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Password: crabrangoon ⬅ ❗️

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What's New

  • 17,000 words of new content for Chapter 7!
  • Chase room-sharing scene!
  • GASP... revelations

Developer's Notes:

Hi everyone, thanks for your patience as I worked on this beefy update to Chapter 7! Just a few things to note this time:

  • If you're a Chasemancer, his responses in his room-sharing vary wildly depending on how many romance flags with him, whether you're in a friends-with-benefits relationship with him, and sometimes even are randomly decided! It's highly recommended that you use the quickbuild feature to toggle his FWB status to 'on' in order to see the maximum amount of romantic content for that scene. Right now, the actual scene "initiating" his FWB hasn't been written yet, so the quickbuild option is the only way to trick the game into thinking it's already happened, if that makes any sense!
  • Once again, the content for this update is a branching extension of: visiting the house that Mimir tells you about before returning to Wallmire -> figuring out Wallmire's big secret by gathering the right clues throughout your investigation. If you don't do these things, you will not see the new content that's been added!  

I was much happier with my writing style and prose this month, and found it much easier to write in general, so my suspicions that I simply wasn't reading enough and overworking myself last month seemed to have been spot-on! However, since I was out of the country for a good chunk of the month and had a lot of family stuff going on, I wish I could have written even more... Well, there's always next time! I'm satisfied and happy with what I was able to write, and I will give you a much more detailed and lengthier update on everything else in just a few days! :) In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this new content! We are creeping ever closer to an end to Chapter 7, which is so huge now... almost 150,000 words, wtf! 😭

As usual, the standard content warnings for Chapter 7 apply here: general horror situations, discussions of murder, violence, and serial killings, and icky creatures like leeches and parasites are present, so play at your own caution!

Total wordcount (without code): 767,025 words

What's Next:

More Chapter 7, of course, and hopefully getting to the end of at least one path! I did some hard brainstorming this month and had some amazing realizations about the coming chapters, as well, but again, I'll be outlining all of that in its own separate update post very shortly!

Thank you so much to everyone for your well wishes, kindness, patience, and support this month, especially when I had to put some things on hold due to our family emergency. It's truly so appreciated, and I honestly found so much comfort in everyone's loveliness and understanding. This whole month would have been so much more stressful if not for your encouragement and well wishes, so thank you so much for everything. I'm truly grateful, pleased to give you a hefty chunk of Chase and more murder, and I hope you'll drop a comment or hop into our Discord to chat about it all! Enjoy the end of May, remember to hydrate, and take care! 💖


Laura G

So good! Oooh and the end of the update!


Wait, wait, wait... there's a ShoH Discord?! Where was I when this was announced? 🥺


Oh no haha! It's been around for years--it even predates this Patreon! I guess I just forget to link it every now and then! 😂 Here it is! https://discordapp.com/invite/Q8U86fe