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mob psycho 2x03 pat rxn.mp4

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Fight on!


This episode is way deeper than what I got on my first watch. At the end we learn that Mob doesn't see the spirit as different from humans. The first lady with the astral projection creep. Mob is wondering why with a human creep people react differently than with a spirit. You said it in your reaction. Spirit discrimination. For mob spirit are equal to human. Just imagine replacing “spirits” with a group of people any groups that get discriminated against. I'm not going to name any groups because it's distasteful just thinking of it in my head. So you have a bunch of guys that say: “Hey I hear there are these kinds of people there let go take some pictures. But I need to hire someone to protect me.” The day after they say: “We have to go back and make those kinds of people go aways. It gives me the creep just knowing those kinds of people live in my neighborhood.” It’s actually worst since they don’t even live anywhere near them


Also 😻 Kota. I'm glad he look like he's doing great.

Marco St

Mob is kind to spirits. But he doesn't see them equal to human. Or else he wouldn't be using his powers on them. Remember, he draws a very clear line there.


I LOVE this episode, because Mob struggles with the difference between humans and spirits. Since he's always lived with both he doesn't see why one hates the other. It's so good.