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Watch "Com5x2rr--1" on Streamable.


Maxwell Long

It's a bit silly how excited I am for seasons 5 and 6 compared to season 4 even though I defend 4 more than most fans..

Jessica Asakevich

I was waiting for that Killer Mike reveal. <3 S5 & S6 are top tier. So glad we're here. 😊


Naw, it's fine. I'm right there with you. I get the whole S4 deal, but it's part of the show, and I'll take as much time with the characters as I can get.

Jessica Asakevich

Also, this starts off a run of some truly next level episode tags. Hickey's shockingly depressing personal circumstances, and Banks' expert delivery, get me every time. "Every night, I wake up screaming..." That's the Harmon touch. So excited for you, to get to experience these final seasons for the first time. Thanks for having us along for the ride.


I'm just catching up, but where is the video for season 5 episode 1?