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Louise was the kid mikasa saved with her first titan kill And what a strange reaction connie has to seeing the person who was trying to kill them all again for the first time in 4 years. Laugh at her eating pie funny? Connie has to be my least favorite character of this arc so far.


I do like what Onyankopon says when he calls out the yeagerist, that they themselves have become xenophobic. Thinking they’re superior to everyone else, just like how everyone else around the world has persecuted them for their blood they’re doing that exact same thing to everyone else. I wonder who the person watching them from the window was 🤔, since they saw them all leave together with the enemy. They currently have 5 of the titans in order to fight Eren, Falco just being turned into one so not sure how useful he could be. Glad Connie had some sense and didn’t let Armin be eaten he knows what he was doing was wrong, but was still blinded by his own feelings. Not all shows have happy endings, their group has to fight agains the yeagerist, Eren, and the wall titans. Not looking too great for Armin’s group 😅, made Levi look a lot more fucked up than what it took to fix him up lol. He did lose his index and middle finger, and he can make a good strategy for defeating Eren considering just how different Eren looks than a normal titan. Reiner was literally asleep and woke up to enemies and friends next to him😂 he probably thought he died. Also Connie had the worst plan 🤦🏻‍♂️ thought he could get Falco to brush a titans teeth lol.


I love Levi's determination. If we just keep hiding what do we have left. And Hange and the rest of them. They don’t give up even if the situation seems hopeless. 😅Connie super sus face yes let just brush her teeth. I really didn’t expect Armin to do that. Armin is really lost. And Connie, it’s not so easy when it’s someone you know. Well at least he snapped out of it and realised that that was not what her mom would have wanted. I know I’ve been advocating finding a solution to save everyone but those fucking Yeagerist want me to side with the world and kill everyone on paradise island. Just for a while then I remember that like the rest of the world it’s just a group of people and doesn't represent everyone. Onyankopon said exactly what I’m thinking. “The only one left are a bunch of pathetic xenophibic scoundrels. Life is not worth living if it means I’d have to flatter the likes of you” I admire Onyankopon for sticking to his principles. And Jean I knew he wasn’t into the Yeagerist but I had no idea what his plan was. Kudo. Great Job Jean. Ok To save the world. I think everyone is there. Annie, Female Titan, Pieck Cart Titan, Reiner Armored Titan, Armin Colossal Titan, Falco Jaw Titan. Levi, Hinge, Mikassa. Jean and Connie also. Let's see what this group can do. Finally a group I can root for. It’s not zeke or eren clans. On the review part Repulsed by the Yeagerist. That is exactly the word I was looking for. I’ve said it above I was never on board with killing the Eldian but those Yeagerist made me close to wanting all of them dead. Well Again a setup episode but that is an important one. I’ve said it above, finally a group I can root for. Enough of Zeke or Eren are the only choice. Like you said I’m not sure what they can do but at least it’s not just Killing the World vs Killing Eldian. Thank you for the reaction Take care. 😋


Welcome to history 101 lol. A cycle of hatred, violence and the pursuit of power and interest. Not everyone, in fact, most people can't be saints about it after decades of discrimination and oppression. This is why the roles always reverse, just like how our world works.


o boi my friends and I straight up hate that group with a passion yikes. I heard a lot of people make fun of them as the 'cringe-vengers' XD. I respect their intentions but I just think they are a bunch of hypocrites that's all. I'm not sure if Isayama intended to portray them that way because they are about as controversial as the Yeagerist.


Sure they could have done something earlier, maybe seem hypocrite but what now. They the only one doing something. Better late than never? Doom to failure maybe. I just can't support the Yaegerist. I'm for anything but letting Eldian become a fascist state. Rules by the Yaegerist Elite/Army oppressing's everyone else with the if you don't agree with us we will kill you mentality.


What I actually meant is what they'll be doing later. But we'll leave that for when it happens in the anime. I completely understand why you can't side with the Yeagerist and that's ok. Some of the things they do are out of line using a modern point of view but knowing history every country started off that way, I can't exactly judge them for it either. Again it's just that no one else is able to offer a solution that can end the 2000 years of hatred between Eldia and the world and guarantee that Paradis Island won't be destroyed by the world. I'm only speaking from Eldia's point of view since this is what this arc focuses on. I also spoke from the world's point of view in earlier episodes when the focus was on their view. I'm only trying to give out both sides' point of view to make this more fun to discuss about. What happens after Eren is stopped? Are we back to square one to killing each other with titan powers between countries? Or are we going to maintain the rumbling's threat by shortening Historia's life to 13 years and then feed her to her children and continue this 2000 year cruelty? Or are we going with Zeke's plan and wipe out Eldia instead?


Feel like we are going round and round with this discussion.😅 I’m an anime only so I can only start with what the anime shown us. First. We only see Marley, and the people under Marley thumbs that lose to marley. We have barely seen any other nation. What about the Onyankopon nation that is oppressed by the Marley and other nations around the world we have never seen which many are oppressed by the Marley. I refuse to project the behavior of a few, namely Marley leadership to every single person in the world from the elderly to the newborn child. If we start with the premise that every single person not eldian wants them dead, there is no discussion and no solution. Is the same as if we saw a few Yeagerist and concluded the Eldian must be evil people. Did you see how they treat anyone that doesn't agree with them? Let's kill all Eldian. If we start with this premise there is no solution. I think people can reason with and there are generally more decent people than evil people. My solution last week is to get rid of the Marley elite. See where people stand. Start a real discussion. Phase out Titan if possible. If not, we cross that bridge when we are there. If it’s not possible to phase out Titan right away Maybe keep it a bit to catch up with technology. Use the resources they allegedly have plenty to build a powerful nation. Treat people with decency to show that you're not evil. Obviously if you behave like the Yeagerist I would be the first to raise a flag and campaign to kill the Eldian.


OK I have not read the manga and I'm only saying the next to illustrate how crazy everything is. Why does Eren do what he want's to do. Freedom? Save his friends from oppressions? If it continue like this all the world will be dead his friends that organize a resistance will be dead and he will have create one of the least free nation under the Yaegerist. Bravo Eren.👏


Yeah indeed we have been going round and round just wanted to understand more about your thinking. It's quite interesting to see how far you'd go to protect the rest of the world even when you're speaking on the behalf of Eldia. I can respect that. One more question I have is what if we do everything you said, tried every diplomatic solution we can do and the world still decide to come after us? What should Eldia do by then?


I think you'll have a more clear idea about Eren's plans later on so I'll keep it a mystery until then. From what has been shown so far. He's wiping all life and hatred outside of Paradis Island in order to protect his friends and the place he grew up in. He does not care about anything beyond the following objectives: 1. Protect his friends and Paradis Island 2. Save Historia from being sacrificed by pumping babies and getting eaten. 3. Let Ymir choose what she wants (Remember, it was Ymir who ultimately decided the Rumbling to unleash her anger. Eren is still crossing the ocean right now so we'll have to wait to see more of him. Lets wait to see how he reacts to his friends working with his enemy and turning against him


I'm saying you first start by conquering Marley. I mean topple the government. I'm not saying killings all the citizen. Let say worst come to worst and no one want to negociated I guess you can continue to conquered nations until you build an empire. But even a conquering empire they don't kill 100% of every citizen. If an Eldian empire is one that killed 100% of every citizen well they are a problem and need to be taken out. I'm saying don't become someone that need to be taken out. Use force yes but be reasonable. Don't justify to everyone that you have to be taken out. The only thing Eren does is tell the world we are the worst kind of people we need to be taken out since we wont stop before killing everyone. If you start with this of course you won't have a solution that does not include genocide. Don't start with making everyone only choice is to kill you or be killed.


Sure that's a rather realistic approach compared to killing everyone indiscriminately of course. But toppling the government doesn't mean the citizens suddenly stop discriminating against Eldians. We've seen many scenes throughout the series that the vast majority despises eldians. They actively support the governments who are purging Eldias and channels their hatred towards them. Unless we're conquering every nation and forcing everyone listens to us but then we'd be starting over the circle that the first eldian king started with ymir in the first place. I doubt you like that either since you're against Floch and the Yeagerist who wish to dominate the world. It's a tough spot here as there really is no solution to eliminate war and racism because it's our nature.

Diego Zenhäusern

To be honest at this point I'd rather see Eldia beeing wiped out completely than Eren succeed with his plan. To me it's a simple matter of numbers (kill the whole world to spare a little island) and the fact that you seem to have to be a fascistic asshole (or at least submit to the fascistic government) to not be killed on the remaining island. Realistically speaking the group probably shouldn't be able to defeat Eren and even if they did it most likely wouldn't mean the world would stop to hate the Eldians. So it would certainly be interesting if at the end of the day either Eren wins and the story just shows that there often are a few decent people that will openly resist outright genocide but that it won't be enough to actually stop it or they stop Eren and Eldia gets still obliterated because people are rasist assholes and don't care that they were just all saved by a group of mostly Eldians🤔🙁


of course, you should choose the world if you're going with numbers. Question is, would you make the same choice if you and your loved ones are Eldians?

Diego Zenhäusern

I mean I really hope I would....I don't know how I would live with myself in the long term if I didn't. But you never know until you actually are in the situation🙁🤔


That’s a fair response. But I can tell you for sure I will choose my people over the world, no matter the situation. Perhaps that’s why I’d side with the jaegerists, if I was a Eldian. I’d never imagine myself to sacrifice my entire race for some shallow idealism hoping everyone can suddenly be friends


If I was eldian. Yes I want to save my people but 1st and foremost I want to prove to the world that the eldian are not the monster everyone paint them to be. That a core beliefs in me. I don't want my people to be monsters. I don't think my race is worth saving if I only end up with a fascists, racist, xenophobes society. By doing that I oppressed all the good compassionate and open people in my society. That the hill I'm willing to die on. Save the eldian but doing in a manner that future generations can be proud of. And in a manner I can live with myself.


Doing what Eren is doing is like saying I'm my main goal is freedom. But to achieve that I'm will sacrifice the freedom of my own people by creating a much less free society than before since that what it need to be done to unsure it's safety. Do you see the contradiction here. Freedom come with the price that I let my people to be free. And not impose my view on them. I will impose my view of freedom on you even if you don't agree with it. See the contradiction here. Of corse my vision is very different than Eren. I want a society that does not choose genocide and is willing to do everything to save my vision of a just society. That what I want to protect a just society. Creating an unjust society simply does not aligned my my vision of making the world a fairer place.


Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." That quote has been grossly misused so I will continue the tradition by using it out of context to further my view 😉. If you want to know what the quote was used for it's a taxation issue. 😅 So there are principles I'm not willing to sacrifice. And the society Eren create is not one I want to be part of. Neither is Zeke Freedom yes but it imply giving freedoms for other to disagree with me. I want a fair open society that I can be proud of saving.


For the record though I'm not deliberately trying to give you all a hard time, just wanted to throw some thoughts out for us to think about, I think it's interesting and quite helpful for our own personal development


Good answer Dany. I like your way of thinking. But how do we know that the world won't become far worse after you stop Eren? For all we know, stopping the rumbling most likely means killing Eren and all the Jaegerists, which are all of your own people. Is doing so worth the uncertainty of hoping the world can be a better place? Ymir most likely won't listen to anyone else other than Eren, even if she does, maintaining the Rumbling means having Historia inherit the beast titan, eaten by her own child later and the same goes with the founder for another person. If we're unlucky then somewhere down the line someone will become power-hungry like the first Eldian king and repeat that the 2000 year bloodshed. You should be in the anime man, I'd rather see you against the Jaegerist than having the likes of Hange and Armin doing so. You three are all idealistic, but the difference is you at least have a plan, and suggestions to solutions. I respect people with ideals but if they can't back it up with a plan then it's merely delusions. It was been disappointing and painful to watch Hange and Armin do absolutely nothing for the entire final season and quite frankly the last 4 years in the canon timeline while they deny other people's ideas. They are indirectly responsible for the birth of the jaegerists, people wouldn't resort to extremism and violence if the leadership was effective. Every second I miss commander Erwin. If he survived I'm sure he'll have something up his sleeves to this situation. He was extremely charismatic, tactical, and ruthless. Eren and the survey corps might not even go rogue either under his leadership.


To be fair to Armin and the rest. Eren is the one that holds most of the power. And when he sets his mind in one track it's very hard to make him deviate. So I'm not sure there is much the other could have done. All my ideas and everything If Eren says FU I'm going to kill the world well there goes that. I think one thing that could have work is convincing Eren is not the good path but it's way too late now. You need to work with eren 4 years earlier. Or even more I don't know with vision of the future how long he decides this is the only path. Along with this is expanded diplomacy. But mostly underground diplomacy. Also this has to be done way earlier, too late now. So the reason Eren is set on this path is that he sees the hatred People have for the Eldian and believes nothing else can get rid of it. Like Onyankapon people. He said he helped the eldian to save his people. Sure but It means for some the eldian aren’t the worst people. With the way Marley has been acting I’m sure that there are many more people that feel that way. So find them out. When you see that you have support around the world then you can see an alternative to killing them all. An interesting problem solving technique is the chain of Why. There is some tweaking and leading, but it’s a way to see from a different perspective. I’m saying leading since I answer the why and lead you toward my preferred answer. Eren wants to kill all the world. Why? He believes that killing all the world will protect his people. Why? He believes the world hates them. Why? He has only been shown people that hate them. Why? The only people he met are the Marley elite and the citizen that has been brainwatch in believing Eldian are the devil. Why? The Marley Citizen has not seen an Eldian beside the one controlled by Marley. As we know history really depends on who’s telling it. Non Controlled Eldian the world has not seen them for 200 years. So all the hatred is base on Marley controlled Eldian and history told by Marley. Tybur said their version of history wasn’t true. And how do we know that even tybur version is true? History is shape by the the one telling it. So by coming back to the chain of why. The solution is like I advocate to show that the Eldian aren’t monsters. But to do that Eren has to be on board. If I tell you Eldian aren’t monsters but Eren just starts the rumble to kill everyone. Well even I will say the world was justified in believing the Eldian are devils. To get Eren on board you have to show him that there is more than hatred for eldian in the world. And it has to be done early. He’s been stuck in Marley spying and all he got there is hatred for Eldian. Marley currently is a toxic environment for Eldian because of the rampant racism. Of course you’re going to be pissed at the world if that's all you’ve been exposed to.


Another thing. People tell me, what if it makes it worse. Eren solution is the only one that guarantees something. Well there is no guarantee in war. The only guarantee is people will die and suffer. The second almost guarantee is that things will not go as planned with more death and suffering. Every solution you can answer what if it makes it worse. Then your paralyzed not acting on the fear that it makes it worse. There is no perfect solution every one of them has risk of turning badly. I choose a solution I can live with.