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SPY 8 PAT.mp4

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I’m almost done with stranger things, next I’m trying to see Obi Wan. But had to watch this first 😁. I mean it’s true you could call someone a spy in those times, and have them be arrested. Happened during the Cold War, it has a name too, Mccarthyism. Surprised Yor was that good at that age lol, shows us how strong she is. All Loid has to do is gather information for his country, he doesn’t necessarily need to be the one to have peace. I think they mentioned that guy Desmond could threatened peace between the two, on TV when Yuri came over we saw that Ostania met with Westalis for diplomatic things. You do have to leave those informants and spies behind if their captured, otherwise it proves to that country that you sent them over which might escalate the tension between the countries. We don’t know what information he gave out, the information could’ve harmed the country. Yor is his only family left, Yuri is from Ostania. Loid is from Westalis, the story takes place in Ostania where The academy is held. Yuri is the secret police for Ostania, where they have to catch these spies or informants that are in their country; natural enemy to Loid.


Who would’ve thought your fake wife who happens to be an assassin, has a brother who’s in KGB..


He’s not stupid like Yor as well so this will be interesting


Yeah the info was probably harmful or maybe could be harmful if used in the wrong way. But are you saying that neither one do them is the big bad in all this? That there is just that one “bad egg”, Desmond? Is he purposely trying to sabotage that peace treaty? So then I guess he’d be the coming enemy? Take him out and everything is okay. Well, at least for now. Just wanna make sure I’m not missing something.


[Ok Let go]Anya just doesn’t know how to do fraction 😋 [State security]”If you don’t like someone you can accuse them of being a spy” Yes it seems like a police state. Pretty ruff on the suspected to put it mildly. [Yor at her office job] It just like Yor to forget about telling him 😂 Yuri obsessed with his sister😉


[At the SSS interrogation] Well with what we see later, I think he’s just an informant and not a trained spy. Yuri members of the SSS will be a problem, for the learn about each other’s background situation. -I want to get a feel for this kid. Well we’ll see in the next few minutes make a very interesting dynamic. He is a bit of a nutjob. 😅 -You guys both believe the other country is going to cause chaos. Well that usually happens when you have two enemy countries going at each other. Yep Yuri is a bit crazy but one redeeming point is he’s doing everything for his sister.


[When Yuri is outside with the rose] Yuri weird sister complex 😅. [About the west/east conflict] We don’t know enough about the word to know what the conflict is. But both countries believe they are right and protecting their people against the other country. An extreme example is AoT. Both sides believe the other is a threat which from their point of view can be true. Here we don’t know what the conflict is but you get the Idea. It’s not that one is right and the other is wrong. They have a difference in something, which hasn’t been covered in the anime so far, and believe they are doing what they can to protect it. They are not in actual war yet so maybe cold war for now.


[Back at Loid place] The roses are huge there is no way it fit in the vase Telling her brother is just an arranged marriage is probably the worst thing to do 😅 Yor knows her brother 😋 Their faces when she told she completely forgot about the marriage. But in Yor case is perfectly believable. 😅 Not going to lie Loid cooking look amazing Yuri is crackpot crazy 🤣 Loid knows his stuff. He knows when we are feeding him a crap background story. Well we see tha Yuri is still inexperienced. It's only been a year since he’s in the SSS. Loid is considered the best at his job so.


[Flasback when Yor was young] Lol going home just after an assassin job covered in blood 😅 [Back to present] Meteor that what impressed him 😅 The Kiss cliffhanger 😆. And your reaction 😆.


[After episode discussion] This show has a good mix of funny and serious moments. Loid and Yor being from a different side does make it complicated then Yuri being in the secret service makes it even more complicated. But Yuri is all for his sister so if it comes down to saving his sister over his country he will choose his sister. But it has to be very special circumstances. Right now he would just get rid of Loid to protect his sister. Yes I think the guy that got caught was just an informant. They “recruited” him because he was in a position where he could pass on information. He knew they were from the west, he told it in the interrogation. I don’t think it was Loid that he gave the info to. They have other agents and it seems like a low level job. Loid has higher level jobs. Yuri seems like psychotic crazy when it comes to his sister. I’m not sure about good vs evil countries here. I think they are a lot more gray area but they did portray Ostania as more villainous with the secret police and all but like all things It’s not black and white. Lots of gray areas. And we know every little about Westalis. They may be as bad or worse. Ok Thank you for the reaction. Now I’m going to watch render to get ready for the next reaction Get the SlyFox sub 👍 Take Care 😋


Desmond is part of a group, he’s not necessarily the big bad. I don’t wanna say anything because I feel like I might spoil something 😅. Loid also mentioned that killing him wouldn’t solve the issue, that’s why they’re trying to infiltrate.


i wonder how good yuri really is. it seems like all you have to do is hand him or yor some wine and you got yourself an airhead, and that's just off wine.


The whole thing is that the west and the east cannot get along, if Desmond dies there’ll just be another one rising up.


We've been shown a few glimpses but this is me mostly reading between the lines and applying knowledge of real world history that aspects of this series are modelled on. When Twilight was a child war broke out between Ostania and Westalis. It's not clear how long ago the war ended but it's probably less than 10 years. There are still a lot of people in both countries who hate the other side because their friends and family members were killed in the war. They want revenge for those deaths and to basically start another war to finish off the other side. There are politicians, lobbyists and activists who are pushing a pro-war agenda both behind the scenes and in public. One of those political leaders is Donovan Desmond who Twilight is trying to get close to through his son Damian Desmond. Twilight had the exact opposite response to the war of people like Donovan Desmond. While people like Donovan want revenge and to go to war again to get it Twilight wants to prevent war because of all the suffering and death he saw. For Twilight the country of Ostania isn't the enemy - war is. On the topic of Yor and Yuri I think the best rough analogy I can think of is if Yor was an assassin for the CIA and Yuri was an investigator for the FBI. It's not a perfect analogy but the point is they both work for separate agencies under the same government. Being an FBI agent isn't usually a secret as far as I know but it's not uncommon for CIA agents to be anonymous. The CIA and the FBI might co-operate and share information but they don't tell each other everything. So it wouldn't be a total surprise to me for an FBI agent not to know his sister works for the CIA.


At the end of the day this is all about perspectives. In the East’s point of view, Loid is a very dangerous agent who’s actively destabilising their country’s peace and plotting to assassinate their president! People like Loid, Yor, and Yuri are all fighting for the best interest of their country. It might be hard to differentiate because we first got to know Loid’s side and they were presented as a more friendly group, but we would relate to Yor and Yuri more if they were the protagonists. West and East aren’t necessarily lying to their citizens, it’s just that their interests conflicts and it is very unlikely that they can co-exists. Take a look at the world around you. All the countries are slaughtering one another for resources, and I cannot pin point who the big bad is


Well, I think that the analogy of the FBI is off, it is more like an agency of a suppressive government, with the goal of preventing dissent. But they are probably convinced they are doing the right thing. Yuri says his goal is to protect his sister, we don't actually know if he has any deep political or ideological beliefs.