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Edit: I added a password requirement to the link so if you want to view it, the password is star.

I also added the password to the drama club tier google document for October.


squid game 3 pat rxn.mp4

Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!



Was not expecting this 🥳 thank you!


😱😱 I still haven't watch episode 3 and I'm out at a show tonight. So much to watch when I come back. 😆


If you need some time off it’s ok, you’re mental health is more important. I don’t know what you’re going through, but it will get better the people who write mean things are not the majority I love seeing the content you put out <3

Jessica Sutherland

Oh god this was hard watching... I don't know what you could do other than report them if their harrassing you through a site but if they start threatening you, press charges on that mother fucker. I'm only about 4 mins in but I don't know if I can even enjoy this because you're so upset. But on the other hand you went through with recording it despite what you're going through so I feel like watching it somewhat anyways. :( Much love to you Whoever it is that has an issue should really just stfu and cancel the sub or whatever their problem is I'm sure its best solved by them fucking off. Edit: I've been in a similar situation before where they were malicious and posted my address on Twitter and said "This is where you live, right?" literally everything in me sank. But yeah idk if they went as far as that or not but feel free to message me if you want someone to talk to.


Man I don't know what happen I only watch the intro 😫😭😭🥺. You made me cry at a show. I hope you know that the majority of us loved you. I want to kill those fucking hater 🤬 you giving us a lot of quality content. I don't know what to say I love you ❤️❤️❤️


Hey lex idk how many of us are in this tier but I know I’m cool with you taking as long as you need for squid games reactions (even though they have been my favorite ones recently ) because they are a bonus and don’t even go on YouTube. Seriously fuck all those people for being assholes though. Make content that makes you happy not content designed to appease us. You are the most important person to you.

Dontrell Durant

🥺🥺🥺 who made lil Awake cry? I’m sad now. Take this virtual hug. Listen to some NF music to relax. (In your spare time)


I'm home now and I'm just start the reaction. Bullies are unacceptable anywhere but especially in this tier. I expected this tier to be a carefree fun tier, I expected the great majority of people that come here only wanted to support you more than the normal first their. Like I said bullies are unacceptable. I'm beyond pissed. What I want you to do is to go write them a nice little message, I'm sorry the contant wasn't up to your expectation here a refund and block them. I'm serious. You don't need toxic people around refund and block. I'm being pissed not the best mood to make recommendation so take it with a grain of salt but maybe change the tier description to not get people expectation wrong. The way I see it is this should be something for people that want to support you beyond the normal tier and get some K-Drama once in a while when you have free time and when your up to it, I want those reaction to be fun time not force. I don't mind if we don't have them regularly. Ok I'm 15 minute in and going to watch the rest. I'll be back after I watch the rest.


I watch the rest of the reaction. I don't have much to add. I'm glad the episode made you smile a bit here and there, I had the same question as you Why did he not tell them about the game if he knew they could all have chosen the triangle which was the easiest. I didn't understand how the other guy got the message in the cake what up with that, I guess I couldn't focus properly. All n all. I'm not going to watch slime tonight, I'll wait until tomorrow. But seriously, I want this tier to be filled with people who love you. Kick those who don't. As you have seen with other people comment we don't mind waiting until you can have fun and enjoy the episode. This here should be a safe place and it's not it make me very sad. Anyway tomorrow will be better. Love you. 😍❤️🤗


It wasn’t about people in this tier. I just heard there were people complaining about my upload rate. Not specifically here on Patreon. I don’t even know if they were all from YouTube or from Patreon or a mix. Just that they don’t like my lives and o don’t upload enough


I've notice I've made over 300 comments on your patron. Do I comment too much 🤔 😝 This is my 302 comment. My first comment was on Nov 12, 2020 just that HxH 26 was a recap. HxH 26 that seem so long ago. Thank you for a great year you've been a big part of my mental health and happiness this pass year. I couldn't be where I am right now without you. I can't remember when I started being a patron. It was a bit more than a year I didn't talk at first. 😇


Damn, I'm sorry about whatever or who ever has got ya this down. If it helps I think you react and upload too often lol. Its good to do other things and not have your whole life tied to a single activity. So obviously, I can't and won't tell you how to live your life and I know this is also your job and thats a ton of stress in itself and I'm sorry I don't have answers for ya there, just that I'm praying for ya. However, I hope ya know its always awesome to see ya, but I'm more happy knowing you're enjoying yourself in whatever you do, even if that means we don't see ya as often. So please, don't let us or others make ya feel obligated to do anything and just take life at your own pace. Ya gotta focus on your health and own wellbeing before anything else... at least that's what everybody says, I suck at it, so I'm not the one that should be giving advice lol. But I hope you know, even if you uploaded once a year... I'd be more than content if you had fun doing it. So please take care and know, we love ya!


When I click on the link it just brings me to a page that says “The link you’re trying to access is password protected.” I tried the previous upload and it goes right to the video so it seems it’s only on Squid Game 3, anybody know what to do?


The password is the the main post edit I just tried it.


Hey Lexie, I hope you feel better today. If you need anything just ask. Once again I'll be out until late. Remember the majority of people think your amazing and doing a great job that the majority of comments I see. 🤗 On here and on YT.

Oda Nobunaga

Hey, It was a bit hard watching the first minutes of this upload. You look really hurt. I get that you see reactions, and this patreon as your ''work''. But this is about reactions, and reactions come from your own perspective, opinions, and first impressions. The mentality of ''I need to do my job'' is okay but I personally don't think you should push yourself to upload when you don't feel like it. The best reactions are when the reactor is in a good, every-day mood imo. I obviously believe that you will definitely not leave us without content for long time, you always deliver no matter what. if it's not as often it's okay, just put yourself first, that's all I have to say. A few reactions won't drag you down. You have a big future out there. Don't let the inner-saboteurs get to you, you're doing great. Obviously you can't get over this very quickly, but just hang in there!

Marco St

Gonna echo everyone else's thoughts here. I'm a patron to support, I don't really care about schedules and what not. Please take some time off whenever you feel like it :)