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Aw cut the Body Improvement Club some slack, enjoying working out doesn't make them assholes by default


There's an after-credits Episode 10 this season, I'm not sure about Season 2. Also, this is just the beginning of Mob cuteness! He's absolutely adorable. With you much you already care about what him and what he wants/feels, I think you're really going to enjoy the rest of the show!


No it definitely doesn’t. It was a dick move on mobs part tho cuz he got the other clubs hopes up. Working out is definitely a good thing!

Dev Bhavsar

The journey your face goes on reacting to this episode was SO cute and hilarious! Also, you hit the nail on the head for why people love this anime so much- Mob is the most relatable character I've ever seen in anime. Mark my words, his journey as a character will inspire you to want to improve your own life. Also, I'll be your friend! 😆

yo kel!

Body Improvement Club is my favorite group of people in any anime. You’ll love them soon enough


Ahhh I can just tell you're really gonna love this series! Mob is one of my all time favorite protagonists, he's such a relatable character. Can't wait to see more reactions to this :)


Mob's hourly pay at his job with Reigen is about 2.75 dollars


Some episodes have after credit scenes After credits from this episode was just saying the police are looking for a suspicious man dressed like a woman who was trying to sneak into an all girl high school. (Reigan)


Yes there was a very short <10 sec after credit scene but this episode just a small non important scene. Also there is no pause before the preview they go directly into the preview after the scene. You made me restart watching Mob So far so good. I can't wait for more 😋. I loved that Mob did the unexpected and joins the Body improvement club. They said during the whole episode the Telepathy club is not a real activity, One guy member just said it's an excuse to hang and goof around so it's really a fake club. Reigen said friendships don't disappear just because the club closed. If they are friends, they can just hang out elsewhere and still do the same thing. Mob did think for himself and made a decision on what he wanted. He remember that his girl lost interested in him and got interested in the jocks that won the race. So Body improvement club it is. He just a kid so it's normal that he think that the best way to go. Everyone expected him to join the Telepathy club because psychic and Telepathy should be close but no He chose what he wanted. 🤣