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I had a long drive to do today (several hours behind the wheel) and I actually prefer to listen to podcasts or audiobooks over music most of the time. I hope that doesn’t make me a bad musician! I just like to learn or think or imagine and sometimes spoken word inspires me more than music does.

Today I listened to a podcast I relate to quite directly. If you would like to listen too, here is the link:



A lot of what is discussed in this episode are things I’ve frequently said myself. It is very weird to have hundreds of fake accounts pretending to be me, have complete works of fiction written about me (that some people actually believe!), have millions of people think they know who I am as a person and develop opinions based on nothing, etc. Really weird! As I get older I am finding more effective coping mechanisms but I can’t help but take an interest in how this is even possible because my brain simply doesn’t work that way. Being that I am old enough to remember life before social media but that my career involves being at the mercy of the public (which is its own rollercoaster of ups, downs, twists and turns), I find the idea of manipulating people through social media shameful, fascinating and scary at once. This is also the reason I turned to Patreon in the first place - I much prefer giving people the choice of where to put their hard-earned money rather than insulting their intelligence, sneakily influencing them and using them as product for advertisers.

This podcast show is one of my favourites - I hope you enjoy it too and feel like you have learned something from it or at least sparked some thoughts!




Social Media Is a B.U.M.M.E.R.

How will you feel the day you finally delete all your social media accounts? In this episode of Stuff to Blow Your Mind, Robert and Joe discuss some of the arguments for doing just that in Jaron Lanier's book "Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now."


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