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The famous Dr Lazarus has appeared to discover the secret of eternal youth - but do his experiments hide a sinister secret?



Elias Liliequist

i loved the conversation about the curse of immortality/time. it's always been interesting to me with the doctor, bc he comes from a planet where everyone lives long, and he's not that old in regards to how long time lord could live (i think; granted they dont regenerate as frequently as he does) but now he's alone and on purpose surrounds himself with people who's lifespans are mere seconds of his eternity. they touched on it in season two too, with sarah-jane; for her a few decades passed, but for him it was centuries

Max 410bery

I had a friend mentioned to me the other day if the Doctor is supposed to be both Human and Divine/The Divine at the same time. An interesting perspective I never considered.


That's an interesting way to look at the Doctor. I'd take it a step further and say the Tardis is actually the divine being and the Doctor Who is more like an angel of action for the Tardis.