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hxh 141 pat rxn.mp4

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I really appreciate you Lexi for being the only female reactor I've seen actually criticize Illumi for being so fucked up and not just thirsting over him lol, and again Illumi does love Killua it's just portrayed in such an unorthodox way and he doesn't see a problem with it because of how the family is.


Keep up the good work, it's sad that it ends in only 7 episodes. The way I see it, Killua first analysis is that his dad is neutral; he wants to control Alluka but is worried about her. But then he remembers his father didn't see her as family so in the end if he wants to free Alluka all his family are enemies because they don't really care about Alluka. The secret thing. As far as we know Alluka power is limitless. ( I read a bit of the manga after the show but I’m not a manga reader so drop it before anything significant happen So I don't know more about her power than what is shown in the anime.) If someone powerful enough outside the family learns about Alluka they could try to kidnap her when she is in easy wish mode and wish for all Killua Family to die, let somebody else deal with the consequence, rinse and repeat. This is so dangerous so they do everything so there is not the slightest change of that happening however tiny the chance is. As for killing the one that knows are you sure you got everyone if someone you're not aware of is listening and become aware of her power.


About Autism, First I know very little about it, so take it with a grain of salt. Here an article they talk about someone who was diagnosed in her 30's https://www.chicagotribune.com/lifestyles/ct-life-adult-autism-diagnosis-20190805-20190809-koxjna6ckzgorird6p4ap6iduy-story.html They talk about the Rush University Medical Center https://www.rush.edu/services/autism-care/autism-diagnosis-and-treatment From their webpage Rush is one of the few health systems in Illinois that specializes in diagnosing and treating teenagers and adults with autism. Diagnosing autism after childhood can be complicated, because symptoms can change as people age. Our evaluation process is designed to account for this complexity. Again that only a few internet search I know next to nothing about ASD.


I believe Autism tests for adults are quite pricey, not sure if they're worth it. Also, if I thought I had autism I think I'd rather keep it ambiguous, I guess I'd rather not know or would be scared to be officially labelled different


I don't believe that not knowing is ever better than knowing. Lying to yourself is never a good option. You don't have to announce it to anyone until you're ready to do so. It's the worst feeling when something happen to you and you have no idea why and what to do about it. Ignoring it will not make it go away. I'm not saying she has anything or not. Maybe in the end it's clearly not ASD. But at least if she know she can act on it or be sure that not ASD and move on.


Hey, I could be wrong, but I do believe you may have incorrectly interpreted that intense scene with Illumi and Hisoka. I cant speak for Illumi, but I do not believe he sees Killua as a target, I feel he got upset because a magician just asked if it was alright if he killed his little brother.


The original HXH anime from the late 90’s which covered up to the end York New City came out over a decade before this current anime so it isn’t out of the realm of possibility to get more HXH the main problem comes from Togashi not writing a lot more after this arc. But if he ever gets his medical condition under control then we might see more HXH sometime this decade


Silva and Zeno don’t want to kill Alluka, they want to keep her close to contain her power. Illumi is the only one that wants to kill Alluka. Your assumption about Hisokas claim was correct. Regarding Autism tests, I think your best option would be to contact your doctor or pediatrician. They can give you the right information and resources. Btw you can go to the bathroom during your reactions, that’s ok. They will elaborate on some of the rules Killua is hiding. Alluka can definitely be killed, she has no combat experience. I’d say he’s probably talking to that old guy at the entrance of the mansion. Great reaction as always.