Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2 Poll (Patreon)
Sorry for the lack of releases, been focused on modelling stuff. Check my Discord for screens etc. Should have her playable (beta) later tomorrow maybe, the kunoichi mod.
Anyways, gonna have this poll. Fusrokameha has plans to make nude mods too, so go send him your support and cheer him on in my Discord. He posts stuff there too. Not sure if Zai has plans for this game, at best you'll probably see him port his Strive Jack-O mod.
Also yes I will be modding REV 2. Yes you can vote on multiple characters if you really want to.
The modding process is a pain apparently, so it'll be a bit slower than usual.
I'll try to do that reverse Majin Android 21 bunny suit mod after one Xrd mod.