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Welp... Snape disappointed the hell out of me on this one. 



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Anything I have to say will have to wait for the Deathly Hallows. Btw, there is a misprint version of the final book on sale for $9000 if you wanna read that one.

Giorgia M

Daniel Radcliffe (Harry) says that he doesn’t like watching this movie because he feels it’s a bad performance from him. He may have said it about others too but I remember him naming this one specifically. He says that his acting is very wooden. He was battling alcohol addiction issues at the time and he thinks it came across on screen. Upon rewatching, I think I agree. I always just took it as Harry being numb at this point. I do wish he could’ve given it a little more but understand real life gets in the way sometimes. Everyone was definitely more upset in the book about Dumbledore, it felt very cathartic. They pass over it too easily in my opinion, same with Sirius.


This movie unfortunately leaves a lot of good stuff out. In the book we spend a lot more time delving into Voldemort's past and learning how he thinks and operates. Also, Harry's relationship with the Half-Blood Prince is much deeper, making the reveal even more devastating.