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On a spaceship headed straight for the centre of the sun, the Doctor only has 42 minutes to save Martha and the ship's crew from an inevitable doom.



Colin Bayley

You have to forget that you have ever heard of the word science with this one.

Isac (Welsh_ML)

Yeah no science here haha, except the odd bits, lovely to see you both again, on to my fave parts. I do truly believe doctor and Martha clapped cheeks at one point. He’s love bombing now yeah! This ep is honestly ANXIETY (The movie) 😂 Christ my hearts still racing had to 2x dose my propranolol hahaha This episode was very much a copy of satans pit doubler. Still good but it’s a little overused and has a weird vibe to it. So I get what you mean rekkai. I’m sure the next one will blow your skirt up! (Boutta watch it and get proved wrong now 😝) The music in this whole series can bang like a motherfucker and yeah! 42! The answer to life! Oh no am I a who sleuth? 😂 Jackie just turned more attractive and tolerable as I grew older not gonna lie. Martha’s mam snitching is some bullshit but she doesn’t really know much better, just wish she’d show her love to Martha but oh well, Martha shouting at her mam threw me off if I did that I’d be locked outside in the rain at night in just socks and told the boogeyman is coming 😂 I voted Saxon! 🤓 Yeah torchwood always being hit or miss with it’s feelings on the doc is funny to me 😆 (Was waiting on payday for rekkais Patreon but I’ll have to wait for disability pay now cos I got suspended from work 😆)