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mob psycho 6 pat rxn.mp4

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Fight on!


So is this show at all what you were expecting it to be when you started it?


No, it’s so much more! I love the depth. I thought it would all be for gags, but it’s much thought provoking than I thought it would be as well. I’m loving it so far!


Btw I think you missed the part where Mob's brother thought the delinquent was bullying mob in the hallway. That's why he went along with the framing plan.


Yep. I totally did! 🙈 thanks for letting me know! I kinda understand now. Still messed up tho. Mob wouldn’t be happy with him if he found out.


Regarding the part in the beginning, I dont think you should give up having another animal but you should wait to get your own place. Also, dont feel bad about all the stuff about Kota, the fact that you are here for him is all that matters, I mean I think that he has been blessed by having a caring owner that Sees him for what he is and not for the diseases that he got. ( sorry if the English is Not good, its not my primary language)


I don't know how much reassurance/comfort you can get from a complete stranger on the internet, but for what it's worth, I think you sound like an awesome pet owner/caretaker and I would entrust my pets to you in a heartbeat, no question. Anyone that says otherwise is a straight HATER. You do you! Also, excellent reaction as always! :)


About Kota, I'm sure he much happier having met you. When he met you he earn his name and his happiness 😻. Life can be so unfair most of the time with all his trouble. 😿. He go lucky to have find someone who love him despite all his problem, If he would have been with anybody else he might not has been so fortunate. About Mob. Not much happen in this episode but it's a lot about appearance and expectation. About your mom telling other people your better than you are. Just be yourself. I rather meet a genuine person than a fake. You'll not humiliate her if you behave less than perfectly. I'm going to tell you a secret 🤫 Nobody believe a parent when they say their kid is perfect we just nod and say Yea yea sure good for you with a perfect kid 🙄. The next part I rewrote so many time trying to find the words then I wonder why I wrote this I guess it can be related to mob or your situation if you stretch it. 😅😅😅 By being yourself you will naturally surround yourself with people that genuinely like what your really are, that the best people to be around. By forcing a behaviors that not you, you will only attract that like this fake image and no it's not worth it you don't want to surround yourself with those people.