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Hey everyone - I am just pulling our poll back up to the top of the feed as I will be gathering all the votes and choosing a charity soon! 


It looks like animal rights are in the lead so I'm starting to brainstorm charities we could donate to. It is always a tough call between donating to a larger organization that has the ability to reach lots of people and create a ripple of change through legislation, petitioning and awareness or to donate to a smaller organization that helps save one animal at a time and could make the donation go a long way. The larger orgs sometimes get a bad reputation because they are more visible and they might not directly have people in balaclavas cutting open cages (which is what we all imagine doing when we envision being activists!) but they are VERY impactful in pressuring governments to update laws, forcing big companies to change their stances and policies to be more ethical, changing public opinion and so forth.

I think it would be best to put the money towards an organization that helps all animals, not just pets, as lots of people already feel compassion towards cats and dogs and the rest of the fluffy housemates, but really ALL animals deserve that same love and compassion. Not that companion animals don't need help as well, of course, but I would rather give our funds to an area of activism that isn't quite as popular with "normal" people. So, I'm thinking a farm sanctuary might be the way to go as the donation will directly feed rescued animals and allow for more animals to be saved. What do you think? Otherwise I was also thinking anti-poaching organizations might be good recipients or anti-animal testing organizations. We could maybe "adopt" an endangered individual for the year as well - that would be pretty special I think! Our very own Beastling tiger or elephant or orangutan?! 😍

Thanks everyone for being a part of this!



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