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Hello Beastlings...

I have been really upset over the past few days. 

The wandering whale who ended up in Montreal has passed away.
I was going to look for him everyday... and every day I found him in a different location. The fifth time I went to look for him was on Sunday, and I walked and walked and didn't find him, so I was happy because I thought he had finally made his way home to the ocean. I found out the next morning he was dead.

The first day I watched him while I stood next to an old clocktower; the second day I watched for hours until I was one of only 3 people left watching, and then he really danced in the night city lights. The third day I found him under a small bridge and it was a full moon with a heat lightning storm in the sky - it was spectacular. The fourth day I watched him from underneath a bridge and at one point he came so close to the riverbank I was standing on I swear I could have waded into the water and touched him.

I know there is a lot going on in the world right now (BLM is a huge opportunity for much needed societal evolution and I'm glad it is finally getting the attention it deserves) but this really disturbed me. I feel angry and sad and hurt and lost. Why didn't we take action to help him? Could we have helped him? The cause of death is unknown as of now but I feel stupid for enjoying his presence when he was probably scared and lost and possibly suffering. It was VERY unusual behaviour but the biologists here said he looked fine and was potentially exploring the newly quieted shipping lanes in the river. 

I will say - I actually noticed his skin looking progressively weirder as the days went on. 

I was upset that I captured his image. Like an asshole at a zoo. I know it might sound silly to be so attached to a whale but I have been totally alone for so long now and its not like I have a giant whale tattoo for no reason - I absolutely love whales and I felt a special connection to this one. I cried the entire day when I found out what happened - sorry if that's not metal.

You know how I always talk about not being able to pause; not being able to be mindful and in-the-moment? I was present with him. I was still, alive, happy, absorbing the world with my senses for hours on end when he was there in front of me. 

After talking with my dad about it, I want to remember him for how amazing his presence was and the gift of joy he brought us briefly, so I am sharing some more of the images I took with you. I also have a special video of him on the way. 

So - please enjoy these photos and let's remember that all animals deserve our respect and protection. I really wish this story had a happier ending. 💔


P.s. the raccoon was just super cute so I had to take some snaps of him too (it was actually almost nighttime despite how bright it looks). 💙

I should also add that the whale was female, but I have just been using pronouns interchangeably because I didn't know the sex until now.



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