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My prof who is from New York, doesn’t have your stereotypical accent. He told me since he hasn’t been there in a while he has developed a new accent now that he isn’t in New York, it would be the same for shinpei since he’s been in Tokyo for 2 years his accent would have changed. Now that he’s back on the island his accent is coming back to him, and if he was a shadow why would other shadows attack him? But you already know I’m not trustworthy 🤣, you know I’ll try to steer you away. I’ll never tell 🤨lol. Also you missed this last episode, but that girl from the boat when she was up in the tree upside down. She wasn’t on a phone call, it said it was recording. Last thing I binge read this shows in 2 days, and really liking the colors of it. The reason why shinpei didn’t remember asking the inn guy about the girl when he was at the restaurant is because he didn’t ask, we never saw it I don’t think. I have my graduation ceremony tomorrow as well as doing other stuff before I do graduate, so been super busy.


to start, if you are talking about your cars registration then it's not the sticker you are paying for but the registration, the sticker is just to show your registration is up to date. 163 really isn't that muchn if i remember correctly i paid about 500 for mine😭 it really sucks


yeah $500 dollars. im in California so im sure that adds to the price. it's like you said, it's just a way for them to take our money


License plate stickers are just to show that your registration has been paid. It’s used by the cop to quickly check those who didn’t pay their license and fine them. We got rid of ours. We still pay every year for the license but don’t have a sticker. The cop has to actually scan the license plate and check in the database if it’s been paid. But then since the cop have to actually scan your license plate, it’s usually done in a catch the non payer operation. So when you get caught you get tow and fine since you’re not allowed to drive a vehicle with an expired registration.


😭 You forgot the awake production intro cutscene/title image. 😋 Something I don’t understand is only Shinpei seeing the black dead body shape. That would be super sus to see dark body shape on the ground when the people are missing. Afterward he caught it on photo so it’s real. I don’t get how people are not seeing it. Might be the same reason they never comment on the different color eyes. 🤔 I wonder who the shinpei “spirit” is in this scene. Future Shinpei or something else? Interesting theory about Shinpei not being the real Shinpei. In this anime we can’t trust anything anymore about who’s who. Might still work even after watching episode 5. Do you have a theory on screen glitching? Must mean something. But I haven’t figured out what. Oh yea because of the rezero thing there is no plot armor so he can get killed anytime. 😅 I think for some reason they want to be discreet. So they are killing only when they are alone but she could have killed both of them. I don’t know why. Also that the weirdest place for a sink above the toilet. How the F* do you use it. You have to straddle the toilet backward to get access to the sink. And it emphasizes that you use toilet water. Well ok it was before the toilet but still. 😅OMG I just google it and it’s a real thing Toilet Tank Sink. And what does it mean by being afflicted? It just means you have a copy running around? Talk to the girl in black. Well she has to know about the shadow to be useful so talk to her about the shadow. If it doesn’t pan out well it’s just an island superstition. But if she knows about the shadow she will have the proper response.[ We know she knows but I’m not sure Shinpei knows yet] It would be logical to check the hotel before concluding that she sleep in the forest. 😂 When he asks the first inn guy. That what he remembered, Oppai. 😆 Ya I can’t keep the timeline strait I don’t remember did and did not happen in this timeline. That would be extremely sus if he got Shinpei phone. But it’s Ushio’s These multiple time lines are confusing the last timeline his friend, Sou, called him so the shadow found him out and killed him. This time he told him they are going to talk tomorrow (today now) so he doesn’t call. On the phone you can clearly see the shape of a body on a couch. How does not everyone else see it? Or if they see it how can they not conclude something foul is happening. You have people disappearing leaving a dark shadow. The new girl when she came in said put some pants on. But then he didn’t puts pants but they still go in. 😅 They end on Ushio. We still don’t know anything. That is a very good mystery. Just enough clue to keep us clueless. 😅 Jamais Vu, I have no idea how to explain how to pronounce the Vu. But it’s fine, Same thing with Deja-Vu. It’s ok to pronounce it in an English way. If you want to know how to pronounce it in french you’ll have to google it up since I don’t know how to explain phonetics with text. The new girl, we saw her at the beach in the flashback when Ushio died. [After episode] 😂Bro I have to taze you to check if your real 😂 Ok that was fun. I’ll be back with comment on the next reaction after a little break. Take Care. 😋