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Does anyone know if this is actually true? Have any of you heard of any youtubers having problems with breach? Let me know! Streamable says they have bandwidth limits and j don’t want to run into the same problem as Vimeo down the line. Let me know if this is a site that you guys would suggest!



m dunt

i've never heard of it. https://www.bitchute.com/ another option too


I've also never heard of it. I know two reaction channels that got the same issue with vimeo. One started using streamable and one used an inbuilt patreon video player. Unsure how they got access to that one


Apparently bitchute’s geared towards far-right, conspiracy theorists, and hate content 😳


Maybe you can try reach out to TheFlamingShark and see if he knows more about this? He has a Discord link under the About tab of his YouTube channel.


Also, FYI. I got an email today from Vimeo stating they’ve terminated my account. Everything was deleted so those links no longer work. I am livid because they claimed to give me a 30 day grace period. I emailed them letting them know, but I don’t know if they’ll even reply


Vimeo are F*ing a$$.I wanted to know what happen to Vimeo so I read that they want to get aways from a streaming platform to a video development tools platform. No idea what they are doing but it look like they don't care about anybody that only host video so they dump a lot of peoples.

Lye Batenkaitos

I can offer suggestions, DM me. I have helped out like 5 reactors and I’m subbed to about 8 rn that have similar issues