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shield 2x01 pat.mp4

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I’m glad it ended up with a decent time. And you had more fun by yourself. Remember that next time. Minimised family drama. 😉 Well First I haven’t watch the 1st season so I’m mostly confused during episode 1 😅 I guess I still have to get to know the character. I don’t have much to comment about. I also hope this anime is good. So far I have only watch 1 episode an nothing to say much, nothing that catch my interested. Ok I feel bad for putting down the characters without knowing anything but the 3 other heroes just leaving don’t give me a very good impression of them. I guess it’s ok to have a low opinion of them since you blasted them too 😅 It’s hard to comment without knowing any backstory. I do feel bad for Rishia. And what she said earlier in the episode when she was in the penguin costume “Nobody can see if I’m depressed when I wear this”🥺 I really like what you said Lexie. “ I hope you do give up on him. You need to be with somebody who treat you like the queen you are”🥰 That exactly what I was thinking when I watch the episode by myself but didn’t want to jump to conclusion without knowing more of their backstory. She really needs better people around her. It doesn’t seem that anybody is doing much for her. In the shop what up with that comment “Any weapon is better than none” I feel bad it seems nobody has any regards toward Rishia. And I guess in this world being a slave is not so bad 😅 since I have no idea what it involve I was kind of taken aback with the slave thing. So far the shield hero Naofumi hasn’t impressed me much. Slightly better than the 3 other Heroes that had “other things to do” but not really high. I hope it gets better in future episode. The girls that want to be killed at the end pique my interest. To tell the truth I wasn’t very impressed with the first episode. I hope I will be more interested in future episodes when I get to know the characters more. It's good that you like the episode. It wouldn’t do reacting to anime you don’t like at least a bit 😋 I really love what you said about Rishia in the review “There is nothing wrong with you, nothing you should change so that you're worthy of him. I don’t believe you should change yourself that much so that someone would accept you. That wrong” You’re a true Queen Lex. 🥰 “You’re number one bitch. You’re way more important than he is. Look around and see all those people that give a shit about you and appreciate them.” no truer words and not just for Rishia. Everyone needs it. You know I like your review section much better than the actual anime 😅 Take care. 😋

