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The Krillitanes - aliens with a mix-and-match physiology - are trying to crack the 'God-Maker', a paradigm to give them ultimate power. They are using children as a computer, and only the Doctor and Rose, re-united with Sarah Jane Smith and K9 can prevent them from becoming masters of time and space.



Andrew Nicholson

You got your wish, here was some k9! (Did i see some moist eyes at the end there guys? ) Thanks for the shout out. No coincidence, i knew what was coming, wanted to clue you in without giving away obvious spoilers! …and yes Sarah Jane gets her own modern series after this episode, aimed at a younger audience . Sadly Liz Sladen (the actress) passed away from cancer quite suddenly a few years back. She travelled with the 3rd and 4th doctor, and also guest appeared in the 20th anniversary episode in the old series. And she gets a shout out from Ncuti Gatwa in the 60th anniversary episode that you watched too…as a reminder… https://youtu.be/7pwG03NW4mw?si=jUuqpTf9gh9u1N9P All us older fans loved her, she’ll always be “our” Sarah-Jane.


Even though I never knew her as a companion of the Doctor I've always loved this episode. I grew up watching and loving the Sarah Jane's children's spin off show and I'm pretty sure I saw season 1 of Sarah Jane before Doctor who lol . I also ran into her spin off companions filming the show which was super cool for me as a kid.

Isac (Welsh_ML)

Ye I got OCD, and have the word repetition compulsion and I do often tend to fall into a spiral or repeating a word or sentence, sometimes trying to achieve impossible tasks like pronouncing words properalg with my stroke brain 😂 it’s frustrating as fuck


That is pretty cool. I never ran into any of my tv hero's as a kid. If I had to choose one it would probably have been Mr. T


Big shoutout to neurodivergents. ADHD all up in the house. We recognize our own.


Anthony Stewart Head is most famous as a good guy in the series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He played Giles, Buffy's Watcher. But you are right, he is amazing as a douchebag in Ted Lasso