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Ugh. Fucking autocorrect. Hopefully none of you saw that 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️



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Edit: We saw the original titles 🤫😅💖


Definitely a interesting episode. They had a good idea, but the parasytes weren’t just going to let it happen. They tried to trick the machine, and were seeing just how well parasytes have blended into society, and I can see why that officer would rather kill than accidentally let a parasyte out into the world. It does make sense in a way if killing a few humans now and killing the parasytes who arguably would be killing more humans. We would see more humans being saved, but I don’t agree with killing innocent humans. Uragami is still a killer and villain, he has no loyalty the moment his life is in danger we see him run lol. Not that reliable if he decides something might endanger him. Gotou literally bullet proof 🤣, it feels like he’s invincible. Don’t know what will work against him, gave them 2 mins to blast him and still obliterated everyone. I have seen The Mask, but it has been years since I lost saw it. With reiko’s statement I feel like it’s referring to parasyte being more than just being devoid of emotions, that there’s more to them than just being logical beings we can see them being able to have emotions reiko being a good example. Like reiko mentioned they don’t have to eat humans to survive, just finding a way for them to coexist will be the issue since humans would be scared of something that is as smart as them and that can kill them instantly. Fear is driving this assault on the parasytes. I wanna say that’s inosuke on the shirt, and looks great!


This episode is brutal. They killing parasites and Civilians.I’m not sure in real life they could just shoot and afterward oups sorry you were a civilian.😨 Ryoko said that parasyte are fragiles. Now that humans are serious about killing them we see that humans are efficient at killing. Before with Shinichi it was all one on one with “parasyte blade” Bring guns in. Another story. Well let's not get too much ahead of the episode we’ll talk about the end later. Yes the parasyte would detect if one of their own get kill they sense it. The killer did say one, two. He never said three so yep they kill a civilians and when there were two left 😳 The killer is really playing them; he just has fun watching parasyte and humans get killed. They are killing civilians but I guess it for now I guess you have the excuse of friendly fire 🤔 The main guy doesn’t care. He only want to kill parasites at all cost and a few civilian casualties doesn’t seem to matter to him. Yep it’s clearly not ok. Shinichi needs to keep away from the actions. If the main guy learns that he has some parasite he will immediately kill Shinichi. He killed civilians without remorse or care. It’s really fuck up. And they are going to cover it I presume. Using a human shield, the cop doesn't care and shoots the hostage😱 They get away with a lot in this episode. I’m not sure how realistic this episode is. They are going too far with killing all those civilians. Ok maybe the main guy doesn’t care but the other cops just shot everyone freely. I’m with you Lexie, all those killing 😰. It’s not a war anime where you expect innocent to be killed nor the police to have no regards to human life. I wonder if it’s there to villinise humans 🤔. I’m not sure I believe that’s how cops would behave. So I couldn't get as much into the episode. Yep, for once in an anime the guy runs when he knows he clearly outlass. So many times people just stand there and get killed in anime. 😅 Love your reaction 🤩 Going back. I don’t think the killer guardian is thinking straight. He reverts back to what he knows without accessing the situation and that is the worst thing to do. Go back. Why just because you were told that you're in this group doesn’t he realise that they are all dead. 😒 The indiscriminate killing really got me out of the episode. After the initial shock. It makes it unrelatable for me and becomes even more fiction. 🤔Maybe it’s going to change Shinichi's perspective on parasytes. First Reiko. Then he see what humans do. Before he was all for killing all parasyte but now maybe he will see some in a better light. I’m not sure about the two main parasyte in this episode. They are still bad I think. Great reaction and review as always. Take Care. 😋


umm i downloaded pasture episode 20 but it ended up being parasyte, ty for your hard work lexi


🤫🤫 she said, she hope nobody saw that 😉😇 😅


as tragic as it is the panic shooting makes sense and is also a very real thing. my step brother was in the military after 9/11 happened and they were working at a check point in Afghanistan when they saw a person reach into the back seat one of his fellow soldiers panicked and called something out so they opened fire. once everything cleared up they went to check and it was just a family of 4 and what they saw was probably just the mom reaching into the back to check on her kids. As for the in real life they would fire a warning shot or something i have a brother who is a federal agent and cousin who is a cop and the way they were trained was if they pull their gun out and fire they aim for the body and you shoot. I wont say the order is basically shoot to kill but what else can you call it when you are shooting at someones body. if that first part is too depressing i can delete