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Mega link is up now. Google won’t be up until much later today or tomorrow.




Fight On!

Dev Bhavsar

Wow, you look really hot this episode!😍


To the future peoples, I recommend you wait till ep 5 is released before watching ep 4, the two episodes go together


74 without AC XD i am here in Texas if our AC ever busts its like 90+ in the house until the late evening then 80's (during the summer)


Hi, I'm glad Mob allow you to relate and open up a bit about yourself. Most of my friend drift away after college. They are all in different town so we hardly keep touch. One way I found to make friends as an adult that sort of work is find a hobby with a physical place and go there regularly. You might not talk to anyone the first day but you'll slowly get to know the regular and get more comfortable around them to talk and start a friendship. For my part I start to go to local small indie music venue and open mike. I don't sing at all but you go there regularly you start to develop friendship with the other regular. I say sort of work because most of them are casual friendship. It take time to develop deep friendship. Also nowadays a lot of my "social" interaction is on internet with people I never met in real life. My secret wish is you interact more with us. Maybe a patron only discord channel. But I don't want to pressure you in doing anything you don't want. I know it can be hard with the bunch of trolls, spoilers and haters on the internet. 🥰🤗


Nah think about it, you don't want her doing discord, as that's just inviting trouble. Never know what kind of creepy parasocial people are online. Best to just keep things in the comments and not get into trouble with active chats


😢Yea I know, So many shitty people hiding behind their keyboard these day 😔


The dropbox links aren't working for me :(