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It's here! After many years of vague waffling and a lack of hard visual references, here's my idea of what the Shepherds' uniform looks like! I hope this helps the fan artists and visual creatives among you! 🥹

However, keep in mind that this is only "my" headcanon of what the uniform looks like, as conveyed to an artist who I also gave leeway in the design, which is why this is just "concept art" and not anything immutable; I really like the versions that you guys have come up with over the years for your own characters and fanart as well, so if this doesn't jive with your ideas, that's totally okay, too! I just thought it'd be a useful reference for people who were seeking something more concrete than just *Pinterest, vibes, and a prayer*

The only thing "canonical" about the Shepherds' uniform is that it's black and silver, has the Shepherd's wolf insignia on the chest, and the sun medallion is worn around the neck. Here, we played around with a short-sleeved summer version (featuring a shorter collar and more breathable outerwear) and the cloaked, thicker, long-sleeved winter version. We played around with adding bits of armor, utility belts, pauldrons and greaves on top of the winter version for a hypothetical "combat version," but YMMV depending on what kind of fighter your Shepherd is, what kind of armor they prefer (if any at all), what special accessories they've bought or incorporated, and etc.. The combat version is more of an idea of what a typical Shepherd in the field might be outfitted with, rather than a definitive look of what MC might choose to wear! There are some Shepherds who go into missions wearing full plate armor, so the combat version is more of a base template concept than an actual "uniform." Hope that makes sense!

I hope this is interesting to look at as well as useful! A female/femme version of the summer and winter uniforms will be coming next month! 🤸🏽‍♀️

(Also, Lavinet's weapons are now being worked on for her weapon codex entry, so that's resumed as well!)




Aaaah, this looks gorgeous!! Thank you for the reference!


Oh, I absolutely love these uniforms! The black and silver combo is just so understated badass. And the sun medallion is far, far prettier than I imagined too. You are always spoiling us <3


THANK YOU! I've been trying to figure the uniform out for so long lol ❤️