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 So modding Xrd rev 2 is doable but it is pain. About 2 or 3x the work apparently.

Also xrd designs are nice too.

But that also means less modding of other games.

Also yes I am still working on that commission so that will need to be finished first...

If the results are mostly yes by tomorrow then yeah I might start a character poll earlier i guess, depends.


Kelson Quickle

I love GG, and Xrd is amazing. Are we talking Revelator? I wouldn't mind that, but taking time away is also not necessary


I heard rev2 is similar to DBZF with its anti cheat and mods possibly getting you banned. Hope this isnt the case.

Kelson Quickle

If ur talking Rev 2, I would absolutely like some mods. But, again, I don't see it as a priority. I'll change my vote, to yes, tho, if ur looking at Rev 2?


Do it for the culture. Skirtless mods 🙏