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AOT 4X28 PAT.mp4

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Ok finally I can sit down and watch this reaction. I was so confused at first since I didn’t catch on right away that it was a flashback. But that was stupid of me not to realise it a flashback so obvious. Uplifting flashback no not quite. 😅 The first thing I thought was is this the episode that will destroy all my previous theory. 😅 It’S fun to watch them, discover new things. I didn’t get what was the deal with the clown but I guess we never saw him afterward. Back to my theories. Again it’s a Marleyan port, they are a bunch of racism. Look how they treat the immigrants in their camp. I’ll comment more later when we meet them. I still believe Eren has a skewed view of the world like us the viewer because we are only presented with the worst of the Marley. Eren proponents keep telling us the rest of the world is exactly like this so they deserve to die. I refuse to believe it. The world is not all the same. At the refugee camp. “This is where the people who lost their homes to war stay. They are just like us, their whole lives were stolen” That is where I can’t accept Eren's solution. You see one country Marley, treating every other country poorly. And your solution is to kill everyone regardless. You see there are some good people in the world. They just lost the war and are under Marley control. If it’s alcohol they are chuching this down pretty fast. 😅 I still believe that there are more people like the one in the camp than people like Marley. Even among the Marley if it wasn’t for the brainwash and propaganda. They are people too. Again I believe it’s a screwed view of the world. You live surrounded by hatred so sure you become bitter and revengeful. Because Eren left on his own and saw what he saw and experienced what he experienced that set the path to where we are today. It’s unfortunate since there is no easy solution nor any hard solution I can think of. Eren holds too much of the key to everything. And he is set on destroying the world. There is no convincing Eren. Historia tried her best. Eren's solution is that he gives up on the world. Killing everyone and starting anew. It might solve things for some time. But we are still all human. It will go back to hatred if there is no more understanding and acceptance between people. And the new regime that it is shaping up doesn’t look like a much more open and accepting society than what the world has now. So they will be right back to where they are with less people. The new regime is founded on hatred of the rest of the world. That's another thing. Eren is way too powerful. He can erase memories. Part 2 in reply


Part 2 I agree with you. It will work for a time. I think in his mind it’s worth it for the small timeframe where people would be happy. He is willing to kill everyone for that little peace. I guess he can manipulate everyone to artificially keep peace. So that the world he would give them. Peace because you kill everyone else and change their memory and keep manipulating them to keep peace. Fuck up world in my opinons. The last Eldian King did keep Peace because he manipulated their memory. I think Eren will be forced to do the same. Make them forget all about the rest of the world. And keeping rules to keep peace among their people. That is the last episode until 2023 when we get to the final final arc. 😅 I kind of need a break from AoT. Too much hopelessness and I keep repeating myself. I don’t see Eren's solution as a hope. I keep repeating myself. They only see a Marly port that is full of hatred. People that they meet that weren’t Marly are not full of hatred. It goes both way. Marley can’t stop to give Eldian a chance but Eren didn’t stop to give anybody else a chance. There is more than Marley in this world. All the conquered nations that lost to Marley. Onyankopon people. The one in the camp and the rest that we never saw. They were never given a change to express their view they were never given a chance to show that they can accept Eldian. Don’t get me wrong. The show is good. It’s amazing. But I’m glad we get other more fun uplifting shows to watch now. Take Care. 😋


Marleyan just makes it most obvious, but the truth is the entire world hates Eldians. Otherwise, there wouldn't be a global alliance military assembling to wipe out Paradis Island. Remember Eren can see the future so he probably knows there isn't a way for peace AND Paradis Island to survive.


I think a lot of the global alliance is political. The Marley are the main power right now and people allied with them not because they believe in the Marley but because they can't afford to be their ennemies. But I have no proof of that just my view of how the world should work. Eren seeing the future. I believe he see only what he wants to see. Meaning, he is not in a state of mind to accept anything that deviate from his choice. The future he sees he interpret it in a way that justified his choice and dismissed any future that doesn't as acceptable sacrifice.


About the blood testing. That was actually mentioned in the Grisha flashbacks at the end of season 3. So the ability to detect "Subjects of Ymir" through blood tests has been around for a couple of decades at least. What seems to be different now is that there is a lot more mass testing of general populations going on. Before people probably only got tested if they were suspected or as a security measure. The reason I think the "Subjects of Ymir Protection Group" has sprung up is because the mass testing has detected a lot of people who didn't know they had Eldian blood and the people close to them such as friends and family, people who grew up with them etc. find it harder to hate people they actually know and care about than strangers on an island. The hatred and bigotry doesn't go away but once you find out someone you care about is part of the group you hate something has to shift. You either end up hating the person you care about or shift the goal posts so that they aren't part of the group you hate. Before you hated all Eldians now you just hate the "bad Eldians" on the island.