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AOT 4X23 PAT RXN.mp4

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AoT 🙌 I think it's a good episode not much action but lot of background development. Be right back after watching the reaction 😋


God damn i love floch lmao


Levi is extremely messed up lol, got caught with a thunder spear up close so not doing okay rn. Magath the commander does make sense for the rest of the soldier to head back home and see what they can do before the titans arrive, and that is a good point going underground. Some issues with that would be making an underground area big enough to house that many people in that short amount of time, and being strong enough to support the weight of the titans. Eren won’t know if a couple people survive, he just want to eradicate as many as possible. Considering how hange didn’t seem to want to fight considering she’d lose immediately to a titan lol, definitely going to be diplomatic; not sure Hange would want to foil eren’s plan because just how would they even fight him or if Hange even wants to fight Eren and just try to save Levi. I just accidentally deleted half my review 🤦🏻‍♂️ I’ll rewrite it later.


A much more abridged version than my original review. Reiner mentioned that once you turn back to a human from a Titian it takes a while for their memory to comeback. Floch is sending a mention in order to stop people from rising up and creating a resistance, like killing someone infront of the marley volunteers. We don’t know if Annie’s dad will be able since he tried fighting a marley soldier, and we heard a gunshot being fired. Would suck if the worst happens when Annie returned. Sucks that I deleted the second half 🥲, but think this is the best I can do from my memory. Also sucks we don’t have demon slayer and AOT on the same day anymore, but some of the new anime coming out are great! Can’t wait for them to come out!


Big time. People hate him for being realistic. Imagine all of your friends get butchered like animals in front of your face by a monkey and you're the only survivor, and then figure out it's because the entire world wants you and your whole family killed because of your race. Now tell me you can all be saints about it.


Eren chose to work with Floch because he knew his other friends probably won't agree with his plans. Besides, don't you think Floch does have a talent for rallying people and assembling an army for Eren? Extreme times call for extreme measures. I don't particularly like Floch's extremism either but thinking on Eldia's side, he is definitely a necessary evil, and a leader they need. I mean, someone's gotta do it right?


I do agree with you there, if Eren’s friend knew what his real plan was they wouldn’t go along with it. I just don’t like the with Eren or against Eren mentality going on, the people on the island should be able to voice their opinions since they’re the ones being affected and hurt by eren’s actions. I find it funny how Floch still had to diss Jean before telling him he didn’t have to fight anymore lmao.


yeah dude half his face is gone, Levi is not going to be the same afterwards..


Yeah I think people tend to misunderstand Floch a lot. What he did was messed up but the message was to suppress the possible resistance of the volunteers. Unfortunately that's just how politics work. If anyone read The Prince, Niccolò Machiavelli also mentioned similar strategies to establish authority and take control. Besides that's not his fellow eldian so I doubt Floch gives a shit at all knowing him


Infighting among Eldian. I was going to say it’s starting but even before they were factions and a lot of Eldian against Eldian fighting. I kind of expected Annie would be conscious and hear what they were saying to her just because it makes a much better plot. I think Annie's reason tells a lot. She was doing it just because she was told to and didn’t really care one way or another. Just going on with life doing as you're told. I feel like the outside world’s hatred for Eldian is just because they were told to hate Eldian. The politicians are doing it for their personal gain. The rest of the population are just told they should hate Eldian. So now they are all going to die because of it. What the instructor said just follow the Yeagerist for now and wait for the time to rise up. Civil war. The Eldian don’t need the outside world to hate them, they are already doing it from the inside. “Now you’re going to treat the Eldian people just like the Marlyan treat the Eldian over there.” Freedom, right. Freedom as long as you do and think exactly like I told you to. 🙄 Arming saying. It’s not as if the issue of who controls the nine titan will go away. At worst we’d repeat the last 2000 years of conflict surrounding the power of Titans, on this Tiny Island. Killing the outside world only moves the problem. And I know I may be annoyed with this but I still believe most of the citizens of the outside world don’t really want war with Eldian and don’t really hate them. They were just told they should hate them. If you were to topple politicians that hate you there is still hope for peace and a better solution then kill everyone. Ok after the episode part. About Hangie and her plans. Even if the world is all dead. Like Armin said, the power of the nine Titan still matters. And now they will be conflicts, Eldians against Eldian. I don’t know her plan but I think it’s important to get Piek and Reiner on your side. I still believe in Falco. Mostly because plot armor in the fact that Connie moms becoming a shifter Titan is not really a good plot. And secondly he had all those visions before so his roles is more important than just what happens now. Maybe I’m wrong. I don’t know why it completely slipped my mind that Falco can attack Connie as a Titan. I feel so dumb. 😅. I thought Falco had to be saved or fight as a human. 😅 But maybe he has some anemia and don’t remember he’s a Titan so can’t access it right away. Again I don’t think people in general are bad people. It’s just the group mentality and leaders that telling them Eldian are bad. If you show them that Eldian I believe most people will not hate them. I may be naive and overly optimistic, well most probably but I like to think there is good in the world if we let them have the chance to be good. Now we don’t have to worry about people outside coming in to kill us for our resource, only Yagerist killing you for disagreeing with them or just because they don’t like you. Freedom yea. 🙄 I love what to say about Annie. Not much to add other than I agree 100% with everything you said. Yes Love/Hate relationship and so many conflicting emotions that what’s make it great. Good point on this is the perfect moment for the Eldian in Marley to rebel. They will have to hide a bit but soon the Marley going to have their hand full and rounding up the eldian won’t be much of a priority. Great review 😋 So are we replacing Demon Slayer with something else. I guess Slime, Parasite, Haikyuu, AoT, RoK, and All of us, are a good number of shows. Take Care. 😋


Perhaps you're right. People might not truly hate Eldian and there might be a slim hope for peace. But what about the power of titans? As long as that's around I doubt people will stop seeing Eldians as monsters. As for the freedom bit, oh well it's the same everywhere else, you can see it from the society we're in as well. You're free to say anything you want as long as we agree with it right.


Forgot to add my joke when she mentions the eldians in the marley internment zone to trample over the soldiers to escape. Trampling you say🤨? Sounding a lot like Eren Lexie lmao. Definitely feel like it’s less funny now 😅


Some people seem to have missed or forgotten this but one of the rules about Titan shifters is that if they die without being eaten their power gets transferred to a newborn Eldian. As long as there are Titan shifters there will always be a source of Titan spinal fluid to turn more Eldians into Titans. So even if Eren dies and no-one eats him the power won't die with him.


Another thing I think is interesting is the so-called "Pure" or mindless Titans that wander around eating people. In the early days of Titans there were no "Pure" Titans. Ymir was a Titan shifter and I'm just guessing but so were her three daughters. What's also interesting is that there are 9 separate Titan-shifter powers but originally there was only one - Ymir - and after she died presumably there were only 3 Titan-shifters - her daughters. My theory is that the power of the first Titan-shifter - Ymir - was split into three via her daughters and then split into nine via her grandchildren and then the after that the power couldn't be split any more which is how the "Pure" or mindless Titans came about. I imagine the first time a Pure Titan was created was a complete surprise and probably created a fair bit of chaos. After Ymir died her daughters ate her spinal fluid and became Titan shifters. When they died their children ate them and so on. The first couple of times this ritual was carried out it was gross but mostly fine as everyone who ate the spinal fluid became a Titan-shifter until their were 9 shifters. Then a 10th person ate the fluid and the first "Pure Titan" was created.