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Hey guys hope your Mondays a good one and Happy New Year! 

I have some bad news, I'm feeling very much under the weather. I woke up this morning with a 100 degree fever, sore throat, cough, body aches and a splitting headache. I very well may have COVID and I'm getting tested asap. 

On the bright side I already have Sunny 8x3 ready and I will be releasing that today, January 3rd 2022. 

But it kills me to move around so as such, some of the reactions for the Way More Seeds tier might be delayed. I will keep you all promptly updated on my condition and as soon as I'm able I will continue releases.

I deeply appreciate y'alls support and patience during these wild times.



Jay Davis

I hope you weren't poisoned by your constituents like Charlie was. Get better soon man.


Rest up and do what you gotta do to feel better!


Feel better man! I’m in the same boat as you. Just got tested today. Have had a terrible headache for 4 days straight. Had a fever for 3 days straight so today was my first day without one. This is no joke, rest up man


Hope you get better soon


Feel better CJ


Get lots of rest and hope you feel better soon!

Maja Axholt

Feel better. Don't let yourself be stressed by your Patreon-commitments. The shows aren't going anywhere. Your health is more important :)