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I started and finished season 4 part 1 last night and I thought it was the best season yet! What did you guys think?



I binged it, and it was good 😆. Really like how they did it this season, I don’t wanna go into detail in case other people haven’t seen it. What I like the best has to be the villain this season!


Strangers Things I've watch it on and off. I don't even remember what episode I'm at I just know I'm way behind. So does it worth it to catch up or should I just skip to S4.


I've never watched a single episode of that show. it has never caught my interest, but I've heard many good things about it so i might have to check it out.


Didn't watched it yet. Don't really know if I should, because I was kind of dissapointed from the last season.


Ok I've watch S4 episode 1. I did watch a YT recap of S1-3. So I remember stuff from S2 and never watch S3 from the recap. Episode 1 the first hour was so long and irrelevant to me. Maybe because it's been so long so I don't really care about any of those characters so didn't really care about their high school life. The last scene has a monster but I'm so out of it with the hour long of nothing catching my interest that It was somewhat meh to me. I guess with all the praise S4 has received it should get better fast but episode 1 didn't really entice me to binge watch it to be honest.