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HXH 131 PAT RXN.mp4

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Osu part 2


All yes the moment we've all been waiting for😃


My interpretation of the "I get to be the same as Kite" is that he lost his arm just like Kite did in his fight with Pitou. Also, this episode is the first time you ever hear Killua's footsteps.

Jessica Sutherland

DUDE IT WAS HYPE BUT THEN THE FREAKING ENDDDDDDD. I thought you stopped breathing when Killua jumped in to save Gon until Pitou got back up lmao. Also, everytime Gon injured his arm (vs Hanzo) & (vs Genthru) he always showed painful faces. Now he's just become numb to it all that he doesn't think it hurts. He most likely could anticipate Pitou approaching him since he did when she tried for the sneak attack but just didn't care enough to move. He had, had enough and to see someone so full of light at the beginning of the series be so broken is tough to watch. Its literally night and day if you watch the first episode then this one. As for the part you're confused on; I'm not completely 100% on this but I think he meant he's just happy to be able to lose his arm like Kite did. Like he's been redeemed because he also lost his arm too. Idk though. But next time even if you think you're wrong about something you should still tell us! I was curious to hear what you thought about it.


best reaction i have ever seen 🥲ty


Gon basically feeling as if him losing his arm in that moment was a way to making amends to Kite. Gon's behavior is just that of a kid who has truly never dealt with death. He doesn't know how to process it and with the ability to access Nen he went to the extreme to right a wrong. An I believe a lot of the anger and sadness Gon felt stemmed from his feeling of letting Ging down as well. If you look at how Killua and Gon talked about Kite when they first met him, they looked at this being another person Ging wanted Gon to met on his journey. Gon's main goal is to find his dad, so when Kite ultimately died, Gon not only felt like he let Kite down, but he let Ging down as well letting his former student/friend die. Gon is someone who truly wants to protect his friends, loved ones, and making his Dad proud. The dodgeball match is a good indicator of this, that he wants to pass his dad's test and make him proud even if it comes at a cost, Killua's hands.


Once again, The hype was worth it. You're by far my favorite reactor 😍. Everyone assume that Gon is like Kite because he lost his arm like Kite then, Now Pitou was happy to die because Gon use everything on her, it feel like a final boss but the King is still there and the situation not resolve. Some people has done powerup Gon Cosplay it's hilarious https://i.pinimg.com/originals/df/aa/60/dfaa60f3ba0b252a027e1b0f1e44e83d.jpg https://preview.redd.it/n1h9usr0spcz.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=03ce4ba7da86c2be72453be528e26d6aa6f7a945 https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=714162902830513

Dillon Hansel

Spuerpowered child emotionally fracturing into a million pieces exhibit A everybody. Seriously though, I was eating up your rollercoastering of emotions throughout these three episodes like fucking candy. This shit swings you around all over the damn place. From hype, to sad, to pity, to anger, to utter fucking BONE-CHILLING dread, I got yoinked everywhere. Watching the fragile pieces of Gon's mentality and sanity finally crumble away entirely was exciting and utterly horrifying. He just. B R O K E. And to clarify what the show said, his power-up came at one hell of a steep fucking price. Essentially, because I don't think they really elaborate or expand on it later, when Gon said "I don't care if it takes everything" that was quite literal. He sacrificed all of his future potential, every last bit of it, to immediately attain what we saw. Killua realizes this to an extent which is why he's so panicked at the end. Because he doesn't know what the resulting consequences will be afterwards. Also, for reference, Pitou likened Gon to Meruem before he fought Netero. Revived Meruem is far more powerful than he was before and would therefore have absolutely shit on super powered Gon. Just to clarify. But I don't think I've said anything that constitutes as spoilers because everything has already been said/heavily implied as of this episode. But yeah, this is the absolute peak of Gon as a character. We have now seen him go from an extraordinary child with a fairoy special outlook on the world to experiencing amounts of emotional trauma that would shatter quite a few mentally sound adults. And the totally expected emotional breakdown that follows. And the way this breakdown is handled, the slow spiral from when he first woke up after getting seperated from Kite while still being fairly energetic and optimistic, to the slow transition of him becoming less and less of his typical excitable self, to this. I just find all of it absolutely brilliant. Especially because it makes him feel like a normal fucking kid instead of just another protagonist with a tragic story. He feels like a fucking person. And likewise, Killua seeing every bit if the gradual change but feeling ultimately helpless in regards to helping Gon with it just fucking kills me. Killua being torn up about it and not knowing what to do had me hurting. It's just so damn good. And this is one of the highlighting points of why this is one if the best arcs in anime of all time. We still get to go further. I hope you enjoy the rest of this arc even half as much as myself and the rest if us do.


Another thing you might not have remembered. Was when gone says "I finished the job the way you taught me to". Was a reference back to episode 82. When Gon was fighting the chimera ant with a bunch of arms. Gon uses paper to cut the ant in half. Then thinking it was dead. Gon turns his back on it. The ant leaps at Gon trying to attack him and Kite shoots it in the head. After Kite tells Gon to crush the head. Which is why Gon was repeatedly smashing Pitou's head in.

Christopher Rivera

“As Kite was then” refers to when Kite saved 8 yr old Gon. Kite said: “A foxbear with cub. Rotten shame, but no beast who tries to kill a human can be left to live." Gon is saying he will kill Pitou and himself for threatening humans by using up whatever aura he has left in a final jajanken. Similar to what Kite said back then Pitou shares a similar sentiment before Gon transformed which also reflects she does not take this lightly (as opposed to when she killed Kite): "I'm sorry but I have to kill you for the king." Pitou like Kite did not really want to kill the foxbear/Gon but were obligated to do so because of 8yo Gon/Meruem. Gon now saw Pitou as the foxbear protecting its cub, he had accepted the gray of the situation and finally looked past his narrow black and white perspective (which made it hard to justify killing Pitou beforehand) but only to deem both Pitou and himself as responsible for Kite’s death. Hopefully that is understandable but there’s a lot more that can be said… Intentional word play: in episode 85 after killing Kite she said she was "purrty strong" but this fight and the close up of her face shows she's not so pretty or strong anymore -- also, the irony of “curiosity killed the cat;" she wanted to see how strong she was by killing Kite and that ended up being the cause of her death.

Christopher Rivera

Earlier in the arc when Gon was waiting for Pitou to heal Komugi, Gon was also pictured as a tiger from Pitou’s perspective, this adds to how the human has become more like the nonhumans or more “inhuman.” You can also make a telling comparison between Gon and Youpi: both end up controlling and channeling their extreme emotions, anger in particular, into a transformation where they achieve some sense of calm as their perspectives widen. Another interesting comparison is the parallels to York New where Kurapika (=Pitou) kills Uvogin (=Kite), causing the Troupe, especially Nobunaga and Chrollo (=Gon), to grieve and seek to avenge themselves. Both Gon and Chrollo seem to be speaking to their dead friend during their “requiem” (or outburst of violence). Neon said that she believes that requiems were meant to comfort the living not the dead (she was a materialist unlike Chrollo, reflected in her collection of flesh and Chrollo’s collection of nen).

Sophie biasland x

Me at the end of the episode was literally “Gon” :( “KILLUA DONT YOU DARE” “GON STOP” and then the explosion “SO DID GON JUST KILL HIMSELF AND KILLUA”

Tony Fulks

He said he felt like like back then bc when pitou fought kite she cut his arm off at the beginning of the fight and since gon lost his arm to he was saying he felt the same.


I have been waiting for your reaction to this episode since you started this series, and I am so happy it’s finally here. There’s nothing stupid about getting lost in the emotions of whatever you’re watching. I think what Gon meant when he said he feels like Kite is that not that he also lost an arm to Pitou from his attention being on someone else, the same as what happened to Kite, he felt like he had paid his due. Trust me, we were all hype to see Gon fight Pitou, there’s nothing wrong with it. Great reaction as always.


yeah he just meant that he also lost he arm like kite did


great reaction


waited long for it and you delivered


he had to sacrifice all the nen he would ever have to force his body to reach that level of power


When Gon said: "I feel the same as Kite did then", it was because Gon blamed himself for Kite losing his arm, when Kite protected Gon from Pitou. So when Gon lost his arm, he finally felt like he redeemed himself for making Kite lose his arm.

Oda Nobunaga

Such an amazing journey. When this shows finishes I will be incredibly sad, because it was the first show that I started watching you for. There will be so many shows we will watch together in this patreon, and I am honored to be here as a supporter. With that being said, I HAVE so much pressure in my chest and I want to cry so bad at this scene but I somehow can't, something stops me and it annoys me, every time! I love this anime and this scene! Thanks so much for the reaction!!! <3


Btw, when Pitou's corpse attacks - she actually properly dead. It's not easy to understand, as it's connected to something said back in the Yorknew Arc. When Gon/Killua met some Phantom Troupe in the auction. The Troupe said they had no interest in killing Kurapika, as it would not guarantee that the Nen Blade in Chrollo would be removed. They said that often post-mortem Nen can be even more powerful; and maybe even kill Chrollo.


Every time I hear Killua scream Gon's name, it crushes my soul.


Lexi your reaction to when Gon lost his arm was EXACTLY how I was the first time I watched lol, I literally stopped breathing for a couple seconds


I also think it's poetic how Pitou ends up a puppet as well just like Kite


Pitou also was genuine when she told Gon sorry, she learned empathy from Meruem through Komugi


Lexi you can watch a guy on youtube who's name is aleczandxr, he makes great analysis videos on basically everybody in this arc but you should wait until after you finish the show

Christopher Rivera

“You can have my arm” refers to Kite’s lost arm but also to Pitou giving up her arm to Gon in the palace episode 116. I think he started to see Pitou like Kite would and realized what Killua already understood before but he was too angry to accept which is the morally gray nature of the situation, that Pitou is just like that mother foxbear protecting its cub. We can also interpret “as Kite was then” as Gon can now die like Kite did after losing his arm and they can both rest now that Gon feels he is getting what he and Kite deserve (punishment and justice). Back in chapter 1, Gon was disciplined for wandering into the forest because it forced Kite to kill the foxbear. Kite called it a pointless kill to his credit because if this boy had heeded his parent’s words he wouldn’t be in danger to begin with. But Gon says his parents died so Kite realizes he has no father figure to set boundaries and discipline. Kite’s reaction in the manga is also due to relating to Gon as he grew up abandoned until he met Ging. So, Gon feels he needs to be disciplined for getting Kite killed but Kite isn’t there to do that so he’ll do it himself… this was why he let puppet Kite beat him up in episode 95 when he said: “not since that day have you hit me.” And during that beating he thought: “he really is like a machine. Kite is not this weak. Kite’s fists hurt a lot more.” — and that can be interpreted as he wasn’t being punished enough for turning Kite into a puppet (notice Pitou also dies puppeted by Terpsichora).

Christopher Rivera

Yeah they’re great and essential viewing for HxH fans. But there are two videos on Gon’s morality by Aleczandxr and the second is subtitled “addendum” and in it he explains and clarifies some things from the first video as it was about the dark side of Gon’s character so people misunderstood him and thought he was calling Gon a psychopath (I would say his ability to feel remorse and instances helping strangers contradicts this). There are many different interpretations (though Aleczandxr’s is some of the best) so reading the manga and putting the clues together yourself is best for understanding the characters and themes.


This is why togashi is the greatest mangaka for me. This manga has everything and more what a good manga must have.

Christopher Rivera

Another parallel is Kite and Komugi. Both special people to Gon/Meruem and who Pitou uses her nen ability on. The name of Pitou's Doctor Blythe ability can be read as "Toy Repair." This reflects the dual nature of power, how it can be used for contrary means, for, in Pitou's case, toying with and disrespecting the dead, or to heal others and save lives. How she objectified Kite also contrasts nicely with how Gon idealizes Kite (as well as Ging) and couldn't believe Kite could lose despite instantly losing an arm. And whereas Pitou's treatment of Kite's corpse is disrespectful, Gon wishes to respect him by taking his fight outside. The author is also communicating Gon's strength which was always limited compared to his opponents and required some quick thinking on his part and clever use of his environment but he can now disregard tactics because of his power and get straight to using his finishing move as much as he wants.


In order to obtain that Aura, I always called his sacrifice the fate worse then death


neat fact when killua jumped to save gon thats the only time in the anime u heard his footsteps


One of the best reactions I’ve ever seen 😍 thank you 🙏


The legendary episode is here. This is the episode EVERYONE remembers because even the strongest of souls choke up a bit at Killua trying to save his friend and Gon just being broken to the point where he sacrifices any future he has for those final moments to kill Pitou. I think the most popular theory is, yes, it's like Kurapika's "conditions," where, in exchange, you get a boast in power. Sort of like the Shinigami eyes in Death Note; to gain a pretty much hacked power, you need to sacrifice half of your life. Regardless, it's just a theory What an episode, man. And the OP and ED really reflects this. And you probably figured it out, but in the OP, yes, that is Gon transforming.


I'm sure someone has said this, but just a quick comment: when she says gon is equal to the king, that is an anime only line. manga doesnt say that. prob just put it in the anime for the hype factor of it. I think manga says something like he MIGHT be a threat to the king, but definitely not saying that they are equal.

Diego Zenhäusern

Just got around to watch the episode (live's beenbusy these days) and my conlusion is: WOW, WHAT AN EPISODE😮!!

Diego Zenhäusern

LOL, the last cosplay is great😂😮 And the other two look like you wouldn't be able to walk without constantly having to fear to topple over🙈😂

Diego Zenhäusern

Lol, I didn't even really put that together😮 That's insane, how subtle and apt they planted that seed back there!

Christopher Rivera

When Pitou first felt afraid of Gon's potential (during her surgery of Komugi), she thought: "I'll have to risk my life here, otherwise, his fangs may even reach the King's throat." Fangs were written as fangs (牙). When her fear was affirmed (when Gon transformed), she thought: "As I thought, his fangs could have reached even the King!" Here, fangs were written as ability/power (能力). Aside from missing wordplay for translation they weren’t really off the mark. Still doesn’t mean he has a chance since post-rose Meruem has Youpi and Pouf’s power.

Christopher Rivera

Gon using up his aura for multiple repeated jajankens without charging up (=which Knuckle explained in his fight with Gon, which was also a fight about aura debt, costs a lot of aura to activate) to smash Pitou’s head shows both his frustration with himself, and his desire to not live past this fight (followed up by that last, giant jajanken when Killua says “No!! Don’t use anymore power!! how much will you have to pay?!”).


Him telling Killua I am like Kite refers to losing his right arm to pito like kite.

Diego Zenhäusern

I'm sorry I can't remember this correctly... but how exactly is he able to use jajanken without charging it up? Or do you mean that he just used a weak form that doesn't really do much more damage than using his bare hands but still needs a comparatively high amount of aura...so that he's basically just wasting aura?