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Hi everybody, very quick update on some things!

This was sudden, so I didn't have time to plan for it, but I'll be accompanying my mother out-of-state for an important medical appointment on the 24th, and I'm not sure how long we'll be out of town. It's not anything extreme or worrying, it's a regular and mandatory thing a few times a year, but we've been putting it off due to COVID and can't put it off anymore. The fact that there are only 28 days in February also worked against me this month, and depending on the length of my trip with my mom, I'm not sure that I'll be able to get everything for Patreon done on my usual timeline! I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but this is a rare hiccup in the usual order of things and I promise to right it as soon as I can! 🙏

What will be on time:

  • The alpha build update 
  • The art update for Captains

What may or may not be done on time, depending on circumstances:

  • The Author Q&A (there were something like 27 questions left over from last time, though, so maybe I won't open the box up in order to clear those out)
  • Mailing out bookmarks (I am volunteering to help distribute COVID vaccines during the day for the next few days until the trip, so I might not be able to get to the post office in time before it closes; we'll see how things go!)

What will most likely be delayed to the first week of March:

  • Halek's short story (Captains and up) (I just won't have time to finish this before the trip, but I absolutely will post it as soon as I can, hopefully around March 5th if we're back in town!) 

Again, I am very sorry for the inconvenience, I wasn't able to plan around my mom's trip this time around! I promise I will get everything running shipshape by the first week of March (though I will take a day off to enjoy my birthday on the 2nd)!!! I know you all are exceedingly understanding and supportive, so I know I don't have to worry too much. During these times, I'd like to say it's very much appreciated, thank you and I love you all! 💖


Stephanie Beth

Goodness, Lena, you go above and beyond for us all the time. Please always take care of you and your family first and foremost. Sending you heaps of love and wishes for safe and happy travels. 💗


Hey, it's okay that things will be delayed. Do what you can and focus on yourself and your family.