Wednesday at 7:30pm ET.

Unfortunately, I am coughing a lot as of yesterday - not feeling too good. This is the only time I have to get on a Iive stream with you guys though, so I will do my best to rest my voice while still answering questions and chatting with you! 

This one is open to all Beastlings because it has been such an epic month!

See you tomorrow!



April Virtual Meet & Greet - Crowdcast

Register now for Alissa White-Gluz's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Wednesday April 27, 2022 at 7:30 pm EDT.


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