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I plan on uploading HXH 82-83 tonight, but I haven’t slept yet so it probably won’t be until very late.

The beginning of my week will be a bit busy so I don’t want to make any promises. I will do my best to still give you 5-6 uploads this week, I just don’t exactly which days those will be. 😅

Some days might be double uploads if I have to take a day off, but I promise you’ll still get a full week of uploads. ❤️

That’s all for now. Have a great day guys.


Killua X

Late is fine! Thank you! Hope you sleep well.

yo kel!

HxH again?! 84-85 are coming faster than I thought :’)

Diego Zenhäusern

Looking forward to it🙃 And don't stress yourself!


Try to avoid hyping up specific episodes, as most people don't enjoy stuff as much when they're expecting it to be amazing! That's my experience, at least


Thank you for the schedule last week AP. I was a big fan of it. But if you have a busy week and don’t know where things fit in this makes perfect. Love ya and keep up the good work. I am excited to wake up and react to HXH


Thats okay.. your health and rest is more importend then provide content... if you provide content and your tired, that aint good, and at the same time we missing the normal energy and talk from you.. so take time, take your rest.. and we see the content when you feel rest up...

Norrin Radd

No schedule is a schedule.


don´t worry but if you can try to upload this week 3 episodes hxh: D


No worries, take your time


Don't forget that its ok to take a bit of a longer break from time to time, your heath and well being come first! Thank you for all your hard work, we appreciate you very much!