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Hi, everyone! Happy Lunar New Year, and Happy Valentine's Day!

I just have a brief update for you this week. I've been working on ShoH for the last two weeks, though almost exclusively on Red's first day off scene! Having him possibly be a 1) stranger, 2) friend, 3) ex, or 4) rival has a LOT of branching involved, lol... which is why I've been putting writing this scene off for so long! I'm just about done--the section just needs some editing and fleshing out--and then I'll be moving on to Briony and Riel's first day off scenes! Stretch goal: Chase Day Off #3! 

Hopefully I'll be able to get some more of Chapter 6 done as well, but this month is looking to be a mainly day-off month! 😄

Life update: thanks to your support, we are only a few pledges away from me being able to work on ShoH full-time. 🙂 Thank you SO, SO MUCH!!! And because I'm so enthusiastic about working on and finishing the game, I have made the decision to officially tie up all creative work outside of ShoH, outside of my book being published in July! From now on, I strive to work on ShoH every weekday, every week! It's my new full-time job! The only exceptions will be doing book marketing stuff and Patreon stuff every month! I may pick up a small editing job from old clients who need it from time-to-time, but from now on, all of my creative attention will finally be on Shepherds alone! It's all thanks to you and you support, and I am soooooo excited! 😌 I've been waiting to be able to do this since forever, and I can barely contain myself! I'm finally free to work on something I love with all my heart, and I am so, so happy!!! Thank you, everyone!!!

We're at half a million words, halfway through the story! Thanks for sticking with me, and here's to many more words! 💖 I will be updating the alpha soon, and until then, have a great week and Happy Valentine's Day!



wow! its so awesome that you can live your dreams, Lena! SoH is awesome and I'm sure I'm not the only one waiting to read your book once published! Keep up the great work!


I agree with @Gem you are a talented writer and I'm happy that your work reached enough people so that you get to do what you love and for people to enjoy your amazing story ❤


Thank you, Amer! I always appreciate your long-standing support, thank you very much! 😁