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HXH 135 PAT RXN.mp4

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Osu 2!

Dillon Hansel

I love this arc so damn much. Meruem is such an amazingly well written character and his growth is just phenomenal. The dynamic he shares with Komugi was absolutely amazing. Also, congratulations! You have now officially joined the pain club for HxH! You too have been emotionally steam rolled by the Komugi x Meruem ending scene. I have watched that scene a cumulative 40 ish times and STILL fucking tear up at it. It's just the perfect culmination of everything Meruem and even Komugu went through as characters this arc and it was utterly brilliant even if it stabbed my heart with a knife and twisted it around real good.


The saddest anime episode I've ever seen, many anime have made me tear up during emotional scenes but this episode can make me cry uncontrollably


Wait are we really also getting a mob tonight!? So much AP in one night.


This episode makes me cry every time without fail, it's so beautiful!


Lexi's reaction to no opening had me dying lmao


This is my favorite episode. It does turn the arc all around. When we first see the arc is about violence power ultimate nen user. In the end this arc is about the king and Komugi. The king goes from being the main antagonist to be the MC with the most development. I love your analysis after the show, Many reactor are overwhelm and have not much to say. Your amazing you make it relate to everyday life and what we should take out of it. 🥰


Komugi's family simply only used her as a means to survive; a paycheck you can say, her time with Meruem was the only time she truly felt happy and appreciated, going back to her family after that the difference would be night and day.


Here's a cool image that shows the parallels throughout this arc. There are definitely more not shown here in the image, but definitely gives a good look at the visual narrative being told here. https://i.redd.it/s1zp4w3nxki01.jpg


This has always been my favourite episode. I've watched it about 15-20 times, and I cry every time. But JEEZO the positioning of that happy music at the end, for the next episode preview is ridiculous. Whoever approved that in production was insane ahaha.

Diego Zenhäusern

Wow, what an emotional episode😮😥 I rarely cry in shows, but Meruem kneeling before Palm and Komugi wanting to die together with Meruem both really teared me up😭😢

Christopher Rivera

Really cool how Palm turning into an ant-hybrid made her the perfect character to empathize with Meruem and to understand the significance of his willingness to bow to her. As Meruem was dying he lost his sight and could only see through use of his en light particles, representing how the two were becoming one, or, like the ending song title “Hyori Itai” meaning “two sides of the same coin.” Meruem’s arc starts with him believing everyone is beneath him, Komugi’s arc start with her believing she is beneath everyone. Meruem respected strength in terms of brute force, Komugi in terms of a strategy game. It ends with Meruem and Komugi seeing each other as equals, Meruem humbled (repeating himself) and gracious, and Komugi recognizing her worth and also gracious, reflected when she wins the final game yet still says his name without the honorific, and without obligation, meaning they are equals. Meruem is Komugi’s light, represented by the meaning of his name, and Komugi was his light symbolized when Welfin tells Meruem her name and he starts staring at the sun as it shines on flowers and trees— which I interpret to mean that Meruem needed Komugi like the flowers and trees need sunlight. In buddhism it is believed when a person is enlightened they can escape the cycle of reincarnation and instead become light after death. Visually reflected in the manga by showing Meruem drawn with thick dark lines throughout the arc until the “I was born for this moment” scene where he and Komugi are drawn very lightly almost like a sketch.

Diego Zenhäusern

Yeah, in the end it wasn't the strongest race that won, but the cruelest....and the saddest thing is that they wouldn't even have needed to win in the end😕 It's really proof of how good the writting in this show is, that the "victory" over the ants leaves a sour taste because it just shows how bad humans are themselves...

Christopher Rivera

They raised her to think she was trash despite what she does for them, supporting her whole family despite being blind. Whereas Meruem was treated as a god by birthright and really did nothing to deserve all that worship. At the end they became better, Meruem became considerate of others and merciful, and Komugi learned to live for herself for once and die with the only person who has shown her love. They really are two sides of the same coin, yin and yang. Sort of reminds me of a line from Hölderlin’s poem “To The Parcae”: “I shall be satisfied though my lyre will not accompany me down there. Once I lived like the gods, and more is not needed.”

Diego Zenhäusern

Oh, thanks for the clarification about him being blind; I didn't really get that🤔🙈 I also never considered, that this relationship was "benefitial" for both of them and not just Meruem😮 Also: I can't say how much I enjoy the new Palm, she's such a great and empathic character now! I mean she was cool and interesting before, but in the end she was allways the "crazy person" which the show could make fun of if it felt like it...

Christopher Rivera

Also related to the historical significance of the arc, the Rose, and Meruem: ‘Emperor Hirohito believed he was a "heavenly sovereign" [An “arahitogami” meaning incarnate divinity.] with a divine right to rule. It wasn't until the US dropped the nuclear bombs that forced Japan to surrender that Hirohito denounced his divinity’ The imperial family were believed to be descended from the Sun God, Amaterasu. Meruem’s death scene with Komugi seems fashioned after Gustav Moreau’s painting of Mary holding Jesus after his crucifixion, the Pietá: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/92/Gustave_Moreau_-_Piet%C3%A0_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg This painting is held in Tokyo’s National Museum of Western Art.


I really liked the way they did the credits at the beginning. This was the ending of a really big story, so I thought not playing the intro was a good choice. I will say, I still do think that the relationship between Komugi and Meruem wasn't romantic. Great reaction as always.


This is absolutely a romance, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The panels in the manga make that very clear. The only people who say it isn't 1.) haven't read the manga or 2.) have a misconstrued definition of the word platonic (not sexual). This is in my opinion the most wholesome romance in anime.

Killua X

"Komugi, are you still here?".... gets me every time. One of the best anime episodes of all time. Been waiting for this moment for so long. What to do with my life now :'(


Yes great ending to a great arc😀very good yes


I hope you read this, but I always like to believe that there was more than just a friendship between the two. One of the Chimera Ant Kings instinct was to find a mate and reproduce so I've always believed that Meruem felt many emotions toward Komugi and considering how Komugi reciprocated those feelings. To me, it was more than just a bond between friends. She was fully willing to die with Meruem. I refuse to believe that was a feeling just between friends.

Christopher Rivera

I think it’s intentionally ambiguous because the point is that all we want and need is to both give and receive unconditional love. That can be a friend, a lover, or a parent.* Not that love will necessarily prevent all or most war or tragedies but that it can at least make us happy and accept our fate. Contrast this scene with Netero saying he’d go to hell if there is one, or Gon crying as he looks at Killua for possibly the last time, or Meruem’s fear before Netero detonated the rose. On a side note it’s also interesting how Netero (and Gon?) went out in the midst of an explosion (=representing the darkness within the light) and Meruem (=“the light that illuminates all”) and Komugi (Meruem’s light) died in the darkness. The two sides of one coin or the yin yang symbol. *There’s also a Japanese word used earlier by Killua when speaking to Meleoron at the palace that foreshadows this scene, “shinjuu” meaning “double suicide,” or “lover’s suicide,” or “group suicide” (=usually referring to families). It was translated as “go up in flames together.” This reminds me loosely of Rui in Demon Slayer who’s parents waited for him as spirits so they could go to hell together— the idea of sharing an unfortunate fate with loved ones.

Christopher Rivera

Stendhal: “There are as many ways of feeling as there are of seeing.”


This ending is always so memorable to me because of the very end. When the happy music suddenly came on I was just dumbstruck and ripped away from the scene completely for a second to the point that I just started laughing my ass off. Read the room, animators... geez.


IMO i think it was love. Regardless of what people say.