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Hey guys! I was just thinking about scheduling and shows. We will be finishing up TPN and AOT this week. That means it’s time for a new show! For those who were wondering, we will be starting My Hero Academia season 5 this Saturday. This will make it so that I’ll be left reacting to MHA, HXH, and FMAB. I was just wondering if you would like me to hold off on Rezero season 2 until after I finish FMAB, since we only have 11 episodes left, or if you would like me to react to those four shows all at once. 



Personally of course I’d like to see Re Zero ASAP. But if it’s too much at once, please feel free to work at your own pace.


I only put ASAP as ive not actually gotten around to watching FMAB myself haha. But im fine either way


It all depends. If you can handle it all without burning out of energy, and your spark.. do it all, if not wait till one of them is finished... So, hold of. And first finish anything you watch now.. and then start something new.. what els you have to many shows at one time. And you might burn yourself out. And i dont want that to happen..

Sierra's pichu

I wanna say ASAP but i dont wanna over stress you >.< So id rather you make the call.

Killua X

I had to really think about this one. I will be watching your ReZero reactions, and I'm excited about MHA. But I think doing just the 3 shows for a bit will give you a little break? At least you'll only have to think about those 3 shows and will possibly make for a better reaction to them?


Seems like most are for waiting. I also prefer 3. Gives you more room to upload more but also less when you're not feeling well


I'm gonna be honest: I'm actually really HYPED for RE:Zero, but what I want even more is cut you some slack & let you relax a bit between videos; no need to rush :)


I love Re:Zero most of the time, but I’m fine with waiting. It’s gonna be great. Three shows means FMAB will finish relatively quickly, since MHA will have one a week, assuming you are doing 5-6 a week.


Re: Zero is definitely one of my favorite shows that you react to especially the way you are a more emotional / sympathize with characters reactor and analyze more than any I've seen but I would rather you hold off as to not get overwhelmed by too many shows.


You should drop it tbh and pick up something more interesting like "Berserk" :D

Christopher Rivera

The 1997 series is the only acceptable adaptation. And no one owns the copyright, so no strikes. (Available free on Youtube.)

Orochimaru has a giant snake 😳 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 23:11:53 Hey, I DM'd you on insta hoping you'd see it but I'll post here as well (became a patron just to post it so really hope you see it). Have you watched Naruto or Bleach or One piece (I haven't watched this one)? If you haven't watched any/all of them then I highly recommend doing one of those (I'd say start with Naruto). These shows are immortal in anime and you could probably do 3-4 episodes a week which would make it worth subscribing on patron but since they're several hundred episodes each, you'll also have content for several years.
2021-03-25 14:44:43

Christopher Rivera

One Piece would be great. It’s enjoyable for several hundred episodes straights. But while it starts off well it slows down for a bit but picks back up again. A series about friendship and adventure that is also full of arguably the best backstories and emotional moments of any anime I’ve seen (HxH competes favorably with the quality of the latter but not the quantity).