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where's the reaction?


you know what's the scariest thing about Makishima? He has a point. A pretty convincing one.


the best villains have a point you can get behind & agree with I think; bonus points from me if it's a choice between "f***ed up solution" or "accept the status quo to avoid casualties" - pick your poison, no happy ever after solution.


The point about "healthy stress" is even acknowledged in modern medicine/psychology - to few stressors can lead to boredom & depression, too much leads to anxiety & sleep issues - a healthy balance keeps your brain stimulated & your health up. I guess they mean that there has to be some driving force in our life, it should just not be overwhelming - with the stress treatment, ALL stress was immediately counteracted, to lower your crime coefficient


as far as I understand it, her dad's (the artist's) paintings, were meant to remind people of the darkness inside that they so often like to forget, thinking that without admitting that horrible things like that ALSO originate from humanity, we don't know what we have to keep in check in ourselves. As a (maybe weird) comparison - you know how when we are confronted with catastrophes, wars, etc., people are stimulated to help charity that they wouldn't have bothered with otherwise? In that sense, we often only FIGHT the dark side of huminaty when we are CONFRONTED with it.


Ah that makes sense. Thanks for that analogy. Keep it up with these explanations because this show is a struggle for me


[Before the show] Well I’m also apprehensive of Psycho-Pass. Well this is a longer reaction so there is that to look forward to 😋 Side note about the made in abyss movie. Rarely does a movie shock me that much. (it’s been the 5 times I try rewrite the sentence to make it better but it’s inadequate) But I the same time I just want to shove it in a corner and not think too much about it Just to clear thing the guy with the mold was just a pawn like every other murderers. They didn’t think he was the mastermind. Well they will clear things up in the episode.


[Starting]😅 The first scene we don’t have much info to understand it. Significant scene but one that can only be understood afterward. [After intro]Pretty much the same thing as last time only this time it is “artistically” done. Last time it seemed more grotesque. [Akane saying something about the specimen case] Well Akane tried to hide that she pry in Kougami's past. That's why she did a oups when she talked about the specimen case. It’s not that she not supposed to tell anything but it’s just that she revealed that she did pry into his past by speaking up.


[Kougami off the case] On one hand he could let his bias and emotion cloud his judgement in this case and it may make him jump to conclusion because of his bias. But I do agree with what you said. He is smart and has the motivation to solve this case. And we see later that he is still thinking correctly. [Back to the case] It was the girl they talked about before that went missing. [With Kougami] Well I believe the enforcer has to keep at least a bit in shape. It’s just not going in there and shooting. It’s good that he thinks it’s not the weapon that does the killing, it's him. Because so much is the sybil deciding between lethal and paralyzing. So you might say ah well the sybil decided this criminal needed to die I’m just an arm to pull the trigger it’s the system that does the killing which is a bad way of thinking.


[Kougami discusses the case] This is where he proves that he has enough judgement to take on the case. He doesn’t dismiss that it may be a copycat or something else. So he is smart and keep an open mind 👍 [The first one was more grotesque not as beautiful as her] I said it before 😋 [Talking about Sasayama] So it is a message against the pharma that does the anti stress med. Well at least they have his name Makishima.


[Back with The girl killer] I’m not sure the father was killing he did make painting of the same type as her but I think the girl took it a step further and had to have real model of her painting. [With Makishima] Well basically the stress care is an anti-stress medication so you don’t get trouble hue on Psycho-pass test. But if you keep over medicated you get numb and no longer there then die of heart attack or something after years not feeling anything. The medication suppresses your stress level. If you suppress too much there it’s not good and you get people like the girl father.


[My take on this society] They touch on it a bit in the last episode. The system decides everything where you’ll work etc. I wonder if it stiffers aspiration and goal. Then you are constantly monitored and you have to be calm so you medicate to control the stress and not feel much to not get exposed to scan and cloudy hue. In the end that seems to suck as a life. The system decides what you do, you can’t have too high emotion or you get tags for reeducation or as a potential criminal. I understand that people snap and become real criminals living in this society.


[About Stress is a reason to live] They say stress but I guess stimuli is a reason to live. You need to feel something, by taking away stress you take away hype and all kinds of stimuli then you feel numb and not wanting to do anything. You need some kind of emotion and with all emotion stress is part of it [how you become numb] That is my understanding. Usually when you have a stimulation you get stressed about it and it clouds your hue. So to prevent clouding you take anti stress meds. Then the stimulation doesn’t affect you anymore and you don’t get a cloudy hue. At some point I guess it messes so much with your normal reaction to stimulation that you don’t feel anything at all.


Because there are ads for a pharmaceutical company I think people are taking anti-stress medication outside of therapy to protect themselves from Psycho-pass. I don’t think they talk about the Psycho-pass system itself. They talk about the pharma that sells the anti-stress medication so people don’t get tag don’t get cloudy hue and don’t have the stigma of bad Psycho-pass and seem normal. But people overmedicate and screw their emotional state.


About the father, cruelty and making you more conscious. Back to Made in Abyss. Does it work I wonder. 🤔 Does seeing cruelty mutilation in art form in the case of anime make you more conscious. 🤔 I’m still not sure. Yea there is only so much psycho pass we can handle a week.


[Back to the show]We are a toy manufacturer and watch what you do with it. 🤔 Indeed they create means for the killer to kill that’s they toys. It’s the 2nd one but if it’s the same criminal as last time it’s the 6th since I guess there were 4 before. The girl got involved. [the girl kidnaped at the end] That must be horrible. You get kidnapped, gag tied up and you see your friend's corpse in a tank dismember. It’s just horrible to think about it. Yep the show is not OK. They are really sick criminals.


About sponsors. Do what you have to do. I don’t have much of an opinion on it. It bring you more money so all good 👍 go for it. Great reaction. Psycho Pass makes you think a lot but it’s a heavy show. Take Care 😋


That end up to be a long commentary but we had 50 minutes of reaction 😋


Ok the topic of stimulation, someone who doesn’t get any stress will seek things to stimulate themselves I order to feel, and slowly but surely they’ll need to do more to feel something till the point that nothing else stimulates them. The sybil system does everything for you, so you don’t really need to find your reason to live. If you had to option of using the system knowing it’ll find the best job suited for you, provides assessments on you to know how you’re feeling. It offers a lot of benefits to people, making it easy to go with the system instead of suffering and doing things by yourself like getting a job you hate. Mostly the people who suffer in this world are those that don’t fit the mold, and they get pushed out of society. I think you’re meant to assume it was her dad who was the original killer that was getting help from the white hair guy. I think sponsors would be fine, a good place might be after your intro. Just do some research on the company before sponsoring, and make sure it’s all good and legit.


So I guess the take away is in this society, they want everyone to be at peace, serene. If the hue checks sense stress levels rising, you are flagged and required to get therapy or the anti stress meds. For example, Like you said, it decides jobs for you. You don’t have the freedom to choose how you want to live your life. Now that would definitely cause someone stress. If they get flagged for it, that would add to the stress like you’re not even allowed to be upset. Its like they’re saying you have to be content with where you are in this world. It’s like forced happiness in a way. And if you can’t get on board with the way this society is run, they lock you away forever or they kill you.


half the time I'm not even sure I get the point across correctly...but seems it helped somehow this time, so yay XD