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Hey guys! I just remembered that Dropbox cuts the video off at 1 hour. You have to either download it or add it to your own Dropbox drive to view the whole thing. That may be inconvenient so would you guys like me to start uploading the episodes separately to Dropbox? It would solve the issue and it’s really not a big deal for me. You’d still get them up at the same time. I’d just post both links on the post so make sure to click both!



Do whats best for you.. download your episodes most of the time anyway. Then watching the episode and your reaction together.


Yeah that would be more convenient


Not a big deal for me. I rather watch the both episode in one settings, so a very slight preference to keep thing as is, but do whatever you think best.


I always download so i had no idea that was an issue. Isn’t an issue if you split it thought


Just to let you know boku no hero Academia new episode ia droping in 3 hours