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😍 So many release today but this one will have to wait tomorrow. 😭


putting in work👍. but i haven't had a chance to watch any. it's been a busy Sunday


Ooo I’ve been waiting on this one.


I don’t think you’re ready for next weeks episode🤣, it’s gonna be crazy! That voicemail is really interesting, but can’t tell you anything about it; and don’t think you’ll figure out soon lol. Hizuru is the sister, and Ryuunosuke is the brother. It’s a bit confusing in the beginning, but gets a lot easier to tell later on. We know that shadows are sharing information, and ushio may be useful; but to them it’s too big of a risk to have her around. Like they mention we don’t know when she’ll be “fixed” and then against them. There’s some rules that shadows follow, but better for the show to say them first. Better to have more people to help out in the fight than only a limited number of people, and ushio’s outfit at the end was looking fresh! There’s only less than 2 days before the festival, he’s very limited already on what he could do. I mean I know how many tries it took shinpei , but you’ll have to figure it out yourself 🤣 not trynna spoil anything.


[Before episode] So Hizuru Minakata is the sister. Ryunosuke Minakata is the brother. Ryunosuke Nagumo, is the author's pen name. [Starting with Ushio] I’m kind of confused if she remembers the other timeline or not. At first I think yes. But looking back I think not she remember more of the Shadow mission But I’m mostly confused so might be wrong 😅 [Mio coming in] How she did not see Ushio there, 😅 Even scrambling to hide fast you see movement and you hear it. Second, when did Shinpei have the time to write the instruction to Ushio? 😅


[In Shinpei room] The wall must be better soundproof than yours since they are kind of loud in the room 😅. Ok back to my first comment about Ushio Remembering. Now I’m back to Ushio remember that why Shinpei said “How did this thing manage to loop with me” So it mean she did switch timeline with Shinpei 👍 [Flashback] You have to talk things out. 🥺 Now she dead 😭 [Back to the present] Ushio know she a shadow now she try to do shadow’s thing like coping 😅.


[The shadow coming into the house] You look aways 😩😂❤ Ok it’s good you went back 😄 So it’s really a projection Well that can hit people but she just had to think the swimsuit out of reality to make it disappear. [Mio coming] Well we have a partial explanation for the accet Mio notices it so it changes when he’s with Ushio. Makes sense. You can switch your speech pattern when you're with different people. It’s a good excuse. Asian culture has a tradition to give food to the decease. [Shadow Mio]😱 Ushio really saved him again. And Yes, the best decision is to open the curtain.


[Ryuunosuke coming in] Well from their point of view, Minakata and Nezu, The shadows are the enemies and can convince you with words they don’t know all that happen with Ushio. Minakata lets her hair down so the sister is making the decision. I think the brother is more of a fighter and the sister is the thinking part of this duo. Again they are so loud and must have good soundproof walls if Mio or Alan didn’t hear a thing and come rushing. Especially since Shinpei is supposed to be alone and he has no TV in his room so it should be quiet. 😅


[Outside] So the real Ushio sent the message and warned Minakata from the look of it. There is a lot more we don’t know as usual they reveal so much and yet there is so much more to be revealed. From Minakata and Nezu's point of view it is really the best they can do. They can’t trust the shadow enough to reveal their plan but will let it live since it has proven to be good.


[Shinpei telling Minakata that she going to be killed] Detail are important tell her the most so she can prepare for every eventuality even if it change she has to be on guard for guns [Shinpei telling Mio to not go into his room] That is kind of a weird way to say it. Just say that Would prefer if you do not barge in the room without knocking or when I’m not their boundary is understandable but just saying do not go into my room without explanation and context is just sus and weird.


[Ushio showing up when Shinpei is talking to the other guy] LOL 😂 I also said WTF before I realised it’s part of the plan. 😅 Yep if I saw a ghost I would be scared too. 😅 Ushio Kicking him😂 Well she knows him well and knew that what he needed to get out of his self blaming phase. And he asked for it 😅 There is a lot we don’t know about this Ushio. Why is she different and why her memory is so spotty. Part of it might be because it happen after the copies so it’s normal that she don’t remember her death but still. [Why are you just zooming in?] Because they want a good cliffhanger 😅 This show has good cliffhanger. Each time 👍


[After Episode]Hiruku is nobody maybe Hizuru that the name of Minekata/Ryunoske/Negumo/Hizuru. Ushio memories might be because she was copied before that day so the copy doesn’t have the memories of the last day when the real Ushio died. Just a guess. I’m guessing a lot of Ushio shadow abilities are inaccessible just because she doesn’t know how to use them. Maybe she will figure it out. But in the previous episode she kicked the mini boss. So she has some of the shadow strength. That could be problematic if the shadows Ushio made are loyal to the rest of the shadows. Especially if it seems to be loyal to Ushio at first then switch sides when the shadow knows more. I also think it would be better if they work together but Minekata needs a lot of convincing. Maybe in the next timeline when we will have a full timeline with Ushio not betraying them can be proof enough. It’s a 25 episode season. That was an interesting episode. And this anime has the right amount of everything. Engaging with the mystery. Fairly smart people like not doing stupid things. And not too overload heavy. I still have to watch Psycho Pass reactions but that one is a lot of thinking each episode. So I’m putting it off for lighter stuff sorry 😅 Thank you again for a great reaction and for watching it with us Take Care.


makes sense why they don't want to work with shinpei anymore. they can't just go and trust a shadow even if she seems to be on their side. after being fooled by that one girl in high school of the elite, i will go into this one with a little more caution due to her being a shadow. it would suck if she turns out to be playing them or turns against them or as she puts it "fixed"