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password: fushi




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Jessica Sutherland

Hey, idk if this happened for anyone else but after watching halfway through I got a pop up that blocked me from watching the rest of the video. It says I need to upgrade/pay. "Your video has stopped playing because it would take you over the current free transfer allowance for your IP address. Please upgrade to Pro for additional transfer quota, which will automatically resume your video." Like someone else said in your other post (the update one) I'd say to try streamable or dailymotion! Thats what one of my other favorite reactor's uses because he also ran into problems with Vimeo. Idk if you'd ever consider it, but he has different tiers and one costs $50 so the people that buy that tier can make him watch their choice of an anime episode 1 of their choosing. I would totally buy it from you if you ever considered it and maybe it could help fund you more for your videos?? Just a suggestion!!! <3


Aw man I’m sorry. Ok I’ll upload it to streamable right now. Give it about 30 mins.

Jessica Sutherland

No worries!!! Not your fault at all lol. Take your time, don't feel like you need to rush to get it up, I can wait. <3 Sorry that this happened to you. :(


After rewatching the episode I think the bear is alive and Fushi is reading it's mind saying it's hurt from the arrows and then thank you when they're out (20:30). My guess is he learned what pain was from mimicking stabbing that prisoner with the spear then was able to understand what the bear meant and lead March to help it.


What Sascha said. The Orb is learning from the world around it and opening itself up to the feelings of living things. That's what "the vessel opened" meant. The Orb can feel what other living things feel. It felt the bear in pain and longing for its pain to end as well as the bear's gratitude in its last moments towards March for caring for it.